just had this interesting experience... what do you think drives them, Sup Forums?
Brainwashed Liberals
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we are doomed
Liberals don't word very well, note that they've been trying to redefine a bunch of shit recently, they just kind of make shit up, yet they claim they're more educated. Very odd.
>who's to say someone else might not believe that the term "gas" could actually mean change or something else to them?
social conditioning, refusal to even consider they could actually be wrong, almost literal brainwashing, all the things "bluepill" implies
>Everything has infinite interpretations. Who's to say what 'kill' even really means?!
t. postmodernism
the need to be liked by everyone, including someone who would like to kill them
this is because that is their only tried and true method. the reason they still exist is not because theyve had to protect or care for themselves, its because theyve flattered everyone in a postiion of power to let them continue on doing what they want, they figure their new muslim overlords are going to be exactly the same
Liberals have a long history of redefinition. When liberals became a bad word, they referred to themselves as progressive. It's what they do; slither into a new definition because they've lost the war on ideas.
Liberals can't logically defend their ideology.
Communism/socialism/progressive/liberal has never worked well in history. Ussr, cuba, venezuela are but a few examples. When they're called out about this they change the name of what they've already tried and failed to do
Viture signaling. That poofter was looking over their shoulder to make sure a muslim was watching them defend them on the internet. Prob in a cafe with that exhange zoomed in 1000x speaking every word out loud. Hopefully they will be next to be nail bombed.
They will all get what's coming
I have a response/comment/question that is failrly long, it will have to be a two-parter...bear with me.
Part One: I have a question; it sounds racist, but as per usual, I am just following the ideological rhetoric of the left, to its logical result, and drawing conclusions.
The far left, claims ALL white people are racist, usually without even an explanation, so I will have to provide an explanation for THEIR rhetoric, as well. I'm game, and bet I could argue BOTH sides, better than most.
Presumably, whites are all racists because of our history. It is not even true, that white people have been historically more racist, or bigoted than other races, seems to me, what they did, is win the race war, the whole of Earth was having, but everyone wants to deny happened, or at least blame on whites; especially the LOSERS.
For the sake of argument though, just accept their premise...whites are racists, because we spent a large portion of our history doing racist things.
This means all races, are forever locked in, to being whatever they have been for much of their history.
What HAS the African race, done for the majority of recorded history? That one is pretty simple. They have been conquered, and exploited, by EVERYONE, especially EACH OTHER.
The left claims to want sharia. I say give it to them starting with the feminists.
Part 2/2
They have shown a proclivity, for not just tribal racism against each other, but also a proclivity, for following ruthless dictators (something ALL humans are guilty of).
I do not believe ANY of this, I am just trying to follow THEIR logic. Sounds like a genetic argument, more of their using science when it suits them.
It all sounds VERY Darwinian, and the left is just FINE with that, until you want to turn that Darwin BS on THEM. For were it true, then it would mean that blacks are MEANT to be subjected to the winners of the race wars....which we undeniably have had since the beginning of history.
Darwinian theory, says all whites are racists, and conquerors at heart, meant to rule others...natural selection.
Darwinian theory, therefore, says blacks, and others, due to inferior will to survive, create technology, organize, etc, etc, etc....whatever you wanna blame it on, according to Darwin, was the reason they were subjugated; AND THAT THEY DESERVED IT.
According to science, which the left loves SO much, whites are MEANT to rule, and other races, are meant to be inferior followers. Sure sounds like a description of the democratic party, to me.
Come home, mate.
>mfw PC bro meme was real
>Sure sounds like a description of the democratic party, to me.
they are the part of slavery and jim crow and only became the party of civil rights once it became clear that "civil rights" was the surest way to keep black people poor and stupid (see americanthinker.com
>We started something with these people, and now that they're fighting back we have to kowtow and surrender
They actually think one day everyone from around the world will live in peace, there will be no hate, no wars, and we will all share coca cola around the campfire
Tell them maybe nazi means something else. Or kill all Jews means something else. They're setting themselves up for a buttfuck. Oblige them.
Dear God...help us out here....the idiots are starting to outnumber us!
You cannot really interpret that any other way but you can choose not to follow it. Too bad they don't do it. But you are right, liberals are irrational.
Oh I know, and Margaret Sanger considered them human weeds. They have always been the party of Communism. What I said about blacks, can be switched to mean blacks, only in opposite.
Judaism/Islam (with our help), literally domesticated blacks....by killing all of those who did not fit into the dumb slave role.
Whites allowed ourselves to be tricked into doing this,
i agree that Judaism Islam tricked us into being shitty people, and UNDOUBTEDLY affected out DNA, in a similar but different way. This shit has always been about genetics, and designing a master race, the elite Jews/Freemasons wanna get rid of other whites,
Just as blacks are their slave race, Islam is their brainwashed 'warrior' culture they can get to do ANYTHING.
>What do I mean by the word "word"?
OP here. The discussion's been pretty normie-level respectful and I've been carefully trying to redpill w news sources and shit. This is where we've ended up
user that was a violent comment. Like you literally just "created a space for violence to happen".
How fucking dare you say something so offensive. Now give me your resources and let me fuck your wife.
There are vague parables, poems and abstractions in the bible, which is an accumulation of many different books with different authors, the quran on the other hand is explicit and written by one man, there is no ambiguity to what he said/wrote. People who make this argument are only showing their complete ignorance in conflating the nature of all religions with the nature of Christianity and Christian reformations. This is why 'secular muslims' almost always end up christian, because there is no alternative way to interpret or dismiss parts of the quran like you can with the bible.
This is an insane amount of cognitive dissonance
love that name, hope she turns
>It is not even true, that white people have been historically more racist, or bigoted than other races, seems to me, what they did, is win the race war, the whole of Earth was having, but everyone wants to deny happened, or at least blame on whites; especially the LOSERS.'
I agree with your overall point but I question this line of reasoning. Africa wasn't at war with Europe when they colonized it. The Native Americans weren't at war with the pilgrims who settled America. India wasn't at war with Britain before they took over the whole country. There was not only no war in these incidents, but nothing that provoked the Western powers that dominated these lesser powers.
Perhaps a better argument would be that other civilizations, when powerful enough, do the same thing that whites did. Japan's brutal invasion of China following its industrialization and militarization is a prime example. African nations invading, battling, and taking over each other are also valid examples. If African nations were significantly more powerful than those in Europe, who's to say the situation wouldn't be reversed? Who's to say that blacks wouldn't have enslaved, tortured, and subjugated whites if they had the chance?
>im pretty sure there's only one meaning to "kill them wherever you find them"
The mental condition is breaking down and the red pill is slowly but surely taking effect.
It's all downhill from here.
I know, because I used to be this guy.
They are the kind of people who want to point the finger at someone, call them a bigot, and revel in the satisfaction.
imo this really means blacks should be on our side. If whites can accept we have been fucked, and cucked, and puzzle out a way to blame it on the Jews/Illuminati (whatever your fave word is for them) and brainwashing, then why can't we accept the same happened to blacks, and even Muslims, and the non-elite Jews?
Were blacks supposed to resist better than we did? does not seem to fit with white Supremacy at all.
Sounds like we actually agree, you just don't see it.
Yes, if blacks had the agency to do so they would've colonized Europe just as we had done to Africa
Derrida is to blame for this madness.
Sup Forums blames the Jews, the real red pill is to realize that the French are behind everything.
Also, these places WERE at war with each other. You are falling for the MSM and MS education BS. Native Americans/Africans WERE at war with one another, over the same things we warred with them over: ethnic/language/religious differences.
The only difference between us doing it, and them is that we won the culture war, and were drastically more ethnic, than the people killing each other.
>what do you think drives them, Sup Forums?
some type of powerful chip that's been implanted into their brains
postmodernism did this.
the only solution is a time machine.
turn back the clock.
Pretty much
There is no such thing as quality
Everything is subjective
And from this you can completely undermine scientific experimentation and rational logical thought.
Do we have a specific name for this mind-rot besides 'postmodernism'?
Question Words And Question Marks
>Browse Sup Forums without
Yes. I saw the beginning stages of post modernism. we rejected the enlightenment philosophy--a belief in a truth. Truth is hard, but to entirely give it up is a no man's land. So I saw it start and now we arriving at the first generation of people who were brought up entirely without the concept of truth. one of two things will happen. Either they relearn the concept of truth or all our social structures will devolve into basic power dynamics (so beautifully ironic if you have studied post modernism).
I'm sure that person could tell you what "racism" means and how it can't describe racial prejudice against white people.
Progressives defend their ideology and attack others by claiming a monopoly on language. Only they decide what words mean or if they mean anything at all.
They don't know what they're talking about. Any time they find themselves out of their depth in an argument--that is, when they are confronted with hard facts, numbers--they escape into a semantic smokescreen, call you some names, and act as though they're the bigger person for refusing to entertain any facts or ideas that challenge their own.
>what do you think drives them
>>what do you think drives them
With right up until here. Sactimony is still only a tactic.
What drives them?
They're narcissistic asshole children who have constructed long theories to help them get whatever they want. they have no values beyond ME, ME, ME!
For 300 years, the British, Spanish, and Portuguese empires were basically Isis with the best weapons.
Columbus would parade the body parts of natives who rebelled around town.
Vasco da Gama burned alive 400 Muslim pilgrim men, women, and children on their way to Mecca even after they offered to give them everything they had.
Afonso de Albuquerque cut off a crew members arm, fingers, scalped him with a sea shell, and cut off his nose and ears after he discovered he had converted to Islam
>hurr "kill" just means "change them"
I literally heard this argument from somebody I know. He of course believes it because he has a turkroach friend.
It's too bad, he used despise Islam and everything that comes with it but for some reason he got bluepilled recently.
These cunts deserve all of it. Let nature take it's course and then we rebuild.
So when my country bombs the middle east we're just changing them. I can see the appeal of thinking like the younger generation.
Agreed. But why? Whatdo their masters really want, and why were they brainwashed in this particular fashion is the real question.
Fuck their base, everyone knows they are greedy entitled pricks....but WHY?
what is their plan? And all the quexstions that come with it. If they are really all powerful...why do they feel the need? etc,etc,etc.
The dumb libs are only a SYMPTOM...as are the stormfags.
Cultural/moral/racial/societal/[insert] relativism is what I thought it was called, but I think that's too general as well. I just call it being a brainwashed cuck. Useful idiot. Demoralization like Yuri Bezmenov said.
Taqiyya has nothing to do with Sharia. It was a Shi'a practice during Sunni domination in Egypt and western Persia
Go full 1488 and call her a bitch.
Beat me to it, leaf.
Still thinking about that one. Maximizing corporate profits is a good theory. I am not ready to commit to answer yet. What do you think?
You don't understand the history between Islam and Christianity, The European and Arab world
It's like a tide coming in and going out.
>Islam conquers half the Christian world
>Christians eventually make an attempt to reclaim that land after hundereds of years, but fail
>Muslims make continued incursions into Europe
>the prayer to call can be heard off the coast of Southern Ireland as late as the time of Oliver Cromwell
>the last Muslim incursion into Europe was in 1683, when the Polish Killed the invading army (thank God)
>Europe conquers Middle East after WWI, thanks to better tech and Anglo-Jew tricks
>Muslims now impeding on the western world...again
This has been an ongoing conflict
This one turkroach I just met is a nice guy so now I feel bad for not thinking #notallmuslims, and all the mountains of evidence that point to #justabouteverysinglemuslim is now meaningless!
(((The powers that be))) want us to be a consumer class, one with no values, morals, or sense of self identity as to maximize profit and keep the populace docile
I don't blame all Jews as a whole, rather messianic Jews
A minority of Jews who believe that they, the Jews, are the messiah and that it is their destiny to rule over the earth and all its people
This 100%
Sjws make more sense when you realize the self hating America hating whites are part of a new fucked up religion.
People clearly need some sort of religion. Elites have realized this and weaponized it into sjw doctrine.
Religion can't be reasoned with or argued with so we are fucked
All we can hope is for a chance to watch and laugh as sjws get killed by the enrichment they have forced on us all
I think brexit and trump were false dawns. In Britain young people voted mainly against brexit. They also voted for the socialist crackpot Corbyn this week.
>And from this you can completely undermine scientific experimentation and rational logical thought.
And this is why, when push comes to shove, we will crush them and crush them hard. It's not that us white devils are inherently more cruel and evil than everybody else, it is that we believe that there is an order to how the universe works, and we strive to understand this order. Once we have even a rudimentary grasp of how it works, we use that knowledge to achieve our goals. Using fact and logic are part of this, and we will use them to under our strengths and weaknesses, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, and we will apply that knowledge in a way that is best for us and worst for them.
Meanwhile, they'll continue to think of us as Nazis and fascists while believing that their food magically appears on the shelves of the grocery store.
> The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the Care and Fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives.
Control, and creating a one world religion, just like in Revelations. The fake right had been pushing in this direction as well.
They plan to create the biggest pussy religion ever. Ran by Lucifer. Look at the home page of the Lucis Trust, the OFFICIAL religious reps of the UN.
They already have so many people terrified that all they can really do at this point is pray for love and acceptance. They are pussies, and they are allowing others to become pussies. They really are Satanists. Jewish Mystics, Freemasonry etc.
Also I REALLY believe they will kill off all other whites, as they are the true racists, and want to be considered Gods. Just like NAtives believes when they landed the first time.
All of this is hard to accomplish with poor whites all over the place.
They worship the Shekinah, and Moloch. It's really that simple to me anyhoo.
>"Discussion is pointless. My opinion is unchangeable. Just fucking agree to stop [asserting your opinion/challenging mine]."
'Kill' could be interpreted as 'change' - I agree
But the trouble is, the fucking stupid, rag-head, child raping and maiming muslims have taken it literally enough to cause, the UK at least, to be on constant high alert.
Kiddy-fucking-muslims don't come with labels describing their intent, so I'll regards them as a danger to children and be a part of what ever campaign removes them.
lack of punctuation is almost always a sign of either extreme stupidity, or of mental illness.
I'll look into. Have a great day. It is always a pleasure to run into an intelligent free thinker.
Signing out. Got to get to my son's volleyball game.
Young people vote for free stuff. Apparently, they are entitled to it. Corbyn reached out to these muppets because he wanted their vote before they wised up. They are useful idiots.
They cannot even see the irony of being targeted because of their age - stupid thick cunts.
This is true too. One world currency fascism all of that. but that is just to gain power, eventually they will take away the money too.
A lot of peeps never stop to ask why corporations lobbied to get Hillary elected, in spite of Trump offering tax-cuts.
Tax cuts help small business too. Small businesses cannot afford all those taxes...international corporations though? Definitely can.
If you see what I mean, then literally taxes have become legal lobbying, enabling them to get their way.
It is so hilarious the left thinks they are against corporations/fascism.
Yes, by refusing tax cuts it hurts small businesses which then eliminates competition for big corporations that can handle the extra taxes
>Christian white supremacist
Lmao he was a berniebro
Wait Really?
What drives them?
Amos 5:25-26
25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?
26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Acts 7:41-43
41At that time they made a calf and offered a sacrifice to the idol, rejoicing in the works of their hands.
42But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the heavenly bodies, as it is written in the book of the prophets: ‘Did you offer Me slain beasts and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
43You took along the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will carry you away beyond Babylon.’
Hebrews 8:1-2
1The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 2and who ministers in the sanctuary and true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man.
Yes. Didn't save the pics, but he kept posting socialist nonsense, native american apologism, and how Bernie is the best thing ever
You're talking about the Portland stabber right? Or the cunt in the tweet?
Leviticus 18:21
"Do not permit any of your children to be offered as a sacrifice to Moloch, for you must not bring shame on the name of your God. I am the LORD."
also anglos
who dat ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Yeah, because Italians have NEVER worked for and been a shield for Jewish crime.
The fluoride in their tap water.
god damn
With leftwingers it is either narcissistic or codependent personality disorders.
Narcissists: want to look like the good guy/hero, simultaneously plays the victim while abusing others, very nasty and bitter when arguing politics. intellectually dishonest just to "win".
Codependents: addicted to helping, pathological altruism, want to BE saintly not just appear, even if it hurts their lives/they get used. not as nasty in debates as narcissists. not intellectually dishonest, they actually believe the doublethink.
>Elites have realized this and weaponized it into sjw doctrine.
To what end? To destroy economic populism on the left, pic related.
Killing is power+prejudice you bigot, the Meccans had the power in 7th century Arabia so it was impossible for the Muslims to kill them, merely derpive the of life.
If you're still talking to her remind her that the Koran is not up for interpretation, Mohamed wrote down exactly what god said directly through Gabriel. To see it differently is to say you know better than allah
The Portland stabber was a vehement Bernie supporter. There's a reason why you don't know this, its been covered up by the media because they are trying to frame it as a white supremacist christian hate crime and have been hyping the fuck out of it, meanwhile they barely mentioned that BLM/panafrican/black supremacist guy who shot like 8 white people in Cali becau
Basic Dissembling 101. "That depends on what the word "Is" is"
Sometimes killing is postjudice.
But seriously. I don't fit into either of those at all and I usually vote liberal on social policies.
Some people just don't believe in oppressing other races or cultures, regardless of whether they actually like those people. I don't think my racism entitles me to make the decisions for everyone else solely based on the fact that I have them.
No, seriously, #AllLeftWingers. You all are okay with sacrificing babies, science, which is currently creating human pig hybrids and fucking with Gods creations.
The whole story of Adam and Eve, is Satan/Moloch tricking humanity into altering their DNA.
The snake in the middle of the tree of life? GTFOH.
You guys are literally making pig men!!
I do this for the pig men!! #FreePigMan!!!
You guys are the real pig men. Fucking w/ DNA, and dead babies. Fuck off.
Yeah, I'm "lefty" on most issues too, just fucking sick of the left. So I have the inside track on their issues. For instance, many white self-loathing liberals had abusive fathers, therefore white male authority figure = evil has been branded into their subconscious almost their entire lives.
OP here. Things went in a circle for a while and she just kept repeating "this is going nowhere". Some other guy joined in who was a bit of a half-redpilled dude linking Shapiro and shit. Another guy jumped to defend the girl and talked about how its wrong to generalise Islam. In the end I gave up and just tried to respectfully say that I wasn't being listened to and that I was choosing to abstain from the discussion
Don't believe I have the right to tell others how to live so I am a lefty? Never go full retard.
Jeremiah 51:12
Lift up a signal against the walls of Babylon; Post a strong guard, Station sentries, Place men in ambush! For the LORD has both purposed and performed What He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.
>quote Mohammed
>dude don't generalize Islam based off what The Prophet said
This is literally how schools and colleges brainwash you to think now.