What the hell happened?
40% of Asian women refuse to date asian "men"
Why are asian "men" so unappreciated?
They only date real men
They found out about the white lads and the black dudes.
Anything other than a gook with a 3incn micropenis is an upgrade
They want hafu babby.
How can asian "men" even compete?
AFWM is God tier
>black dudes
That's just what trashy white women go after.
I don't know
Why do asian "men" have such trouble getting laid? 50% of Asian men in the west are virgins
you're actually retarded if you believe this chart
It's true asian "men" have the tiniest dicks in the world
This is 100% the fault of those who spread the idea of "manlets" being worthless to women.
If society tells them that a large portion of the pool of men is not worth anything. The only logical conclusion is to look for men of other races who fit their standards after the tall men are taken.
It's the same reason white woman look for black men. They want a tall man or in other words a bigger dick. Asian woman are doing the same.
Heightism is the path to destroying races.
you tell me
Asian men are not just short they are also ugly and feminine.
Poor little asian guy
am italian descent and can confirm big penis
Sour grapes reaction.
>Asian men invent the perfection that are waifus, VR porn and sexbots.
>Women: "W-well we d-didn't wanted to d-date you anyway!"
This is why.
Just look at the other comments, people agree without even stopping to think about what it means. It's mainly about dick size.
Short men viewed as worthless because they have smaller dicks. So women look to other races to get it.
lol those are low tier Asians
>brianna wu
Also media portrayal of Asian by the jews
We need another Bruce Lee
Says you
wmaf is ultimate combo
proddies wrecking yellow snatches
proddies btfo chinks
u mad yellow boi?
These women are pretty vapid I guess.
Sure these Asians might have small dick. In the grand scheme of things does that really matter?
so... why is no one helping this guy?
I find Asian women disgusting too, so I dont blame the women for thinking that about the men.
France, Netherlands, Germany BTFO. Scientific proof right there that Belgians have the bigger dicks.
Who cares. There are still so many of them that it literally doesn't matter.
How can non French even compete?
but they have the highest iq, while niggers have the biggest dicks and the lowest iq, really makes you think
Clearly it's all of the harmful stereotypes like Asians are smart and hard workers keeping them down. Fucking white people.
I am a chink. So I have a harder rating on asian women. Have you seen the pictures. White boys usually get asian girls because they can't get the good looking white chicks. So they settle for asian because they think they are exotic.
Goddamn that Asian "Y" is absolute shit.
Meanwhile irl
How wmaf
>yfw ancient greeks thought that people with big dicks were stupid
Check out wmaf
Because Asian guys have tiny dicks if they're mixed then they'll have normal dicks they probably just want to make fuckable Asian guys because Indian guys have big dicks and they clearly don't want niggers
I married a hot asian. There are good looking asian guys, rich ones, high on personality. They either marry really pretty asians or white girls. most asian girls don't fall in this category. asian guys that are average and american/canadian can import.
Check this shit
Not bad right
inb4 80+ posts by this id.
GREEKS are stupid
They stole from african
Because you can get sued for helping people in china. It's very common that if you help someone they will sue you and they win the case 99% of the time because china has a "guilty until proven insentient" policy. No one trust anybody over there.
2/10 she looks like miss piggy
>Dyed hair
Greeks are lower than blacks in America so you can't say anything
Shut up
Unless you want to have sex
Shut up racist
These chinks look like nigger especially the purple one
2.5 /10 goes for white guy because she sure as well know asian men don't like sluts and a feminist dike
Meanwhile Irl
Kill your culture
Because chinese
Source? From the US or from around the world?
Welcome to tumblr
ps american on vacation, I live in Maryland. A different demographic there. My high school was half asian.
I'm half mixed and disgusted by blatant race traitors, i don't care if you mix races but i dated a asian who "refused" to date asian men.
Top tier asians will date top tier asian men 100% but the 7/10 and lower will be very open to dating whites because they cannot get the top tier asian men, so they settle for top tier white guy.
Top tier white guy would date 7/10 asian because in his eyes her exoticness bumps her to top tier female. Also the fact that asian women are the most feminine looking women helps asian women choose top tier men if they can't attract top tier asian guy.
Understand this, top tier asian men will always get top tier asian women and even other races (white girls included), the lower asian guys are those who are in the unfair struggle of finding a good asian girl.
But i do feel disgusted when i see white guys with an asian girl, i feel like fighting them subconsciously but in the end of the day i've dated white girls so i can't complain.
Kys proddie
In Luhter town you can be killed for being the wrong proddi
>drawing of that kid looks like elliot rodgers
like pottery
Even plain average looking asian girls like this one make me diamonds for some reason. I don't really understand why the yellow fever is so strong in me. I know its not because of Sup Forums because i've been like this before I was on this site.
Dunno... feminism opened a huge market of white bachelors for asian women to exploit?
You are a homosexual
in all honesty, its because women like tall men with a V back, how many asians are like that ?
Sad but true
asians don't need big dicks because their women are tiny, flat and have tight little pussies
That's why I'm never mixing, plus most Interracial people are hardcore anti-whites anyways. At least my white children won't care about my skin color.
Thanks to the Walking dead. This is a growing fetish among white girls :)
The copy and paste Catholic strikes again.
You're complaining?
Rice milk is delicious user.
Lies. The Japanese possess unbelievable strength when backed into a corner!
>I dated WHIRE girls
You cannot complain
Dumb racist
This is Destiny
Sup Forums btfo
This chart and all its variations are based off one study which was disproven by real scientists. I don't understand why retards ever believe it.
If looks are more important to you than how many dicks they've sat on and their feminine personality, go after all the white girls you want, Chang. Most dudes would settle for average looks if it means they won't be divorced.
Islam is CANCER
Kill Qllah
Then why not import Slavs? Why mix with a bunch of disgusting yellow trash only to get some mentally defective mongrel.
jesus christ! is that a fucking zombie?
Not true I fucked a dozen black girls just last week. I'm gonna make a blackanese empire, Ang-Ching dynasty
You mad bro
At least you're not white, good right ahead chang
Spic here soon marrying a jap
I don't care but I hope this trend continues
The yellow pussy meme is real
She's fucking tight
They hate the Asian patriarchal culture but still want their children to pass as Asian so they can take over daddy's shipping business in Shanghai. It's the long con, she'll need to be cared for when she outlives her white husband by 30 years.
Show me some stats on slav divorce rates with Western men, user. From what Russian bros tell me, they're no different.
>reddit spacing
t. mohammed LARPing
I'm not even saudi you """"""bong"""""""
i was going to say thats a cute looking mixed couple untill i saw the blue hair. Ofcourse the blue haired crazy feminist is dating outside of her race.
Why do gooks look so bloated even if they're thin?
This is God creation
Nope. But now, I know a bit more about what your intentions are here.
So white guys are getting low tier Asian girls while Asian guys are getting top tier white girls…
Seems like a fair trade
Because they are mostly beta
My asian friends are good people but they are effeminate. As always being the girl is easier, since a lot of dudes like asian girls.
Give me ONE couple with the asian women who is actually decent looking and not a peasant gold digger then white boys
>All Slavs are Russian