Pic related. Did he over simplify transgender people?
Was Dawkins wrong about transgenderism?
yes, if do that you can already start praying to the sky daddy as science has no meaning.
>I merely acknowledge your fetishism
>pls don't give me any shit
aw c'mon
>by facts no
>be feelings yes
atheist intellectuals
critical theory: the tweet
any argument that devolves into "the word arbitrary is arbitrary" is inherently jewish
sometimes i wonder how you guys always manage to make literally anything about the jews
retarded leaf
I know nu-pol would have you believe everything is 'just a meme'. but if there is one thing you should never underestimate it is the role of the jew in all areas. never ever forget that.
stupid blind leaf
would he touch a piece of poop for $20?
>there MIGHT be more genders
>god MIGHT exist
what a weak pussy
Transgenderism is morally wrong
It should never become acceptable to castrate, mutilate and hormonally disfigure people as young as 7, who all end up committing suicide
If you enable transsexuals you might as well be pulling the trigger
I'll call him a fucking 'she' when he passes my test.
I'm not going to call a fat neckbeard with a wig a 'she' because he isn't one!
no one is castrating 7 year old boys you fucking mong
If you want someone to address you with a specific pronoun, you require them to respect you.
I don't dish out respect like it's a participation trophy, if someone wants me to refer to them in a certain way, they must first be someone I respect.
In the same way I wouldn't call an expect on the supernatural a professor or a doctor, I won't call someone who pretends to be the opposite gender what they want me to call them..
If they earn my respect, (which they just expect by default, so I doubt they'd ever get it) then I'll call them whatever they like.
At the age of 4, it happened in the UK dailymail.co.uk
*** Australia, I assumed the 1st result on google would be relevant to my location.
>no one is castrating 7 year old boys you fucking mong
I personally think it's high time we brought back castrato opera singers
But would you fuck him?
What he said isn't wrong though. The whole "female brain thing" doesn't mean that your brain doesn't have male chromosomes.
Weird how Dawkins doesn't show any courtesy to religious people.
Religious people and trannies both have a mental disorder, shouldn't we treat both the same?
Religious people have a delusion that can be corrected with education, trans people are fucking retarded.
Just because that kid is dressing like a girl doesn't mean they castrated him. Can you even read?
Why compromise?
He is going to catch flak anyway for saying that someone who is genetically a male isn't a woman.
"However 250 children - some as young as three - have made appointments with the gender dysphoria unit at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital." I assume those appointments are just for a quick cat scan..
I'd call transgender woman he.
Realz > feelz
But you replied to this
>I will call him a she out of courtesy
This show he is not fully into what he said.
Words can have more than one meaning like he said.
First he accept the basic fact that a word has two meanings, and then he sort of agree that calling MTF trans a she is sort of needed.
The MTF is a he according to one definition of the word, and the one that everyone used and still uses most of the time, there is no need to call he a she, because he is not a she (unless talking about the alternate definition of the word she)
>take part in my child-like make believe game
only if I get to pretend to be a dinosaur
pretty much this.
I'll call Bruce Jenner "Caitlyn" only because he legally changed his name.
I won't call him a woman because he's not a woman.
However, if I KNEW him, if he was a friend, and he wanted me to use female pronouns, I might do it out of courtesty.
I would be indulging his fantasy, and I would only do that out of sympathy for a friend.
I'm never going to call Caitlyn Jenner by a female pronoun because I have no reason to indulge his fantasy.
I like this:
"When [Germaine] Greer's comments provoked a backlash, she responded in a strongly worded statement, saying that simply because a man gets his genitals removed and wears a dress doesn't make him a woman. "I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that won’t turn me into a fu**ing cocker spaniel," she said."
Also the problem with the XX going into XY bathroom, or "one bathroom to everyone".
Is that you commit a fallacy called equivocation.
One example of it
>A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity.
>Patrick star is a star
>So, Patrick star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity.
The same thing happen with the bathrooms, we use the name he/she, man/woman with some definition A, and now they are out of nowered assuming we meant the definition B, and assume B at all uses of the word
if your friend decided he self identifies as a dog, would you refer to him as a dog out of courtesy?
Personally I would try to get them to be reasonable and "talk them down" from cutting off their dick or whatever but if they were really insistent on pretending to be something they aren't I would just cut contact completely
I dont understand your meaning. Are you disagreeing with his tweet?
He is right but he fails to mention that the trans movement doesn't accept any definition of male and female other than their own or that redefining the meaning of those words is as stupid as redefining the meaning of the word table.
>I'm willing to indulge your fantasy if you think you're a woman, but not if you think there's a God
It is semantic in the sense that those of us who have read even the most basic things about biology do not accept that a trans woman as a real woman. While other people accept a trans woman essentially "because they say they are".
It isn't a debate about materialistic facts, trans women still have XY chromosomes, most of them still have penises or used to have penises, they still have higher T and male physiques. This is why the argument is semantic and not materialistic, we aren't debating facts because those are essentially settled for now, neolibs, SJWs, and progressives are all arguing feels and word definitions.
Now personally I don't care about self-identification and whether or not I would call a trans woman "he" or "she" is directly related to how obnoxious they do or do not behave around me. If the person irritates me I'm going to go out of my way to make them uncomfortable and unhappy in my presence, if not then I will treat them with the basic tolerance and respect I would treat any other person.
Having your penis mutilated to look like a vagina and have silicon breast implants does not make you a woman
Tldr: you wouldn't hold the door open for a stranger
It does if you define woman as "man without a penis", like feminists do