Hey boot lickers, can you guys explain this please?
Hey boot lickers, can you guys explain this please?
>A fucking LEAF
>Implying the current system is capitalism
>Calling actual capitalists bootlickers while most likely advocating a system like socialism or fascism where you are literally a slave
But for JB Peterson, I wish Canada would go McNuke itself.
What are the contradictions here again? Nothing on this graph contradicts the idea of a free(dom) market.
>There's a difference between "American poor" and "poor"
>Croney capitalism =/= capitalism
>Capitalism =/= garanteed equal distribution of resources
>No examples of a successful communist or socialist system ever
Theres nothing on that list that contadicts capitalism. If anything is shows the symptoms of Kansian economics.
1. Incentives for construction
2. Ivy League bias, having time to go into politics, being dependent on only yourself to go into politics
3. Concept of poverty changes, and that's the period of the great recession
4. Same issue with changing definitions of poverty, as those people would be kings in actual poor countries and in same country 50 years ago.
5. That series uses two different deflators so it's wrong, comparing apples and oranges.
6. Shows you why diversity and poverty reducing programs don't work, as they have been tried just after the civil rights movement and failed. Shows you the only way to actually stop crime is to put all the criminals in jail.
7. "Discretionary budget". Graph made to be misleading by using differently shaped "bars"
There you go, cuck. Now, fuck off.
How do we increase the number of black people in prisons?
If anything this proves the government sucks at trying to correct all the "problems" it tries to solve and only makes them worse
Every single claim in your shitty infomeme has nothing to do with the free market (aka capitalism) but with state intervention and regulation.
Despite that, you really have the nerve to blame it on the simple concept of supply and demand that things go wrong?
How retarded are you?
Capitalism is in its final stages anyway.
Hey, maybe black men actually commit mord crime?
>Poverty in the US
>Middle class in Soviet Union
The choice is pretty obvious. Now if you can come up with a better system than capitalism, I'd like to hear it.
With the state of modern """""capitalism""""", God, I hope so. Let's get this show on the road.
1) They would stop building houses if you gave them to the Homeless
2) You got to have money to get elected (get your views out there).
3) 2008 crisis, how many people on welfare. Stop giving money from people that do stuff to people that don't.
4)Wage stagnation on same plane as people on welfare and debt. As those both have increased wages have decreased correlating to inflation.
5) Most other countries would just kill inmates, we have a nigger problem.
6) It is time the rest of the world steps up for their own defense. We project power which makes us strong! Constitution: It is for the government to provide for the defense of liberty, a mandate that precedes POTUS Johnson's Great Society!
>Capitalism is the only method that has brought humanity forward.
>Marxism AND Communism BOTH divided nations, killing thousands of "privileged" people in the name of "Equality" (which is something American college campuses need to watch the fuck out for)
>Fascism purposefully divides minorities in the name of political gain and exterminates them one by one. youtube.com
Capitalism is the embodiment of one of humanities natures, greed.
You want to have the nicest car on your street, you want to have the biggest house, you want the biggest paycheck, so you work for it.
You want that snazzy new expensive phone, you want to pay extra to have that cultural seal of approval, you want to function as a member of society BECAUSE you want to have money.
Capitalism is cold, it's mean, it's horrible to those less fortunate, but it works.
All other ways have been tried, and all those mighty countries fell, When the soviets found out outer city villagers were killing farmers because they were "privileged" they had to put up posters telling the starving people not to eat their children.
When the Fascist regime finally crumbled in Germany, the people began to realize they had killed millions of their own people for nothing.
If you want to stand here and tell me that you're righteous and benevolent because of your race or your heritage, then go right ahead.
But before you do so, open a fucking history book once in a while.
My life is good and I have very few concerns. I don't support changing the system because my life probably wouldn't be as good with retards like you dictating things. Simple as that.
It's basically irrelevant. Capitalism turned usa from uncharted no man's land into no.1 superpower on earth. Say what you will but only other good option is authoritarian national-capitalism/developmentalism model of china.
Capitalism is the only way fror at least some people to get rich, and when those people are rich they can hire other people and share their wealth with others. People are NOT equal, some are stupid, some are clever, in capitalism those clever people get to be rich but they also pull up those stupid people around them into better future.
On the other hand we have socialism and communism that makes people equal by force, and as we all know you can't make stupid people be suddenly clever so you treat clever people as idiots and create system in which everyone is fucking poor.
Socialism and communism just makes everyone poor aside from a select few who are friends with the extremely powerful government.
Some idiots think bread lines are good because everyone is getting bread.
This is basically why youtube.com
JP Morgan loves this kind of shit.
thank god im not an americunt. in germany people care, you are being taken care of. in the US every monkey has a gun, 19/20 people are slaves to 1 person. horrible. here i can fuck children in my cellar all day long and no one bats an eye.
Inequality is caused by extreme growth of wealth which is caused by fiat currency printing.
Slow the growth and laws of thermodynamics will distribute wealth more equally.
Honestly i laugh at american feminists and sjws, they have no idea how useful idiots for viral marxist ideology they are. If they manage to change the system in USA one day, they gonna be lined near the wall and shot in the name of equality they fight so hard to enforce.
>communist leaf
>calling others "bootlickers"
fucking lol
>People who already have all the power are in favor of keeping it
>People who don't want another system
Wow, what a discovery! Surely this means [my political agenda] is vindicated!
its exactly the other way around. printing money out of hot air increases equality, stopping that would decrease it.
Printing money causes massive chain effect, unstoppable inflation which later on makes everyone poor as shit.
How exactly?
By adding wealth (energy) you allow the system work against increasing enthropy and stay out of equilibrium.
Socialism and capitalism can co-exist...
None of these are caused by capitalism, they are all caused by socialism and interventionism
No examples of a successful capitalist system either
>Shows you why diversity and poverty reducing programs don't work, as they have been tried just after the civil rights movement and failed. Shows you the only way to actually stop crime is to put all the criminals in jail.
Everything you said just then was pretty much right except for this.
He said, typing on his expensive computer, powered by electricity, in an air conditioned house.
By making more of the stuff they do illegal.
>capitalism invented technology
All of which I obtained through government programs.
>Capitalism gave us an economy so your uneducated hick fuck family could afford technology
Humans do not longer use term called bootlicker. Hillary has nothing to do but dink Stoli & Shitpost, Madam?
hello there (((Friedman)))
its all good as long as long as money is covered by goods.
if you print more money than goods, inflation will kick in, eventually equalizing everything value down to worthlessness
if you print less money than goods deflation kicks in, and concentration of cash at a few people will occur
> inflation: everythings soften up, equally worthless
> deflation: currency hardens out and concentrates at a few people
you dont want any of these two but rather a right goods=money match. as this isnt possible we figured small inflation of
So you're telling me all that research and development of those HUGE breakthroughs in technology were all paid for by your government?
come on, after all the dead bodies that have been pillin up since that jewish wacko of marx came up with that cancerous ideology it is become abundantly clear it doesn't work, it goes against human nature itself and even though it sounds nice at first, when one does his research regarding what socialism really does nothing good can be get when the so called priviledge ones, and it's not only the wealthy dudes but anyone with talent or expertise on any field from medicine to engineering, fucking run away because your government pretty much wants you to work for free or gives you crumbs even if gaining that knowledge took time and shekels...capitalism ain't perfect, but it is the only system that's worked, the real problem right now is the centralization of pretty much everything: knowledge, technology, internet, etc. little by little we're being herded into this state in which there's no way to tell we're not living in a socialist order.
learn words
>what is Yugoslavia
Most of the people in Slovenia will tell you that socialism was better than the current capitalistic system.
Read about history other than american.
Funny how every responder here seems to see clearly this a post made by Stoli drinking comrade of other older American women with a raging bones for Putin. Yes, Madam?
Head start programs have been a massive failure in all countries. Differences persist, they still complain.
Since the only way to reduce poverty is by creating a subculture of parasites, I'd rather have them in jail.
Goverment refrains from interveining, but taxes to the point of social equality.
Also doesn't socialism mean the companys are owned by the goverment, or the workers?
How is that capitalism?
Sure: Things cost money, nothing in the world is free and if anyone says otherwise they are lying. Some people are good at making money and then they buy things. Some people are losers and don't buy things. You can't tax a nation into prosperity, but you can use taxes to buy weapons for the military so both the winners and losers can live in relative safety. The poor will always be with us, and you can't simply take from the winners to make them less poor, so you provide basic infrastructure and allow them the chance to better themselves. Freedom is a double edged sword though, and the freedom to succeed also means the freedom to fail. If you can't hack it, that's your problem and nobody else owes you a fucking thing.
Boner. Raging BONER
I'm a BritFag, so I apparently should be worshiping this communist (who isn't even remotely communist btw lol)
holy shit americans are really delusional about socialism.. i guess you need that one "necessary evil" to refer to when you can’t explain why your own country is failing. Guess (((who’s))) behind it
The 1% already won and cannot be defeated, if you even try and touch them, your country turns into Ukraine until the people there are desperate enough to destroy whatever culture of independence they have in order to get the rich cock back in their mouth.
I'd love to get on board with this conspiracy theory about how Putin masterfully rigged an election, but really at most he probably just ran propaganda.
In my country people have been known to vote for people because of the color of their tie, or for which logo looked the nicest.
Man, it would totally suck to be caught talking about history on a Sup Forums thread with an Axis power flag that got absolutely shit on during the war wouldn't it?
Then I can free my people from slavery to the 1% by killing all of my people, right?
Better dead than a slave I say.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on socialism.
Fake news Healthcare spending vastly eclipses military spending so all other numbers come into question.
>b-but its not real capitalism
the most technologically advanced and luxurious societies are capitalist
That's quite a claim. Gonna need to see a source on that.
I guarantee you you would not have wanted to live in socialist yugoslavia
That was the first thing I thought of 8^)
Oh, this thread again.
>poverty skyrocketing
>under Comrade Obama's rule
America has the most millionaires and billionaires in the world. Explanation enough, jackass?
But we also have a bazillion living in extreme poverty - a mere $20 per day! How do they even survive?! We must overthrow this capitalist system that benefits only the bourgeoisie. Trickle down economics was a lie!
Meanwhile in India
Fucking typical American, uses an apostrophe in the text of their meme, forgets to use it in the actual joke.
Still salty about the Revolutionary War mate?
>Say what you will but only other good option is authoritarian national-capitalism/developmentalism model of china.
well I will say that this is over simplified bullshit and just plain wrong.
but hey, don't let reality interfere with your political and economic fantasy world, will you?
>not REAL capitalism
At least we know how to colonize countries, it took you Yank fucks years to even get a foot in 'Nam, and when you did you still had to retreat.
You lost to zipper heads with out of date weaponry!
At least when Her Majesty decides to attack, she only loses when the odds are against her.
>Socialism and communism just makes everyone poor aside from a select few who are friends with the extremely powerful government.
well... nope. You are wrong there. not true. Nah. Sorry, try reading some history, and for that matter looking at socialist governments in the world...
Name one communist civilization in history that wasn't riddled with poverty.
It's really nice you don't know shit about our history, Paris Peace accord mean nothing to you, when the gooks literally signed paper saying we lost.
Then we went home, and they re invaded.
Read a book teanigger.
except that under a free market system the military spend would be tiny, and the medical and educational spend would be even smaller.
while the first would be good, the second two would be terrible...
Love it!
Note how you lost?
You literally just said "we lost" in your comment?
>18.4 million empty homes meme
Yeah, that meme includes summer houses and other private property that belongs to other people. Instead you could just ask "Why wouldn't we take away those houses from their rightful owners and give it to niggers because why fucking not?" and got yourself some lead in organism that you lack so much.
many were.
But in a full freemarket system there is no reason to think that they would be developed at all. Or developed faster or any better or more efficiently.
some central co-ordination and co-operation is necessary. and some goods are best provided by taxation and central spending. a mixed system is the best.
anyone saying otherwise is just bullshitting
>Didn't name a single one
Typical French, always retreating and surrendering.
>22 empty homes for every homeless person
>Percentage of millionaires:
OK, why is this so bad though?
>Poverty rise
>Stagnant wages & tax dollars spent
Literally ((them)) having US by the balls by inflation and interest.
Get rid of ((them)) and their control of the banking system and these problems would all be reduced, capitalism itself is not the problem. The rich and the super rich is not the problem, the ultra rich evil sociopathic international banksters are.
>Racist criminal justice system
Matches up well with difference between races, blacks are more prone to violence, latinos too, whites not as much. Asians even less they don't even show up.
co-operative companies can work in a market system - the cpaitl is jointly owned (like shareholders really - an idea that Adam Smith was deeply against)
more to the point - what most americans and pol tards call socialsm is the use of taxation adn central planned spending to make a society function. they have a weird notion that this is somehow not necessary, and that if they had no taxation and no government the world would be a batter place.
you couldn't make this shit up...
Why are leftist memes so horribly unfunny?
I'm not that guy but he's right we don't live under real capitalism. Real capitalism would create a far greater disparity than we have now and there's nothing wrong with that.
The benefits of trickle down economics were largely exagerated and misrepresented.
haha funny leaf talking funny shit
Except historically, the highest periods of inequality have all been before fiat currency.
Back when wealth was backed by gold, or grain, or some other commodity or resource, you used to see 99% of the wealth owned by the monarch or emperor or some other such figure.
Unbacked currency is a necessity, and that's been proven a billion times now. Our economy could not continue to exist, let alone grow, on a materially backed currency because resources are finite.
Somehow, only Libertard morons reading outdated Rand books seem to have missed the research on the matter.
Entropy does not exist in finance as it does in physics.
Take it from me, a fucking engineer. Money does not randomly distribute itself to equalize.
You subhuman fuck. You're stealing a word with real meaning, with respect behind it, to cover up the fact that you are so glaringly stupid that you still believe trickledown works after DECADES OF PROOF THAT IT DOESN'T.
Holy fuck Libertarians are the dumbest sacks of shit on the planet.
I said socialist. Not communist.
Things also need to be looked at in context of their origins. Soviet Russia started extremely poor, and Stalin fucked it up, so not surprising that russia is still poor adn fucked up despite decades of capitalism. Or oligarchic kleptodracy, which is now spreading to athe UK adn the US...
France is basically a socialist country. So is Denmark, Norway, Sweeden. Switzerland has aspects that most on this board would call communist. Because they don't know that the word means.
there are elements of socialism in every successful country - and the lack of those elements in every failing one. American neo fuedalism is one of those failing models.
It means you suck.
It's ridiculous how many people claim that government is 100% incompetent and evil despite the fact that we'd be completely fucked without fire departments, building codes, police, roads, fire codes, workplace safety regulations, and the like.
Enjoy your Haiti-tier country.
I'll take poverty in the US over middle class in a communist hell hole. Having cars, food a house and air conditioning is pretty nice even if you're poor. Rather that than starving to death or having rations.
>millions of empty homes
They are in the processes of being sold.
>"near poor"
not relevant. I make 40k a year and am "near poor" and I still save 1000 dollars a months.
Poverty in america is a better standard of living than middle class in mexico or romania.
the internet. The human genome project. jsut about all space tech until about fifteen years ago. nuclear power. major infrastructure that allows business to flourish.
And add to that the development by "private" industry at the behest of government - supersonic aircraft, jet engines, large capacity aircraft. Renewable energy sources.
All the research pid for by government.
oh but that was all due to the market, yeah?
oh yes, the market was just queuing up to pay for CERN, and for the advanced mathematics that allows modern encryption...
and again, I am not French just work here. And could I just mention that it is the UK who are running away at the moment...
The average Cuban actually has some things that a poor American probably doesn't. They're not rich by any means, but they're doing surprisingly well for a poor country. Think about that for a second. Some people in the richest country in human history lack things that are available to people in a poor, economically isolated island nation.
>and there's nothing wrong with that
until the revolution comes...
you just think you would be the one saying "let them eat cake" but don't think that you will be the one looking up from the basket wondering why you can't feel your toes...