You're not a true Christian if you actually believe we came from smelly ugly monkies.
You're not a true Christian if you actually believe we came from smelly ugly monkies
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We didn't. Monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.
I go to church every week but that doesn't mean I have to stop believing in well-developed theories that accurately portray the way the world works.
75% of Sup Forums is atheist, fuck off with your "muh christian board"
>75% of Sup Forums is atheist
Let's find out about that
blacks came from monkeys
White people are created by god
Jews are created by devil
>Believing in (((science)))
The Bible is very clear, God made us in his image. No monkeys, no common ancestors.
>no esoteric Kek worship or Pagan options on Sup Forums
Your poll is malformed and won't reflect the views of its participants.
Go back to plebbit.
we made a poll about that just a while ago faggot
Non Christian =/= Atheist
>further proofing they're worthless subhuman scum
Why should I believe the Bible? It's just a book. I have no assurance that it's any more true than Lord of the Rings.
evolution is pseudoscience
pretty much ALL theology from every religion validates that mankind is made from dirt. Evolution is a direct attack on the word of God, as is the heliocentric model
> I have to stop believing in well-developed theories that accurately portray the way the world works.
Acts 17:11
1 John 4:1
Proverbs 18:13
gravity is a hoax too.
1 Timothy 6
0 O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge”— 21 which some have professed and thus gone astray [n]from the faith.
instead of picking one side because "its well developed theories and science" try studying controversy, and you'll figure out one side is full of shit.
>the way the world works.
your planet is spinning through space following the sun. the bible clearly indicates that the earth is stationary fixed upon foundation, and the sun and moon revolve around it, covered by a glass firmament.
I don't really know or care what you choose to believe, but at the end of the day you're believing in lies dressed up in pretty dresses.
>We didn't. Monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.
no, no we didn;t.
Doesn't matter, the point is that we are not a braindead christian board, and your poll is flawed
Disgusting heretics
because you can demonstrate that not only the bible, but most scriptures have an origin outside of space and time.
People like you make Sup Forums look like absolute faggotry, too sad that the inbred texan YECfags are the loudest
lol suppose you believe in climate change too
Well, better monkeys than sheep.
>everything I don't like comes from leddit
Your poll still sucks.
people like you make germans look like achmed, too bad you're entire country is getting aids and rape babies from the importing of niggers.
whats it like not being able to deny the holocaust?
Can't be a heretic if most people on Sup Forums are not even christians
you're filtered
Please demonstrate this.
I have a degree in biomedical engineering, and I can tell you from experience that both evolution theory and the theory of gravity provide useful and verifiable predictions about the future. So if you're going to say that they're hoaxes, you're going to need to explain how.
Typical christian reaction
>amerifat lacking culture and history
>thinks he has any say in what's good or bad
please kys you big mac munching subhuman nigger.
This is now an Anunnaki thread. Post Enki & Enlil memes
>all these fake christians on Sup Forums
Frankly im fucking tired of these faggots LARPing. I wish you'd go back to atheism so I know better who to stone on the day of the rock
You are going to die.
>Fedora tippers believe we came from this and not gods own image
Atheists and fake christians need to go back to school
why do you suck kike cock?
We didn't. We and they both descended from a single population.
>christcuck thinks that's what science actually says
go suck off a kike.
So what? You will die too
But that's not true either. Read the Bible for once
no, thats not what "fedoras" believe
Who really created us
>muh bible is more than just a stupid book
t. kike lover
why do you believe you came from monkeys? frankly it's retarded and I pity you.
the fundamental believe in atheism that shapes your entire faith is that you posit a 'nothing' exists
A random bronze age fairy tale book vs centuries of empiricism, rationalis, science and falsifiable evidence
stop larping as a jew faggot
Aliens attempted different types of genetic programs with hominoids. It's why there are so many types of hominoids found all over that don't fit together, and why we have recently discovered that we came from Europe, not Africa. Both the European strains and the African strains arose INDEPENDENTLY. I thought everyone knew this.
I have. I wasn't convinced by it. I've watched bacteria evolve to be different than their ancestors, but I've never seen God create anything.
This is a greek pantheon board.
Get out christfags
Fuck off Protestant. Catholics understand that God created man through ape.
nobody believes we came from monkeys you uneducated trailer park dwelling burger fat ass.
No shit sherlock.Thats why there are races
yes you do. it's really sad
you'll believe anything you're told.
This guy understands
Have fun in hell
Go lick some niggers feet like your antichrist pope
you're too dumb and uneducated to even understand the basics of science. basically you're nigger tier stupid and should be destroyed.
The problem is, science is not something built on "faith". It is just describing the world we see. Scientific theories are not built out of nothing, they base on carefully studied experiments.
The main difference between science and religion is that anyone can become a scientist and verify various theories - seriously, just go to a fucking school - while religion limits the knowledge with things like "it is so, because the bible says so, we don't care what you see in your microscope"
God made earth, therefor God did not come into existence on earth, therefor God = extraterrestrial
>God made us in his image
And anime is created in the image of human and transitively - god. Is it kosher to worship 2d goddesses then?
Ivan stop drinking vodka
I understand your atheist faith requires you to believe in 'nothing' to stack on the other deception as you craft it to be a Christianity where you can sin and get away with it.
it's 100% transparent. you're a little mindwashed slave.
I seriously hope so
Anunnaki. Also, nice trips
Must be a nice Jesus if I go to hell for believing the things we have proof for.
Shove it up your ass kikelover
Atheism is basically Christianity for fags who don't want to get stoned.
That's why they push evolution so hard. They want to discredit the bible and quickly before they are killed en masse.
Vodka is outdated. We now drink boyarka.
This guy gets it. Evolutionary scientists are agents sent here by Satan. 99% of science is crap, especially convincing our children that they came from monkies. This is why I homeschool my children
not an atheist you nigger tier white trash poorfag. maybe if your inbred whore of a mother would have sent you to a school and not homeschool you in your families trailer you'd have some sense of reality. and now please, you're a worthless subhuman animal and the best thing you can do is neck yourself.
What is that?
Really? Even obvious bait like this is getting newfags?
Evolution requires a change in the genome that produces a different species. for hundreds of millions of years the genome of horseshoe crabs, and coelacanths have never had genome changes, nor has any animal had a change in its genome code
Gravity is atmospheric pressure, buoyancy and density misrepresented.
take an apple, and 1 atmosphere of pressure at 14 PSI.
without changing its weight, it will sink
changing its atomic density without changing its weight to match a feather will cause it to be met with dramatic air resistance
changing its atomic density, without changing its weight to match helium will cause the apple to float.
in a vacuum it will sink, because matter will seek to rest, and there is no atomic matter, or atmosphereic pressure supporting it
in a room with 200,000 PSI, the apple will float because it is not dense enough to push the air aside.
mercury makes cannon balls float, therefor gravity is a pseudoscience meant ti disguise these truths
it literally writes history before it happened, there are about 300 old testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, and the chances of that happening are 1 in 10^1000 thats a 10 with 1000 zeroes behind it, there are roughly only 10^83 atoms in the universe. and I think anything that has a 10^46 chance of happening is considered to be "absurd" and starts trailing on the designation of purpose
but besides that Cyrus the Great received a letter that was written 150 years before his brith from Isaiah 44-45 that addresses him by name, and highlights his carrier, Alexander the Great visited Jerusalem, and recieved a discourse in Daniel 8 that stated that he was going to crush the persian empire.
in the Bhavishya Purana which is argued to be written either 5,000 years ago, or in the 8tch century BC quite clearly names Mohammad, the region he impacted, and his negative and shitty impact on the world with his false religion, it also names Jesus Christ, and his career as the son of god.
Your poll sucks.
Reading the Bible turned me Atheist desu. Maybe you need to read it again, cover to cover.
>Monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.
Common ancestor of monkeys and humans was a monkey btw.
Jesus didnt even mention creationism. Youre referring to the Jewish Old Testament.
Don't worry you don't come from smelly ugly monkies, you are exactly one of them.
Fuck off kike we will end you christkillers on the day of the rope. Subhuman trash
Alcohol-containing cosmetic lotion made from hawthorn berries.
yeah you're an atheist. i can smell your self-hatred.
so it tastes like juice?
You don't want people to worship godly descendants?
I know you're baiting, but you really do a good job portraying someone who cherry-picks information, no matter how unrelated, that helps assert their own worldview.
Do you shitpost about climate change too?
the kike is you, kike lover. the day of the rope will be for all race traitors like you. now skip along and kiss nigger feet or suck kike cock or whatever you cucks do all day.
muh pajeetpooscriptures
sorry that the facts offend you
it's still considered the literal word of God by christians as revealed by God to Moses
Never tried it. Nut a few people died from consuming it.
what you smell is your unwashed fat american traitor ass. kill yourself nigger kike lover.
Yeah.... you know they were lying right?
"What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel."
Joseph Goebbels
Dated 16 October 1928
Humans are a genetic hybrid between mamals, reptiles and alien DNA. God recognized these "aliens" created such a genetically perfect creature it gave us the divine spark, a fragment of the creators of all's soul. These "aliens" created something more perfect than themselves, and thus they have been trying to hold us back ever since.
>tower of babel
>come, let US go down there and confuse their language...
This is just one small example of this alien race trying to hold back humanity. This is the final redpill
On top of this the Germans were into mysticism hard core. They hated Christianity because they saw it as week. So no, Nazi's weren't Christians in the least bit...
you glow in the dark cia nigger
It isn't entirely false, there is no doubt niggers came from primates. The problem is modern anthropology is so infested with cultural-Marxism that it puts the feelings of lesser groups before objectivity.
The whole "we are all one human race" thing is a scam. If that were true there would no concept of race. Finally, negroids are not just a different race but another species.
NO ONE IS SAYING WE COME FROM THE MONKIES, for fucks sake how many times do we have to repeat this
How am I the kike lover when Jesus himself hated kikes? You're the atheist fedora tipper here, what a good goy you are
majority scientific consensus doesn't accurately reflect the lack of evidence
>Scientific theories are not built out of nothing, they base on carefully studied experiments.
look man, go ahead and take the time to study the differences between heliocentric, and geocentric cosmology, if you're half as smart as you think you are you'll figure out that someone has been lying to you for the past 2000ish years. its quite easy to disprove the notion that the earth is flying through space, and is infact stationary, and covered by a firmament.
>The problem is, science is not something built on "faith". It is just describing the world we see
the problem is that you're indoctrineated, and programmed to attack anyone that goes against the mainstream narrative of science, and are carefully socially engineered to the point where you are incapable of having organic thoughts.
>The main difference between science and religion is that anyone can become a scientist and verify various theories
theories work on the idea that they can never be proven, or disproven, so its a waste of time and an endless pile of shit.
> seriously, just go to a fucking school - while religion limits the knowledge with things like "it is so, because the bible says so, we don't care what you see in your microscope"
well quite frankly this is the most fallacious and ill-advised thing I'll ever see in my life, the same school that teaches you that the holocaust happened, the nazi's were racists, that whites did slavery, and that pushes cultural marxism isn't going to teach anyone anything useful.
and there are incredible mathematical implications to the old and new testament, so much so that either every person who wrote in it had to have been the greatest mathematician in the world, or that it had a divine origin.
seriously, take a step back, and realize you've been lied to your entire life.
>what is positive christianity
That's weird to go to church and at the same time call Bible fairy tales.
Bible is like the base of Christianity. That being said it doesn't necessary negate the evolution of humans. The days of creation didn't have to be days as we see them, especially since what even could be called a "day" when there was no Earth or Sun?
Anyway, why are you going to church, dude?
Its about tradition, dosent matter if you belive in god or no. Your ancestors were christian,Thats like spitting on their graves for bashing it.If we dont hold traditional values we have nothing, we are nothing and we will all be conquered by someone who does
niggers are just cursed, retard. read the bible. there's no such thing as evolution. you can only degenerate.
and man they fucking degenerated
still here? oh right, you subhuman pema virgin have nowhere to go because nobody wants to talk to you irl because you're a repulsive nigger kike.
of course. admit you're atheist.
But if we came from monkies, why are there still monkies?