Why is being an atheist such a meme on Sup Forums?
>look mom I replied him with a fat fedora guy pic
Are you really so stupid and think paganism make more sense then atheism?
Why is being an atheist such a meme on Sup Forums?
>look mom I replied him with a fat fedora guy pic
Are you really so stupid and think paganism make more sense then atheism?
Because it's manchild tier nihilism and intellectually irresponsible to rule out spirituality as something vital to the human condition.
Pick one.
>that one retard that doesn't understand christianity is needed to uphold a civilized society
>christianity is needed to uphold a civilized society
>what is south america
>what are parts of africa
>There is no
>There is
Paganism and atheism truly are the most pathetic """""religions""""". They're typically edgy fags with no belonging.
Atheism is not a religion you fucking idiot
Because a lot of faggots used "I'm atheist" as an excuse to make them seem special and superior just like every other fad.
Why do you think I posted religions as """""religions""""". Because they're not. They are said to be, but truly are not.
I hold a B.A in Philosophy.
You are a pleb tier thinker unless you're a Panthiest.
Because they unironically believed people like hitchens, Harris, Dawkins were intelligent.
It's just a bit sad to see slow teenage boys thinking being an atheist is edgy. It's a whole different level of pathetic when grown men think the same thing.
They see how their culture and ethnicity are slipping through their fingers and try to hold on to something, doesn't matter what.
Atheists, along with cultural marxists, pagans, SJWs, feminists, communists, etc are all different heads of the same hydra.
Christ is the only way out of the belly of the beast.
Fucking spot on cunt. If you truly wish to be an anti-Communist, you cannot be what they preach. And that is atheism.
>Christ is the only way out of the belly of the beast.
reminder that pic related is christian
>got mitt uns on everybelt
>prayers before a large battle
>Hitler statues found in German churches
>Hitler jugend had bible sessions
And Hitler was a catholic
People who say that Christianity is necessary are truly pathetic.
why do you fools assume that people can't just live for themselves or their people?
there are alternatives to the irrational belief in an omnipotent jew god.
Yeah those are shitskins. Christianity in white couintries works out.
>south america
Amen. And none of this bullshit nu-Christian bile they seem intent on shoving down everyone's throat. Heretics should burn
Atheism is is kinda like vegetarianism, noone gives a fuck, but if you tell them about it they'll automatically assume you're a shitheads.
Hey everyone, it's the goy that fell for the "Hitler was an athiest" meme!
Congrats, you fell for another Jewish trick.
Not that it really matters, the Catholic Church is dead and gone, (((they))) have been placing their own puppet anti-popes for decades now.
Protestants are not Christians
What are you smoking? South America was literally colonized by the far more bible thumping variety of colonial power (Portugal and Spain). They remain very religious to this day, and it's probably the only reason they haven't devolved into more of a hell hole than they already are.
As far as Africa, I have no idea what civilization you are referring to, but pretty much everything sub saharan has been a massive shit fest since the dawn of man, and north of the Sahara is literally just remnants of Roman/Greek culture. Infested by islam now, but if you really think they created any of their prosperity without European intervention, fuck you.
so does Atheism.
Christianity has always been counter-productive, the thing that made white countries so great were white people themselves, period.
we don't need any dumbasses who worship a jew, an actual fucking kike, on a stick.
Seriously, fuck Christians, they are mere Minions to their (((Masters))).
Take that back fgt.
No, you disgusting schismatic.
See, if you were here in front of me, I'd stab the shit out of you. This is the fire Christians need again, the ability to recognize evil and extinguish it
You're honestly a fucking retard if you're an atheist. Albert Pike invented atheism for the profane masses while those controlling society use true religion to their advantage.
Look mom I put 6 difficult words in one sentence, now I'm right, right?
>hurr durr everything is god
>hurr durr everything is magic
retarded children: the belief
Even fucking dumber than monotheism
Sup Forums has always been a pagan board. (((Atheists))) and (((Christians))) are Jewish
>one guy invented a nonbelief in spiritual bullshit
If Atheists voted republican I'd be all for them. They're virtue signalling cucks that deserve all the mockery they receive.
t. Atheist
If you would "stab the shit out of me" you would just prove that you're an irrational fool who has to rely on violence to defend his irrational position.
>invented atheism
>an american invented atheism
okay burger
I really hope you neck yourself, fucking idiot
Might want to pick up a few books if those words are giving you trouble.
>so does atheism
no it doesn't, the current europe proves what happens when people lose faith
atheism is just belief in no god
if you really dont care about religion why bother to quantify it
just fuck off
thats why atheists are so retarded
Nah, I recognize evil, see it spreading its stain on the world, and long to destroy it. Just like God
Actual Christianity, the sort of fire and brimstone preaching that led to "convert or die" was what kept Europe safe for hundreds of years.
Do you seriously think a bunch of cuck athiests would have been able to turn back the tide of Muslims in Spain? Or the Ottoman incursions that very nearly destroyed Europe?
I'm a degenerate heretic by the metric of any of the desert trilogies, but I recognize just how important Christianity was in at least staving off the inevitable demise of Western Civilization.
When you no longer look toward a higher power that hates people not like yourself, you suddenly start getting cucked ideas like "Not all muslims!", and that it's okay to have shit like miscegenation.
But hey, at least you get to wear your fedora, and feel superior to the dumb religious guy right?
explain to me what "evil" means to you.
Yeah, Hitler was such a catholic that he promoted positive christianity and their denunciation of old testament. Also it was his catholicism that made him pick pagan Himmler as his right hand man.
>reading comprehension
>Good vocabulary is bad
Nigger Tier post user.
romans kept europe safe too, then fucking sandnigger christians came
the solution to europes islam problem is agressive-no-prisoner secularism/anti-theism, not a return to christianity.
if the fedora pictures bother you at all you really are down on the children's level
let them fight and argue about make believe characters and post pictures of fat cunts in hats if it helps their minds cope somehow
This is a large part of why I fucking hate athiests.
They aren't even a neutral force, like some faggot that sucks dicks but keeps it to themselves. They are an enemy of western civilization, in that they actively attempt to undermine it to virtue signal.
No you faggots it's easy to see when someone is tryharding.
>When you no longer look toward a higher power that hates people not like yourself, you suddenly start getting cucked ideas like "Not all muslims!", and that it's okay to have shit like miscegenation.
For example, someone who denies the divinity of Christ when the evidence is put plainly before them. And worse, someone who would attempt to lead others away from the truth. You are a plague, a virus designed to separate man from God. You disgust me. I would treat you as I would treat the enemy, and have God grind you to dust beneath my feet.
You are being extremely shallow to dispense with the value of Christianity for humanity. You might not believe in the existence of an omnipotent creator as described in the Bible and much of it may sound like superstitious nonsense but true spirituality and the stories derived serve to temper the beast that dwells within all humans.
Humans always serve Gods, they are universal innate characteristics like rage, war, envy (there are even Gods for these like Mars etc.) You dispense with the stories of religious teaching and the natural evil resident in men is permitted to roam free.
I don't belong to any church and I'm not sure I believe in a creator God but I do consider myself Christian in background, even if I have never really set foot in a church in my life.
Atheists, especially the nu-atheist variety are rightfully mocked for not attempting to make a deeper understanding of what Christianity really means for us. They are by-and-large narrow minded fools who have latched on to the idea that they are intellectually superior for rejecting what they see as the obviously irrational. The irony being, that is the very thing they ridicule christians about.
Korwin is a deist, not a christian.
>when asked about your beliefs of lack of you now have to state you're a non-believer because the word atheist has been tainted by insufferable faggots
>someone who denies the divinity of Christ when the evidence is put plainly before them
faggot, if you're nothing without your irrational belief, you don't deserve to rule Evropa.
if atheism makes you into a weakling you shouldn't reproduce for you're either born as an independent man or a cocksucker.
Take it back now!
2/10 Troll harder newfag.
Begone PROT!
>paganism make more sense then atheism?
Sure does
>fat fedora guy pic
It's funny how it was actualy started by feminists.
>Pics of the universe
>kill bill
>edgy usernames in mmorpgs
>yeah it makes no sense, but you gotta temper that beast man
>fuck *hits bong*
>humans have always served gods, gods are characteristics man and we dispense stories about this man
>ive never been to church and aren't a Christian and all
>but man
>I'm a Christian
seek help you drug fucked idiot
I haven't seen any of this "evidence" you're talking about, but let me teach you what evil really is.
Evil is someone who spreads irrationality trough conquest and fear mongering, for example, threatening someone with eternal suffering and pain is what I would consider to be "evil".
Christianity and Islam pursue extremely similar goals, and as such, Christians are nothing but Islamic collaborators. The only way to destroy the savage, goat-fucking and science-hating pedophile cult is to pursue the antithesis of Islam: anti-theism, anti-traditionalism, anti-conservatism, anti-collectivism.
Did you even read what you green texted?
>a higher power that hates people not like yourself
I've even stated my belief earlier in this thread, that the current catholic church has been subverted by the Jews. "pope" Francis is a useful idiot that is pushing bullshit. Think it was a coincidence that when emperor popatine started pushing the church back toward it's hardline roots, he suddenly "couldn't continue as the pope", and was replaced by this ultra cuck?
Sorry ole' chap, but Southern Baptist is the only true form of Christianity.
Which study bible should I pick for clearer understanding, KJV used antique english, no?
>t. Reddit tourist
Go schism somewhere else. Enjoy your 30,000+ denominations.
You win this one
All religious views (except THAT one) are equally relevant.
Its just Athesism is a haven for EDGELORDS because "Its so cool to not believe in a deity and be all depressive man."
Because atheist claim to follow objective truth's and "science" but they have a very little understand of any actual science and their whole ideology revolves around the lack of objectivity.
Religion atleast attempts to inject objective truths into society, laying out what is right and wrong, but atheism does not do this. Atheism is the ultimate "feels" argument, you are stating that you feel like god doesnt exist so he must not.
Most atheist have a very basic understanding of the science they worship, they dont understand any of it, but it suits their agenda to say so.
There is a reason most credible scientists are atleast agnostic, because the universe is a confusing and weird place, were even the most basic priniciples of conservation and causality sometimes break down and devolve.
Fear is how you control the masses, it can be positive fear, in that you are encouraging them to do good things, not evil things.
Or it can be arbitrary like secret police hunting you down for any form of dissent.
At the end of the day however, you can NOT have civilization without fear of consequences for undermining that civilization. When you remove that fear, when you can do whatever the fuck you want, because 'muh freedom', you get the collapse of Europe like you are experiencing right now (and probably causing as a shitskin turk).
yeah faggots like you don't understand atheism and make so much noise.
>b-b--bu-but you must worship smth! If not God then yourself or money!
no. Learn to make your own goals in life without the church telling you what to think.
>t. inner city melbourne homosexual
pic related, it's you reddo
This is probably where you expect me to tell you where you're wrong and try to bring you to God. Fuck that, I'm shaking your dust off my feet instead. Your narrow-mindedness and assumption that you know better than God will be your damnation. I have no desire to coddle you, to convert you, or even explain things to you. You are lost, and God has given you over to your reprobate mind. The only thing that awaits you now is death, and it is only His mercy that does not deliver you unto it immediately. Burn forever, its the future you chose
Baptists only read KJV of the bible.
Catholics read pamphlets, and are taught what to think.
Catholics worship the Pope, and Mary
We worship Jesus
It seems we are the true Christians.
Not a very compelling argument, I'm afraid.
>Doesn't know what atheism is
>Doesn't know what nihilism is
>Doesn't know what spirituality is
>Still thinks he's smart enough to think atheism is for manchilds
T. The average theocuck
have you ever talked to an atheist from the perspective of not being one?
they will seem like the biggest edgelord you ever met in your life.
Yes, even Pagan larpers are less edgy.
And so, a meme was born.
Spoiler: atheists are the ones making shit like "Coldsteel The Hedghog" all over the internet which we still enjoy laughing at today.
You truly don't understand the religion, and why people yearn it now. It isn't for "YOU MUST WORSHIP OUR GOD REE". It's about the social-collective. Look at what has happened to Europe socially without God? You have the whole society being splintered and degenerated because of Godlessness, and at the very least the values taught by the bible. Tolerance is what atheism is, and for that matter Protestantism. Religion now has nothing to do what the church wants you to do with your life. It is a guide. We have left God and what have we got? A crumbling civilization.
try rural Tasmania cunt
get help
No you dumb faggot it's clearly someone using the choicest words for explaining their position
Quit projecting your inferiority
I missed the part where I was arguing anything. Those are facts
so you're telling me that it's better to live like a sheep because you're too weak to be a free man?
congrats faggot, you just played yourself.
Agnostic, leaning towards atheist here. I at least can see a philosophical case for SOME kind of God.
As for the bible being a scientific/historical document, I have my doubts.
It's people like you who make people turn to atheism tbqh
Cry about it nigger.
Because the atheism meme is pushed by Jews to break the ties that bind Western civilization
here's your boy you cocksucking queer
>Catholics worship the Pope.
That is completely false. We don't worship Mary either. We admire her for her being the mother of Jesus.
As for your 'True Christians' remark. That would be us and the Orthodox church. Jesus, along with Peter created it until the faithful schism in 1054 due to the Byzantines not being happy with the HRE. You have 30,000 denominations as mentioned previously. You can't be true Christians when you pick and choose what to believe.
There's atheism and then there's the ""atheism"" you see from some faggots that the images are intended to mock, which will attack anything Christian with a senseless hatred, so blinded by their hard belief that there's no God that they can't find any merit in what was essentially one of the pillars of western civilization.
They try to destroy something that has value, beauty and cultural significance, whether you have faith in it or not.
On what basis things like miscegenation were hated by christians? Hell, it wasn't seen as a bad thing until enlightenment.
You took the time to reply so you seem quite concerned faggot