Is this pic of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS real or not?
Isis Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed. How legit is this?
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not sure, could be this .jpg mirrored
Is this from the Syrian state tv?
Why is al-Baghdadi stupid enough to still be in Raqqa?
no that's clearly mc ride
Look at the size of his head. That looks like an... exceptionally large head.
Old pic from 2014
Fuck off
all Muslims are proud, arrogant and dumb
Thinking the same thing. Seems like a photoshopped face.
Everyone has high res phones, why do they publish shitty pics?
Exactly why I think it's fake
The photo looks like something you'd download on the dial up modem in the mid 90's.
absolutely suspect quality. It looks like a low effort photoshop
It's legit. He is kill but we threw him in the ocean for respect to his famirry and religoin. LEL
like us. wonder why we invite more of them ?
wait this is probably CIA beating around with bush wondering if they need to touch up the photoshop
Why do you think I don't fucking believe the pic is real.
I want to see a fucking 1080p vid of him.
Picture is fake; news might be real.
I think Euro wants a civil war
i actually cried when usama died. irl.
yes we do
Lmao someone actually made a fucking RIP video of him? Lmao
That guys probably been dead for years. This is the bin laden boogeyman all over again.
every attack you make
every tower you break
every yank you bake
i ll be missin you
not real
Mr James Baker has merely shaved off his beard and returned to his desk at the CIA HQ
Shimon Elliot is mossad agent not cia.
I remember hearing he's CIA
Well, apply the Sup Forums test.
Does it feed the narrative you want to push?
If yes, it is real. If no, it is fake.
It's very easy to apply. Almost requires no thought.
same pic, photoshoped, he fake died YET AGAIN
shhhhhh goyim
joe rogan?
old fake photo
It won't matter since they go through a new leader every couple of weeks. It's like cutting off the head of an already infinite headed hydra. Why even call someone the leader?
>Is this pic of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS real or not?
Wasn't him Jewish?
It's not like it would be hard to produce a Joe Rogan-looking body with a beard.
Half Turk Half jew.
>implying Bin Laden wasn't a cultural icon who defined the youth of a generation
Dubs, also if true a big happening could happen to avenge him
Why is he covered in lotion? Did they bomb him at the gay bath house?
I guess another bearded sand nigger takes over. Who knows what that leads to in terms of terror in Europe. It'll be exciting.
Damn you just proved how shitty of a photoshop the one I posted was
I was thinking this. Poor France would be the target yet again
If he's actually dead it's bound to lead to a succession crisis, unless he had previously groomed an heir
The Mossad agent just return home safely and the official narrative is that he's dead?
Trump made killing terrorists Great Again!
that is a real photo. It just looks weird from the YouTube compression
...interesting point. I'd expect them to run their lies past us first.
Most likely. I hear their experts at grooming young boys.
Not even a little bit.
Not convinced ISIS would have let it be known and filmed/ photographed one of their leaders being dead. Probably muzzie bullshit. You'd never see the leaders I dont believe.
wait I solved the big hardy boys mystery
hes in iraq.
he's a kike dummy
He left Syria. So he's chilling somewhere with L Jinny and other ex jihadis, lol
>Not convinced ISIS would have let it be known and filmed/ photographed one of their leaders being dead
they actually brag about it. they love death.
breddy convincing desu.
he's sleeping
Well fuck me.
This, now let's all settle down
There is literally no evidence that anyone is dropping bombs on ISIS
>HD killing videos