Wew lad.
Other urls found in this thread:
They shouldn't even be allowed to be citizens
>inb4 no mention of the differential rate in which they commit punishable offenses
Maybe they shouldn't be forming gangs in the military.
Maybe they shouldn't be using and pushing drugs in the military.
Maybe they shouldn't be stealing from their fellow service members.
Maybe they shouldn't get so wasted they're starting fights with the duty NCO.
Maybe they should show up to duty on time.
Maybe they should just quit being niggers.
That was my experience with black troops in the military.
>In other news
>Black troops more then twice as likely to commit punishable offenses
Maybe white troops should quit doing that shit, and other shit? Or do they not need to stop since they're treated less harsh/ twice less likely than blacks to be punished, written up, etc. for it???
And maybe you should quit LARPing about your fake experiences.
That's not the case being put forward, fag.
>racial disparities
Is that case being put forward.
Yeah, whites do it too, but at far lower rates. I'm not larping, I did my 5 and got out. Blacks committing more crime per capita isn't going to magically go away just because they're in the military. So them getting charged more often in the military should come to zero surprise to anyone.
>Yeah, whites do it too
Yes, they in fact do.
>but at far lower rates
False, and besides the point.
>I'm not larping,
Yes you are, shillfag.
And again this about racial disparities in the punishments for infractions.
>but at far lower rates
>False, and besides the point.
the only crime that white americans are overrepresented in, is drunk and/or influenced driving
in our Boot camp Company we had ONE Black guy. He was the only one who had Problems with the justice System beforehand.
He was the only one who got so fucking drunk he couldnt shoot at the range the next day
He constantly made Problems for all the other soldiers, who had to deal with his shit 24/7
I really believe that blacks getting punished more has to do with them being idiots themselves
"Thank you for your service" would have done just fine instead of all the shit you wrote.
This thread is about the military you clown.
Great LARP.
That's what BLM and ithers dispute. They claim that white crime goes unreported, which leads to black crimes being overreported. It's an anti science view, namely that data is fundamentally wrong and the truth cannot be recovered from the data.
>in other news, black troops more than twice as likely to step out of line or commit straight up criminal offenses against their fellow soldiers
Just gonna call everyone a LARPER now ?
Or is it just impossible for you to think a 4Chaner can get into the Military ?
no, this thread is about niggers and you made it this way.
You're faking, faggot. Shut up.
When you post fake shit yea I'll call you a LARPfag.
I always suspect the military was going to be the last thread tying the country together when it started to fragment along social lines but I think I may have been overly optimistic about the ability of military culture to hold up to leftist academic influence. The past 10ish years make it wonder if it's eventually going to come to a Soviet style screeching halt complete with aircraft carrier fire sales to China.
I didn't make anything any way, you trollfag. Your comment was stupid. You came in talking about white crimes among the general population like a dumb ass, because this is a military-specific topic. Now fuck off kindly.
Veteran here.
From my experience they're more likely to break rules and get into trouble...
Maybe they should rape less.
You ain't very bright, are ya?
Pic related is him.
If you post in a thread about the Military and then cant handle People with experience in the Military telling you their stories, then this thread is basically pointless
probably for stealing shit from the base
>also three times as likely to break the law and deserve punishment
You're not anyone with experience in the military telling your stories. Your fake LARPfags.
You can't be serious..
You are posting fake shit about blacks not being subhuman , i could say you're larping as a retard fr (you's)
No one cares about your cherry picked alternative facts.
>black soldiers are punished more
Yeah, because they rape people and do their job like shit.
>not fair, more black people are in jail
Same fucking reason.
In addition to crime rates as a proportion, blacks have a higher representation in the military compared to nationwide population statistics.
Just ignore this piece of shit, he's just trolling and doing horribly at it. Probably just discovered the internet 3 days ago lol. Or he's angry he never had a man's job , or even met a real man before. Don't worry fuckstick, one day your balls will drop and maybe you'll settle down with a nice goat and it'll rape you every night and you can cry yourself to sleep.
No they don't. They are less than 20% across all military. I checked out when faggot OP posted the same slide thread days ago.
But, according to the study referenced here, they are 2.3 times more likely to rape, while in service.
>Black troops as much as twice as likely to be punished by commanders, courts
>Black troops as much as twice as likely to be commiting crime, courts say
All of the servicemen that have been arrested for rape in Okinawa have been black.
You know what the racial disparity is? Niggers being dumber, violent, and more undisciplined so they statistically get punished more, same reason they commit half the homocides in the US inspite of black males being what less than 8% of the US population and so on.
Are blacks more criminal and murderous than others, YES, including back in africa.
There are no white people opressing them in africa except other niggers yet they have almost exactly the same average crime and murder rates.
Blacks in the US always want to blame the system somehow, the system can't do shit but try to cover this up because it's the niggers doing it not the system.
I've been in long enough to see this first hand. Almost every single black soldier I've served with was chaptered out, deservingly so. A couple years ago there was a massive party off post where 26 soldiers were arrested for possession of illegal drugs. 25 of them were black, the 26th was white and he had just shown up to pick up one of his friends moments before the cops showed up. I swear to God I'm not making that up. Last year a soldier who lived on post was arrested for having a meth lab in his house.
Almost every nigger I met in the military kept that fuckin hood mentality they had before. They can't help themselves.
This is 100% true.
they should stop raping okinawans then