Yes or no and why.
Would you submit to an authoritarian state if it meant saving your people/nation?
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nah, i'm not a gutless faggot bitch.
Yes because I hate leftists and shitskins more than anything else in the world
Yes. Better to be ruled by my own people that another.
where are you, benevolent king?
Yes of course. A king or dictator is natural.
I'm with poland!
t. 50% white nation
Submitting to a proper authoritarian state is preferable to the current course of unchecked dipshit democracy.
That is literally my end goal. New American Monarchy/Empire.
pic related
Fuck no. Because give me liberty or give me death, there is no compromise. Fuck tyranny.
Patrick Henry said it best "Give me Liberty of give me Death."
How is voting liberty?
No, it will inevitably be thrown over by the other extreme.
as long as faggots and their associated supporters were given helicopter rides, then provably yes.
Ultimate kek.
You live in a police state ffs
The founding fathers didn't know what was gonna happen...
They could not possibly have envisioned this hellscape, and if you think for a second they wouldn't have rebelled against it, then you're an idiot.
No, my loyalty is to liberty.
How is voting is liberty when 100% of politicians are bought to serve commercial interests that financed all campaigns?
You are really just voting for niche personalized social statistical propaganda, and getting an politic under a commercial contract with his financiers
Thats really not freedom
Would you willingly witness all your people die if you were at liberty while doing so?
Sad image, it's probably only going to get worse now
I would defend them, obviously, and die with them if need be. I will not abandon my people, but if my people choose authoritarianism over liberty, they cease to be my people.
No, because authoritarian states are the reason we're in this mess in the first place.
No, because said authoritarian state would try to breed my people/nation into a servitor race.
>The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and demarcated with false promises
Yes, because democracy = losers rule
It has to get worse before it can get better, user.
Hold on tight.
I believe in Authority. Should it become weak, then it will fall.
Fuck no
>extinction vs brutal survival
Hm, tough choice.
Is the road to liberty a road to hell? It's filled with full intentions as well
That's kind of like submitting to a farmer to save your species.
freedom doesn't exist.
Seriously, how does voting mean liberty? -Especially in today's democracies and republics?
Oh look at that, once we started to abandon the Constitution and Bill of Rights everything went to shit.
Nope, because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Long live Poland!
It's funny because Asians females are tiny (the picture)
And live free or die (trying)
define authoritarian state
We HAVE an authoritarian state: that's the problem.
i found the triggered, gutless faggot bitch who loves licking boots and masturbating to black dudes railing white skanks everybody LMFAO.
Peoples/nations no longer exist, or are obsolete.
We must create an entirely new breed of people, via selective breeding from artificial insemination, in a process called Eutelegenisis.
This highly intelligent and talented super race will create world peace and heaven on earth.
Plz post more of Evola
plot twist: "founding fathers" were actually freemasons
So is plague, famine, genocide, war, etc...
Why do you always want a race to the bottom?
It doesn't. Voting is meant to hold officials accountable to the public. I suppose you could argue that this indirectly helps protect liberty, but I have no interest in making that argument. Liberty is protected by the institutions of law and justice. Voting has nothing to do with it.
Whether our modern laws and justice systems actually do protect liberty is another question. I find them lacking, though still a lot better than a pure authoritarian state.
And through what means did we abonded the bill of rights? We voted them away. You may argue that the populace was tricked into slowly chaning our government, but that doesn't change the fact that we voted for this every step of the way.
>Peoples/nations no longer exist, or are obsolete.
Islam doesn't agree. Neither does Eastern Europe or Russia. Or China. Or the Middle East in general along with Africa.
Fuck, anyone but the Western world still very much thing peoples and nations exist.
(((They))) aren't proponents of democracy, they are proponents of oligarchy and usury. They use the propaganda term "democracy" to sell their wars to the people.
I recognize you from multiple posts
Eutelegenisis can also be transformed on the age of CRISPR:
Select the desire traits that you want to put on your people, and spread it wide and hard. It will still be your sons, with high IQ or with super fitness and sick resistance. It will still look like you and get all the other genetic information from you.
I don't know about paradise on earth, but I'm sure we can all live without having to resort on manual labor for a good time. It will all be better if we feel the moral obligation to do it, and technology freeing our NECESSITY to do it.
Automation and AI can work for us, while we pursuit intellectual works. Thats the future I want.
We didn't vote them away, a group of activist judges "reinterpreted" them away.
>real kings
>real aristocrats
Bullshit. Every "real king" has a shitty son that eventually invites the bankers in to shit all over everything. Succession is a path to (((ruin))).
False. In our case it was a Republican that invited the Jews back in.
if by authoritarian state you mean an abolition of democracy and a return to monarchy then way ahead of you
real libertarians know full well that the path to freedom is through fire and hidden deep inside the blue square
Judges appointed by the elected president.
Oh look at that, once we started letting women and niggers vote everything went to shit.
yes. we did few times.
Yeah. Governments change, and a free state can emerge again, but once your nation and people are gone, it's gone forever.
Yes, because authoritarian rule is about order and stability. If you aren't degenerate, are willing to work and love your country, what is there to really be opposed to authority over?
Already did
this, authority is lacking in today's societies. This is a hierarchy that is orderly with God atop it: divine rights rule of the monarch.
Because it would save my nation.
Authoritarian states can be reverted, a destroyed nation stays destroyed.
You're fucking retarded for even asking.
but that's exactly what evola is saying.
the shitty son is what ruins it.
The shitty son who inherits the throne, but neglects his responsibilities isn't a real king.
Well, once they go too far we'll kill them, overthrow the government and go back to a strict conservative view of the Constitution.
This is so true, it isn't even funny anymore but just depressing.
Not all authority is created equal.
This is the real problem: the lack of cultural grounding. Islam is not the problem, nor are immigrants in general, they're just symptoms of the real issue which is a rotting of our own cultures.
yes. this is the idea of Kingship, which is derived from the notion of Family.
can be reverted back to democrats which bring about destruction of the country back again?
No, authoritarian states are inevitably destroyed by coalitions of nations responding to their excesses and crimes. If I found myself in one, I'd do my best to find myself somewhere else, knowing it was doomed.
It's not retarded, do you think that if this question were putted in front of the masses, that they would forsake democracy?
I don't mean that it's either DEATH OR DEMOCRACY, but INSTANT SALVATION vs DEMOCRACY
Dude, you're not even allows to say your son isn't a girl if the state decides otherwise; you're already in an authoritarian state.
>All these Americans that believe that their nation was build on liberty instead of slavery to Satan
Did you forgot that the founding fathers were freemasons(jewish servants)?
I'd submit to a kind ruler who treated the people right. If they're douche cocks then I'm totally fucking beheading them
True. But that track requires delving deeper into the general question OP asked to differentiate between the many possibilities for the authority.
Hasn't that time already passed? Where is the revolution?
Turin will save us
An authoritarian state is the same thing as the destruction of my nation.
>says the nation that is currently being cucked under an authoritarian state
No one will ever admit it because it's far harder than admitting that we disarmed ourselves at a spiritual level while our enemies (all nations are each others enemies, there are no "friendships") loaded their rifles.
Yes, of course I would. Democracy is a sham.
>All these burger cucks ITT
I see indoctrination did a number on us
>Actually believing democracy = liberty
Democracy is a soft variant of communism
Authoritarian states are some of the most resilient in history.
Submit? I'd lead it as an absolute monarch.
... Inevitably destroyed by coalitions of nations responding to their excesses and crimes... Why is an authoritarian state should always resort to crime and abuse?
Democracies always result in corruption, alienation of the nation main interests and moral exhaustion?
What kind of fairy land do you live in believing in that nonsense?
There wont be one, because no one has any cultural grounding or ideals to revolt over.
Maybe freedom to do whatever you want is not such a good thing if what you want is destructive and or degenerate.
Not if the Jews have any influence in that state.
nigger where do you think you are?
half of Sup Forums would be in the NSDAP if this was 1935
Having a gun means liberty. You can change your vote with a gun if who you voted for is fucking up too bad
this isn't authoritarian, this is a state that forces its secularism on others. Authority comes from God. Fascism like democracy, communism is not authoritarian since its secular and illegitimate.
this guy gets it
They've been doing it slowly and steadily, so like boiling a frog they have managed to attack us without us noticing. But there are certain hot issues, free speech, the right to bear arms, and due process, that people care passionately about, and should an attack on one of these rights be successful I don't think the people will stand for it any longer.
Democracy is probably the quickest way to erase all liberty because you can ask the voters to give up some liberty for bribes. No one is smart enough though to realise that these bribes are actually from ourselves in the first place.
>posting this with a nazi soldier image
Do you agree that nazi germany was a preferable government despite the lack of suffrage then?
Lol Americans are so stupid and servile goys.
>muh funding fathers created a perfect system and I will die for it even though it dooms my people
Your country was only created to serve the jew. American patriotism is the biggest blue pill. George Washington was the Antichrist.