I've noticed the American Dollar has been going down in value over the last few years. Thoughts?
American Dollar
Like, for example, the Canadian Dollar is going up because the US dollar seems to be going down. It's odd.
The value of the dollar has actually gone up as shown the very chart you posted.
It's actually been the exact literal opposite but as a leaf I advice you to not learn too much about economics or you'll end up depressed or hopping the border.
That chart is for the Canadian Dollar, I had several images, just posted the wrong one. This one is the one I meant to post:
Really? That's interesting. Kinda makes me want to learn more.
Kill yourself leaf.
That still does not show what you said, you are obviously lacking, just walk away.
Are you retarded?
What's your IQ? I'm curious how stupid someone has to be to get it backwards like this.
In case you're not baiting and because I love forex:
The first chart you posted was USDCAD, which means the exchange rate from cad to usd. Since the USD has been on the rise and CAD on the decline, the USDCAD currency pair rises because fewer USD can buy more CAD.
The other chart you posted is simply the opposite, CADUSD. This one is a mirror image of USDCAD but on the decline.
The dollar is strong and the canadian monopoly money is weak. This is a direct correlation to our macho, strong orange president and your weak cuck leader Trooodeau
Wrong, it is a measure of the global banking and oil elites faith in the USD as their reserve currency, you complete retard.
Part wrong. CAD currency is weak because of a withering economy and the fall in oil prices. Canada is essentially just an oil state like any other rich Muslim country.
The election of Trump did actually lead to a surge in both US stock and the value of the USD since the global econony expected him to cut taxes and make business friendly decisions.
Both USD and US stock are now losing their enthousiasm because the honeymoon period is over and Trump doesn't have many economic decisions to show for it.
ahh leafs
Hopefully hyperinflation occurs and Trump has no option but to declare martial law.
This is the only way of ever getting to the gold standard. The old adage, "it needs to get worse before it can get better" is applicable.
>chart posted shows USD increasing in value
>I've noticed the American Dollar has been going down in value over the last few years
are all Leafs this fucking dumb
>any other rich Muslim county
top kek
we're gonna hit $0.60 USD before next federal election
It's just that it's hard to fit in economics 101 in between mandatory African studies and Gender studies.
When will leaf ips be Ranged banned
can't fool me leaf soon it will be 3 leaf dollar for 1 burger dollar thanks to comrade turdeau
You're a fucking goober.
hmmm, it's almost like we're trying make our exports more attractive
This just proves 70 cents in usd can get you 1 cucknadian dollar