Apparently about 10% of all Swedish males have significant testosterone deficiency. Why haven't we heard about this before? What's the cause of this?
Apparently about 10% of all Swedish males have significant testosterone deficiency. Why haven't we heard about this before? What's the cause of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the mighty viking
The Jews did it.
>What's the cause of this?
audible kek
it's not too late to drink the cum jar.
You do store it, right? Right?
imagine being swedish
>Only 10%
They're lying to you.
Immigrants make up 10%
This shouldn't come as a surprise for anyone that's living in sweden or has visited recently. The male population is more or less dominated by males who look like small boys. I know several men in their 30's who look like they haven't even reached their 20's yet.
Minimal beard growth. No muscles. Weighs like a small girl. etc.
Sweden is a feminine country through and through.
you have fallen from legend.
Nice try Vladimir Putin, have you checked your Asian body type in the mirror lately?
I watch porn and wank like 3 times a day, more of I'm bored. I'm still brimming with pure organic testosterone and I still lift everyday. Explain that faggot.
There are a lot of chinks near me lately. It's a strange mix. Setting aside the ones that look like ogres, half are cute twinks and the other half are cute twinks with a healthy bit of muscle.
I'm more surprised they have any in the first place, or are they counting their muslim masters?
Vitamin D deficiency probably
That's why we are less violent on average.
at least you're white.....
Whites are evolved to create vitamin d faster than other races.
Isn't red meat a good source of testosterone. Maybe its consumption has decreased?
oy vey eat soy beans it's good for you
Jesus, how did you get to be 90% somalian already?
what foods are good for testosterone? What crap should I avoid?
Serious questions.
10 percent not a huge number its probably higher here in the states. It probably is lack of vitamin D (natural sunlight). On top of physical activity. CARDIO is extremely important in keeping men actual men. If you don't do cardio you will develop a gut and your erections and testosterone will plummet. Lifting also helps consideribly in combination with cardio+outdoors. Besides all this there is diet.
Couldn't this be evolution, like that epigenetics shit?
Let me mansplain that, little cuckling
"The SRD5A2 gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called steroid 5-alpha reductase 2. This enzyme is involved in processing androgens, which are hormones that direct male sexual development. Specifically, the enzyme is responsible for a chemical reaction that converts the hormone testosterone to a more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), in male reproductive tissues.
Testosterone and DHT are essential for the normal development of male sex characteristics."
You people are generically inferior to the rest of us whites.
Forward this to the Golden One.
>Not working out
>Not eating meat high in iron
>Not fucking/having children
>Litterally having a pussy mindset
Sweden is a matriarchal hell hole primed for the Islamic takeover.
Don't eat processed foods. It's really that simple. Fats are also necessary to produce hormones.
Green things
Underrated bost.
Go to weight lifting gyms, MMA or boxing gyms, they are full of immigrants preparing for war.
Go to gun-ranges and meet he whites
This is the worst fit meme that cardio kills gains. Its why scooby1961 looks better then people 30 years younger then him. It is SO hard to eat a extra meal if you feeling hungry from cardio...
You just pasted that from somewhere with no actual understanding of what it says. What are you implying with that paragraph? That swedes don't have 5 alpha reductase? That would mean that none of the males develop genitals. You fucking moron.
>gun range
Keep soy intake to a minimum, minimize plastic container use, don't use soaps/shampoos with artificial fragrance
Best source of testosterone = not sitting on your ass all day. Doesn't matter really what you do, just don't live in a cubicle.
Genes can be regressive.
Here's a list of potential sources
>poor water filtration = birth control in tap water
>plastic water bottles = plastics leak into the water = interpreted by body as estrogen
>elements of soy in products = soy is extremely estrogenic, even women shouldn't consume it
>actual consumption of pure soy products
All of these add up to create the perfect cuck, and Sweden is showing it.
>*unsheaths katana*
Europe doesnt allow guns for normal people, without going through extensive rigid filtering.
Average, lanky, skinny white guy gets rocked by the powerful punches of Africans, but continue to be in denial that a race of beta computernerds who are notoriously scared of conflict is gonna win over former ex-soldiers who lived in poisonous jungles and murdering neighbours.
Stop drinking milk.
I think it's a mix between working office jobs and drinking themselves shitfaced from the age of 14.
I sit around all day for work but im not a low test fag
That's why you do cardio AND lifting.
ive never drink milk, get enough calcium from another stuff that is actually healthier
good, the faster sweden descends into anarchy the better
>mfw I'm half Swedish.
>More than half of Danish boys are showing signs of developing breasts – a condition called gynecomastia – as they enter puberty.
>Dr Mikkel Grunnet Mieritz is one of the doctors behind a study of the condition.
>“When we look at adolescent boys, up to 60 percent show signs of breast development,” he told
>Mieritz said that mammary glands on boys are harmless, but can be embarrassing for the boys who develop them.
>Kurt Kristensen, a pediatrician at Aarhus University Hospital, said that parents often get upset when their sons begin to develop mammary glands.
>Larger testes and higher inhibin B levels in Finnish than in Danish newborn boys.
The Little Princes of Denmark:
>Why do Danes have smaller nuts than Finns—are toxins to blame?
>The Danish birth prevalence of hypospadias was significantly higher than in a concomitant Finnish study (1.03 vs. 0.27%; P = 0.012).
>Danish boys also had a higher prevalence of both cryptorchidism and hypospadias than Finnish boys.
>Danish Girls Are The Most Masculine In The World
Always archive it
>slate com/articles/double_x/doublex_health/2010/02/the_little_princes_of_denmark.html
Liberals have turned them into feminine men.
>Unsheaths bigger katana.
All I see is white people, buddy. Normal people over here do get guns. The ones who can't do indeed visit the gym.
Reminder that this is Sweden now
ahah what the fuck?
Lack of vitamin d because little direct sunlight can cause low T
You dont even get calcium from milk.It's all a fucking scam
what the fuck are they putting in your milk? ive drank a 1L of milk a day since i was 15 and have never heard of any of this shit
Sounds like Swedes need some Super Male Vitality®
ahahaha those arent real guns
This is actually normal and there are two reasons for it.
1. Hormone balances get a bit dodgy at first
2. Fat fucks always have tits and kids are getting fatter and fatter
It's supposed to go away during puberty, maybe the high estrogen levels causes by shit water and shit plastics in every food packaging prevent that.
>Apparently about 10% of all Swedish males have significant testosterone deficiency.
Noo! You don't say!
I had one too when I was 16. it went away within a few year.
it is like a hard ball in the breast, kind of odd
They shoot every type of ammo with any type of gun you like.
if they watch porn it means their testosterone is alright because they feel urge to fap
maybe swedes just love chastity devices to cuck themselves voluntarily
I literally told a Swedish backpacker that he and the rest of his countrymen were girly men and he just looked at his feet, mumbled and walked off. They know OP, they know.
Stop eating Soy products; source of phyto (xeno)estrogens.
I lost weight by eating nothing but home made pizza and soy-free foods. Wtf right?
Soy is in everything now. Avoid it!!!
degenerate yellow fever pedo detected.
>dont drink milk
>dont eat soy
>dont go vegan
>dont consume meat
fuck off
The hops in beer is also full of phyto(plant)xenoestrogens. IPA beer contains even more hops, which is why it's marketed so hard. In additition, the preservers and aliminium cans is also unhealthy.
It's not my fault half the guys almost look like girls. I'm not used to that.
Next up is the blasians. Boy is that a head trip.
>soy intake
There are literally no guys in Portugal eating that.
Also, curious. What's the deal with shampoos and soaps?
I love you Australia.
Define testosterone deficiency.
10% of males have really low test in every single region in the world, it's just how it is.
It's usually related to heavy dairy consumption in pregnant women and children.
Chicken and dairy consumption has been linked to stunted genital growth in boys and gynecomastia pre and post puberty.
Getting rid of dairy and chicken PCB's in your diet is the ultimate red pill.
People react differently, plus you never actually know what cattle is injected or fed with, even with regulations and laws against hormonal use in cows and pigs.
>don't drink milk
Growth hormones. Solution is to source milk from farms that doesn't use them.
>don't eat soy
Easier than taking a shit
>don't go vegan
Meat is good for ketogenic diets, if that's your thing
>don't consume meat
One way ticket to cuckholdry
Fixed it. Doesn't seem so bad now, does it
It's actually true though, how the fuck are you going to deny something that you KNOW is true?
t. a Fingol who have regularly visited Sweden
He's right though. Aside from like 2 or 3 Swedes posting on Sup Forums with basically super-American fury, all the ones I've met have been quiet self-effacing cucks.
>stop eating soy products
do you know anyone who eats soy products that develops a testosterone deficiency and gyno?
I don't, all of these people are heavy dairy consumers.
Soy has plant estrogen-like chemicals that are several times weaker than mammal estrogens which are found in all animal products but specially in milk.
I am kind of divided with the milk thing. It's one of my main protein sources. They sell ecological milk too which where they don't use growth hormones.
The thing here was "drink your milk it'll make you big a tall", is that false? I know one friend who drank a shit ton of milk when he was young and grew up very tall
>Isn't red meat a good source of testosterone
This is what goyim actually believe.
Meat consumption has increased since the fucking early 1900's, all animal consumption has increased across the board and all animal products are heavily subsidized.
It contains very much proteins which makes you grow.
It's hard not to hate you.
But at least I try Adalrik...
Here, it is a dairy industry thing, just like most of the other ads on TV. I drank a lot of milk and I love it and I grew up strong and tall, but so did the rest of my family. It's genetics.
Milk might have given me manboobs but it didn't give me fair hair, high IQ, tallness, etc.
but it's so boring and there's no rest time and it hurts
Its all pseudoscience bullshit. Fuck those assholes milk is great.
All of the items I listed contain compounds that mimic estrogen in structure and thus, function, including the fragrances. It may just be an american thing but soy products are used in a lot of food items here (soybean oil, soy lecithin), not just obviously soy products like soy milk and tofu. You must keep your wits about you, the jews trying to feminize men are tricky
Wait, you fucker.
Wasn' t there - like a year ago - some user who predicted that the medical instrustry was trying to sell this as an actual disease to get more people to buy hormon pills?
over 20% senpai, I'm sorry.
If it hurts eat more protein. It's supposed to be hypnotic and relaxing. Find something that doesn't leave you time to be bored and salty.
I like hiking up and down hills, especially when it's snowy, muddy, or icy. When I had a place to hang a heavy bag, that was absolute madness to have a go at.
>What's the cause of this?
Feminism, liberalism, commies, porn, leftists, degeneracy and jews.
It's a completely falsehood, milk only makes you tall if it helps you get enough proteins and calories.
Milk consumption also slightly elevates igf-1 levels in humans, but so does drinking or eating soy products.
Even taking a protein supplement elevates igf-1 levels, and so does physical activity.
Problem with milk is the other hormones found in it, mainly mammal estrogens that are as powerful as your own, none of those plant phytoestrogens.
>tfw world leader
One gets lots of protein from milk and their teeth will stay in excellenct condition. But it can also cause higher fat percentage. Excercise and there is no problems.
Lemmy Kilmister's late opinion on milk:
>Men who are strong are more likely to take a right-wing stance, while weaker men support the welfare state, researchers claim
Leftism destroy societies by emasculating men, which is exactly the reason why commies must be exterminated.
I'm still trying to achieve trap-mode aesthetics
How do I do this without ruining my t levels?
Is there any research on does estrogen actually increase the male height?