Hello guys.
Ask a real Japanese guy anything who think Japan need cultural diversity
Hello guys.
Ask a real Japanese guy anything who think Japan need cultural diversity
>posts time stamp w/ meme
>not on own skim, which would lend credibility to claims of nipness
Nice try, globalist kike
here is proof that I am Japanese citizen
look at Japanese passport= I am japanese citizen.
English teacher go homeu on
>implying english teacher can get japanes passport
But it's okay. you are American.
>fake passports don't exist goyim
>who think Japan need cultural diversity
diversity is cancer.
Why would it need it ?
>I think this is fake passport!!!
>because he support cultural diversity. I can not accept it!!!!
mental ill retard detected.
That's proof that you have a passport. It doesn't prove that you're the owner of it.
Take timestamped selfie with Jap face and we'll believe you... Maybe
you stated you were a real japanese guy, show your brown nipples to prove it
>What is a Japanese friend?
Because it is better than homogeneous shit.
Everyone consumes your pop culture you moron. Everyone loves that you are one of the last high developed nations with a strong individual culture.
Every westerner in this board wants our countries to be more like yours.
For when your women have a shortage of BBC in their pussies.
wow. Japanese friend will borrow me a passport at midnight.
you can enroll in MIT for being so talented for using your brain fullly.
Immigration will destroy all white nations on earth in the next 100 years.
If you hate your country then you need cultural diversity, if not you don't.
What you need is to greatly encourage your people to have kids, not import brown breeders.
If you want more rape in your country to fap over, you could just move to the middle east instead of infecting japan
>post personal info on racist retard board
I bet you find out me and start attacking me on SNS or something.
I would not take such risk tbt. would you?
I hate Japanese pop-""""""""""culture""""""""""
Here is your atomic diversity
Take a timestamped selfie you fucking jew.
Why the fuck are you not emigrating to the United States if you want to see the great benefits of loads of latinos and blacks firsthand.
Instead you think fucking over your people is the way?
>immigrants are rapist!!!
Wow actual statistics show that refugees have lower crime rate than Germans
deal with it. stop spreading FAKE news. BTFOed moron
Don't worry.
Our nation will be destoryed without immigrants.
Immigrants actually can save our nation and make it stronger.
Japan need cultural diversity because cultural diversity make Japan better.
Look at japanese history. moron.
Accept outside of culture has always been improving japan.
>it still refuses to post even a picture of its hand. When a jew is called out for what it is, it recoils in horror, for it has been found out
fuck off, david-kun
i bet you wish that you knew how much japanese hated you fat cuck english "teachers" before you went over there, eh?
>here's a pic with a passport from my host family
fuck off, david-kun
Because I can not speak english fluently. + I am patriot.
I want to make this nation better than ever.
And most people do not think like me. so they have to change their way of thinking or our nation will be outdated.
Come on jew post a timestamped selfie.
>post personal info on racist retard board
this is how I know you're not japanese. my wife is japanese and japs don't care about racism
fuck off, david-kun fat white english teacher cuck
Depends on if we're now counting refugee germans as germans.
You can just take a pic of your squinty eyes to prove it.
it's expensive. how do you not realize how much these people will cost you and disrupt your country
fuck off
>reddit spacing
>roleplays as japanese wanting more immigration from 3rd world countries
fuck off
Take a picture of what's outside your window.
Multi-culti is terrible DO NOT FALL FOR IT
Outdated? Are you trying to ruse me? You think that europe and america will outcompete you if their immigration and demographic trends continue?
The ones are fucking looking at a better future are not the west but the east asians, with current trends.
>lower crime rate than Germans
you are wrong.
You wake up tomorrow and Shinto is reinstated as a state religion, emperor is again declared a living god and clone of Hideki Tojo becomes a pm..what do people do? And what do you do?
uncuck your self and go back to your old ways at least you had some pride and dignity and stop being a puppet of america you are a puppet of a jewish puppet that is just shamefull
and I came here. Sup Forums is very unpopular in Japan.
so I am probably not typical Japanese. most of Japanese had worse english ability in general.
plus your sample is just one.
WTF man. I think he is not Japanese because muh wife is not like him???????????????
WTF you moron.
no wonder you pretend to be "conservative".
You can not understand things at all. right? you are handy-capped person.
What's it like walking down the street and seeing only Japanese people instead of a mix of niggers and cucks?
I fucking love Japan!
Can you send me one of your waifus?
stop pretending to be japanese, justin-kun
Why are you doing this to us?
America is best in the world. and guess why america is best.
BEST people move to america.
BEST things are created in US
BEST scientists are Americans
BEST culture are origined in US
We should make country AMERICA.
I mean, we need to copy america
Your english is fine. Give your Japanese citizenship to me, you don't deserve it. 江戸時代に元に戻ってやろう
Notice how the jew will not post a timestamped selfie, but will keep repeating lies hoping they become true. Also notice the doubling down on thoroughly disproven leftwing propaganda in this thread.
I actually give it to you if it is allowed and I can get american citizenship
But since I am beta and can not speak english.
I have no choice but to improve this shithole by myhands
Post a picture of your japanese hand with a timestamp, then I'll respond.
Until then sage and fuck off.
I will post my selfies or something if you post your face pic, name and your bank account with security numbers.
or BTFOed moron
You have lovely digits but Nippon will never have NASCAR
Can I culturally diversify some of your shotas? They are cute as fuck.
Oh, I like you now.
Don't worry about your English, you write better than most immigrants in this country.
>pretending to be japanese on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
fuck off, adam-kun
Hey Nips! Hear me out!
Doxx this faggot and spam him and his family with loli hentai porno for next 4 year.
>cultural diversity
does it include other azns?
There are a rather decent amount of blacks in my city, and they are pleasant folks. On the other hand, they came he to study stuff and the go back to their countries to improve them, so they aren't traditional dindunuffins. Local minorities are troublemakers, though, and so are Russian lower class drunkards.
> tfw living in a country where blacks are the least safety concern
All you have to do is write the date on your japanese skin hand and take a picture of it.
Do Japanese girls really worship BWC? Or is it all a meme
How the mighty have fallen.
are you brown??
America is best because it profits from military world domination. And it still profits from the time where it was predominantely european.
Best culture...... You are kidding right? Even in the time where americas economy was a monster, its culture was mediocre at best.
No offense meant, Americans.
Notice how the jew wants my bank account with security number.
>Do Japanese girls really worship BWC?
yes but japanese also really hate fat people and betas (like jap men) so 99% of the white english "teachers" end up disillusioned as to why they went to nipland in the first place and end up spiteful like OP
I'm seriously starting to think this is an actual shill thread psy-op, it just keeps ignoring obvious ways to prove Japanese legitimacy without incriminating himself
no I'm yellow
> because it profits from military world domination
More like combining world's best scientists and engineers with cheap third world labour force.
nah, Look at Silicon Valley
many talented people are working there indians, chinese, white , jew etc
They are all hero of the world. They can be great because they are not closed mind like Japan
It's nothing wrong with cultural diversity as long as the cultures aren't too different.
Example: European borders should be open for Europeans / Americans and closed for Africans / Middle-East.
yeah. How about donate your money to JIDF?
they will fight against HAMAS(A.K.A terrorist organization)
Just kidding btw
too bad then Japan has to be destroyed by white weebs and black dindus that's the meaning of diversety,if you are Muslim you can then go and snackbar your self in one of the buisy streets.
It must be hard to be that stupid.
How the hell are they the hero of the world? Japans own electronics industry easily rivals it.
And Japan has half the population of America, and not nearly the diplomatic or military power.
Yea I don't get it either. These "multicultural Japan" threads are posted multiple times per day, way more a normal troll. But this stupid board gets baited every single time.
>english teacher tries once again to fool Sup Forums
Show us your hand and your nipples if you want us to believe you.
If youre not going to prove youre a Jap, then no one is going to take you seriously, show us your face dumbfuck
Youre not going to though because you have been whining like a little bitch on this board for the past year. I cant believe youre this insecure
*Tips Fedora*
> many talented people are working there indians, chinese, white , jew etc
This is not multiculturalism. They pick the best they can get, and then these best adapt to American lifestyle. It helps that these people are already educated.
Multiculturalism is when you take a boatload of different social level people (do I need to clarify that most of them would be from lower class and not that bright?) and let them keep their culture on your clay. Needless to say, they'll quickly learn to resent the locals.
Actually, Detroit was killed by screwed economic policies and automation industry crysis. Blacks just stayed here because they could not move out.
The only way I could believe he is not trolling if he means to attract south korean, chinese and white immigrants to japan. There actually would be many high quality whites from Europe and America that would move to Japan if just to flee the third world invasion.
atleast one eye so we can confirm that you are a chink
back to the same old song and dance, are you?
fuck off from Sup Forums you perpetually (You) hungry whore
What are they trying to achieve then? Why don't they go to nichanneru?
i hope your country hangs you for treason you cuckolded faggot
This guy got so bored of posting >tfw (insert country) here that he actually made a fake passport to shitpost the same exact thing
how fucking bored do you have to be?
>I am patriot
Fucking kek, you are the complete opposite, a shit eating traitorous cuckold
End yourself, filth
How much do people on the main island hate Okinawan people?
Show us your hand to confirm you're not just a Western English teacher.
There are elements operating on a global scale trying to push globalism through extensive psy-ops reaching the widest audiences, attempting to affect cultural change on a global scale to make multi-culti "acceptable"
hey, In meiji era, people did same thing as I said. and It made Japan stronger and better by accepting multiculture.
tell me, are they "traitor"? or hero of nation?
History will side with me. The truth will prevail.
You want diversity?
To feel how other cultures feel, to experience the wonderful world of ours, to live truly taking fistfulls of the life
Then lay out a box of nails in your bedroom, pointy ends up, and then do the flop.
So how did you like Manchester, senpai?
OP is a foreigner with Japanese citizenship imitating a native. He was called out by a native couple months back.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Scorpions, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on UCK, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire Serbian armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Balkan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Serbian Zandarmeria corp and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>I have no choice but to improve this shithole by myhands
I don't know if I want to give you citizenship or lend you my support and vote.