Name a religion more disgusting and filthy than Islam. Protip: you can't

Name a religion more disgusting and filthy than Islam. Protip: you can't

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Of course can: Judaism. What did I win?



Aztec religion, like Islam only with human sacrifices (all this cutting out hearts shit).


It's not really disgusting the same way like Islam, it's just really really violent, Islam just screams brown people doing brown people things

Islam has had good and bad times and same can be said for Christianity.

>Respect for traditions
>assertive towards women
>fags get put on their place
>no (((smoking)))
>no (((drinking)))
>no filthy pork unlike what fat americans eat

Devadasi hinduism

A form of religious prostitution in India.
Not nearly as violent, but really fugging sad.

Then explain this shit leaf.

No point watching it Mexico. I said Islam has had good and BAD times and right now Islam is very very Bad and Christianity is good in western countries but still bad in African Countries.

Name any religion that's not disgusting and filthy. Protip: you cunt


Like I said Nigeria all religions have had good and bad times, and Christianity is good in western countries but most of Sub Saharan Africa is Christian so yes the religion can be fucked.

>Ramadan makes people fat and is unhealthy
Yeah fuck you Faruk.

Mexico the bible also has incest and cases where they capture virgin children to be taken.

t. moroccan scum

But how much is that practiced in Christian countries, Libya?
Compared to the muslim world...

is it cause the Christians keep getting beheaded, is that why?
i dont get the joke

Maybe in the old testament, which christians aren't meant to follow.

Money worship


its ironic nevermind.... wow im dumb sometimes =/

It's similar to Odinism.(seeking death in battle)

He is right though /r/the_donald christcucks.

>most of Sub Saharan Africa is Christian
They're Africans. Christianity is not compatible with witchcraft, cannibalism and rape.

Oh.., idk?
i mean like [pic related,] isnt it amazing when u take the time 2 think about it>?
