Who /resistmarch/ here?

Who /resistmarch/ here?

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All this protesting seems to be working because all of those things don't exist in real life

But it's already June

That looks like too much work. Why not just give in and enjoy your life?

I have this excellent elephant repellent I can sell you. Works a charm, haven't seen any elephants around here in ages.

>bi erasure


lmao I just saw those faggots walking down a nearly empty road.

When are they gonna #Resist the urge to be huge cockmongling drains on society?

You can save time by just saying You resist Islam.


The flag makes it seem like those are the groups coming together.

I resist the sexual revolution of faggotry.

Enough of that shit, I won't allow myself to be dragged by it no more.

The apparent de-legitimization of bisexuals, I think. Which is ironic, because bisexuality implies there are only 2 genders, and we all know how "antiquated" that idea is.

Erasure wasn't bi. They were full homo

>I use hashtags notice me!

I resist Leftism.

So btfo.

U sect of psychopats n crminals btfo.

Helicopterrides for you.

>implying the LGBT community wasn't trying to ignore bi for a long time

The sad irony is if they take out the notion of gender, then the LGBT can't exist because it is gender based.

L - two women
G - two men
B - attraction to man and woman
T - man to woman or woman to man

Notice the lack of fucking Sea Urchinkin in those genders.

alright fuck it ill just side with the shiites, the west is disgusting

Let's see how well they resist a muslim nail bomb.

>Bi erasure


What in the fuck is 'bi erasure'? Some kind of degenerate removal squad? Gas chambers for the whole lot

I encourage this shit, we need to larp as insane lefties so normies vote republican in 2018.

Claiming bisexuals don't exist. Heteros will say it's a phase or we're full fag. Fags will say shit like 'bi now gay later'. And everyone assumes we're all whores willing to stick our genitals and anything and everything.

When will you resist being unemployed degenerate retarded hippies?

OwO What's this?

Liberals are retarded sheep.

the fuck is "bi erasure" ?

>muh vagina
>muh climate change
>muh Russia
>muh gays

What's next?

hmmmm.... dress like a fag and tell the truth about faggotry as a LARP to convince sane people to oppose this shit. Tell me more.

Your flag don't have no brown stripes?!! You hate Tyrone and La'Quisha, don't you, you racist shit.

There will be pedophile marches in the near future. No need to screencap this, the movement is already starting.

I hope you Americans march to your deaths next. I'm fucking tired of every single one of you.

Just crash and burn harder like the left is already doing. No need for larpers actually.

You are though...nasty faggot

Which is why you saw the development of "pansexual". Of course "muh P" isn't as catchy as "muh LGBTQ".

It's true though. You're just fags without conviction. Like somehow calling yourself bisexual is more acceptable. It's not. It's worse.

Millenials are the worst generation. Prove me wrong.

Some one needs to go to one of these things and clean house with a Gatling gun.

Is this post illegal? I'm not actually instigating violence because it's understood as hyperbole.


Something tells me they wont be resisting that if Antifa shows up

At least all this marching is burning some calories.

We need to fight all the corruption! AS LONG AS IT IS TRUMP AND HIS FRIENDS

But you are willing to stick your dick into anything and everything?

Busexuals really disprove the whole "born that way" theory. You can't be born oriented in two different ways. You because that way because someone more dominant than you to advantage of you when you were young and now you're sexually confused.

>#resist corruption
>votes for Hillary Clinton


Why not just F for faggot?

omg check out this sjws ig

more anti trump propaganda from said sjw

What am I even reading? I mean I would expect such language from some jungle nigger who has never seen the outside world not an English speaking American.



Spellchecker made me retarded.

How can such a large following of people miss the irony of their own words and actions? How is this possible? Surely it's not just the work of the internet.

Are they marching against islam?

You forgot pedophobia! CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!

>BLM protests DC Pride Parade
>then they all pretend to be allies at this march

What did they mean by this?

>resist corruption
>vote for Hillary Clinton


So they're protesting Islam?

>be radical proto-communist leftist extremists
>claim to resist extremism



I actually agree with most of these goals, but I think the anti-xenophobia has gone too far, to the point of endangering Western values, Western culture and even everyday security in Western countries thanks to the influx of refugees.

I agree with being everything listed except corruption

Xeno-lovers need to be purged.

pick one

>BI Erasure

Please, phony biscums

It should read
>No disliking other things or people
>June 11, 1920

I couldn't resist
>6 million hrs in paint


Have some Chilean march music.

We gas them all equally