Kekistan / The_Donald Cringe
why is this cringe? it looks great!
I love those
They're Sup Forums's version of the useful idiot. They're on the frontlines, making a scene and attracting attention elsewhere. That frees us up to do more productive things in the background.
Why do shills think this shit works around here?
it looks great to you because you have autism
Like posting more shitty pepe memes? Lmao
This is a based thread, praise kek!
This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.
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Nobody cares faggot fuck off back to r/anarchism or r/T_D
this is you guys future
Jesus Christ
>the average trump general poster
Did he doxxed?
>some kike is unironically making shekels off printing these
Is this what Sup Forums looks like IRL?
Lmao, these are the people who call nonwhites "subhuman"
Double lmao
Probably not. I just think it's a funny picture.
No bully pls.
they're not useful in any shape or form
>l-le based Saudi Arabia
Jesus, people have no moral compass.
I was going to point out how sick of this shit the mixed race guy looks, then I realised half the people in the pic look mixed race
I don't see either of you doing anything outside of shitposting. I mean, out of the entire thread, you focus on my comment in order to spew your verbal diarrhea. That says a lot right there. It's like you're thinking to yourself.."Let's find the one user who makes a legit point and shit the thread to hell."
His delusion levels are off the charts!
also present were 1.5k armed militiamen
Milo is just as cringe as it gets.
Have to admit that's some pretty nice shit composition though. Couldn't have placed that flag more perfectly if you'd painted it
back to r**dit
i hate Milo so much
>So, what are you doing?
>F-fuck you, w-w-what are YOU doing?!
>why is this cringe?
(you)r larpurbation is making muh god emperor look foolish.
oh, the donald does that all by himself
you have to go back
looks like he could be ted cruzes pudgy disappointment of a son
Mostly kids and shut ins not edgy enough to be on Sup Forums having fun. Cripplechan sees us in the same light, wizardchan users probably do aswell.
Actually this whole site is pretty cringe and we're probably all suffering certain degree of angst. And thats okay
>attracting attention elsewhere
fuck off newfag sympathiser
ITT: ShareBlue using divide-and-conquer tactics and manlet brained keyboard warriors falling for it because "muh cringe". I've seen this thread too many times for it not to be a shill post. I for one stand with our proud Kekistani foot soldiers, as divisiveness leads to downfall.
These threads only make me feel bad more than anything else.
I wish I had friends with the same political convictions as me that I could goof around with.
you aren't welcome here
implying you are.
oy vey they've figured us out
>$0.06 has been transferred to your account
Welcome to Sup Forums, now get out.
he somehow looks more masculine in the picture on the right
These people deserve the rope more than the leaves
fuck you can't even do it properly
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account
fucking reddit
get in here and watch PEDES get btfo by /ourguys/
No fellow \Pollack don't you get it!! They aren't nearly cool and self-aware enough. They don't understand our ironic fold two post-humor comedy.
Really no better than SJWs desu
Like sitting around shitposting on a site designed to post images of anime 9 year old girls?
>White ethnostate
>Blacks promoting and idea that's directly against their interest.
Fucking niggers man.
>vape shop
They probably have gay dog orgies in the back room
>trump poster
>not a lefty shill looking for targets
stay user, user.
Not all americans
Saved. Fuck awoo and fuck awooposters.
>The same people and flags posting the same images daily
I wonder who could be behind this thread?
>All those butthurt trumpflakes
LOL this is the best timeline XD
Never mind that I burned bridges with friends/family over supporting a billionaire con artist that ended up breaking every substantial campaign promise, KEK LIVES ROFLCOPTER