Why does a supposedly 1st world nation like USA have so many religious nutjobs? Genuinely interested.
Why does a supposedly 1st world nation like USA have so many religious nutjobs? Genuinely interested.
Freedom of speech, something you don't have.
Because we allow people the freedom to be as smart or as dumb as they want/are.
Care to elaborate on that one ?
hmmm... if i had the choice to have a head chopping shitskin or an idiot who thinks he knows the age of the world i think i know my choice
Because the first English-speaking settlers in America were a bunch of old testament obsessed wackadoodles.
Are you implying that it is illegal to be religious in Europe ? I don't understand your answer
OR you could move to Europe and be rid of both
we were founded by people who thought 1700s England was to liberal for their religious liking
why does a supposedly more evolved primate have 2 sets of fused chromosomes and genetic information not shared with other earth organisms?
>doesn't realize that the United States' Christian roots have to do with its more conservative and anti-liberal nature
Saged. If you want America to follow the path of non religious Europe so be it but I won't bump this thread and your nigger tier logic.
Why is your country so irrelevant I don't recognize your flag?
Appreciate your bump
I would be surprised if any americans could recognize any other flags than their own
religious people have a lot of kids and are also easy to exploit for votes and cash. So people will encourage their bullshit to get more votes and cash, creating more religious people in the process
America didn't have the history of a large oppressive institutional church that lead people into wars, so criticizing religion is seen as bullying similar to telling children santa doesn't exists
>I would be surprised if any americans could recognize any other flags than their own
Me too. For us that would literally be useless information.
Can't tell if trolling or just plain retarded
Niggardly: grudgingly mean about spending or granting.
If you haven't been to pic related, you are not really a first world country.
Try revising 6 gorillion and speaking out against Islam
t. Not resident of cuckropa
Try slaughtering a cow
They can worship a peanut for all I care, as long as they follow the constitution and don't make laws that are unconstitutional
Because Jesus Christ died for our sins you ingrate heathen.
oh shit, I forgot the US have a monopoly on freedom, sorry for having freedom of speech too!
>Why does a supposedly 1st world nation like USA have so many religious nutjobs?
Because all the religious idiots fled Europe to set up shop in the US and basically brainwashed their moron children generation after generation.
because they have enough nukes to be as stupid as they want
>falling for the all americans are dumb meme
All European threads need to be ignored and saged for this exact reason
Rural culture is strong, and in a country this big you get a ton of people who have never seen a big city. Outside of major cities the major support networks are in churches, so that's sort of the reason.
I'm fine with it. The most extreme Christian fanatics we have in the US are the WBC and they only have like 30 members, plus they only protest. I'd rather have extremist Christians than moderate Muslims.
There are plenty of religious nutjobs in Europe. The big difference is European nutjobs are sandniggers that blow up and run over kids. Not to mention their propensity to rape. The American variety are generally productive citizens.
and criminals. Don't forget the criminals
Ben Franklin wanted to send rattlesnakes back in trade
>haha stupid amerifat
At least they have the right to be stupid and donĀ“t get jailed for just saying shit.
It's easy to lead religious people. They are so fucking gullible. Being religious or at least acting like being one gives you votes and as long as atheists and agnostics do not care about the religion aspect of the candidate, there's no reason not to be religious or to pretend to be one.