>stupid dog
animal abuse is nigger behavior and should be punishable by death
>Some dogs have drowned
>The dogs who survive are terrified and traumatized
lol, they are not some weak liberal faggot with twitter ptsd
>Sign this petition to tell the Bulgarian ambassador to the United States
Oh, so he is the governor of Bulgaria or something? The ambassador of the jewnited states can fuck off along with the rest of the jewnited states.
Invading countries and building bases on their territory without their permission like you did recently in Syria is gypsy tier behavior and should be punishable by death.
like I did? also I'd like to see you try
Why are you trying to justify something so retarded like this?
hello mehmet
The idea of some americunts signing petitions about what happens in my country amuses and offends me at the same time. I don't have to justify anything to you.
Also the parts I quoted are not true, the ritual may be retarded but this description is highly exagerrated, it's not so bad.
The liberals who signed this could not care less about dogs, who are actually seriously mistreated by the mudslimes they import in their countries, this is just another attack on an old folk tradition.
Fuck Bulgaria country of non white savage drunk retard peasants. Kill yourselves scum. You're no better than Chinks with this behavior. You and Romania bring down the EU and make it shit because civilized white countries have to subsidize your nigger asses.
We are the ones who subsidized the EU with our human resources with education paid by the state, and with our industry that got privatized by westerners.
You are all kikes.
kill yourself niggerfaggot
Never ever give up your traditions, if only just to spite these cosmopolitan westerners.
>you will never pound beers with your bros at a sick dog spinning event
Didn't stop your ancestors from invading the Byzantines. Guess Bulgars are gypsies too.
what the shit, its like something straight out of borat
no one has to justify shit to you.
there's nothing more niggerish than animal abuse
They have to decide for themselves. If some foreigners come demand they stop, the entire people will embrace it.
I remember when they came for whaling here in the '90s.
I was hoping it was just gypsies. The ideas that it's universally wrong and the good people in your country (if any exist) would join with anyone the stop the practice.
What happened then?
What a fucking weird tradition
wtf!! I LOVE Dogspinning now!
good thing this ritual is just bantz and not abuse, then
This is like calling the baptism of a baby "child abuse" because the water is cold or shit
>Subhuman niggers think they can stop a thousand year old tradition because it triggers them by signing some peppers
What's universally wrong is any information you get from american websites, whether it's any of your numerous fake news media or change.org
more like spinning a toddler
>gypsies, what a surprise
I can't breathe
can you link me to a story of a baptism induced death?
>some slavs kill a dog once a year:
We have more important things to worry about than some mutt being strung up.
By the way the tradition is wildly regarded to predate modern Bulgarians and is actually Thracian in origin, so I guess Thracians are niggers too, by the stern standards of american anglokikes and niggers
Your country is shit, and always will be. You will never amount to anything, and your people will never create or do anything of value.
wtf the last doggo looks like he liked being spinned.
>Sup Forums is all about the preservation of culture and self-determination
>"omg how dare these people make use of self-determination and adhere to their traditions!!"
If you change 3 letters in a word BULGARIANS
You will get BARBARIANS
I think not
can you link me to a story of this "dog spinning" inducing death you fucking retard?
I'd call them degenerates if my townsmen didn't shoot a rooster every year to celebrate the victory against the Turks.
Yeah, nuke the Balkans from orbit.
I genuinely agree, this is an obscure fucking thing happening in few villages in the middle of nowhere. It's weird for us as well and many oppose the continuation of it. However this is our own internal issue. If put under pressure by bunch of self righteous foreigners many will support the practice out of spite.
So, kindly to anyone who want to tell me how I and my compatriots should live our lives, fuck off.
what the fuck kek
Whaling got more support than ever before. Even among the leftists.
hahahahhaa fuck the dogs
niggers of Europe
>the distant crowd of spectators
I love doggos but kek
I'm on your side, but only because I think you are the guy who gave me fantastic anti-Brexit copypasta that I used to farm massive amounts of (You)'s a couple of times.
Seriously Bulgarians this is not cool, sort your shit out.
Use a muslim instead.
All these fake outrage faggots in this thread. Reddit really has invaded us.
it says it in the OP, dipshit
1 pupper=0.3 Turks=0.001 Bulgarians
Can I keep a slave in my house and tell the police that it's "an internal issue"? Wouldn't you want the practice ended as soon as possible?
In case you can't read Spanish:
>It's been a tradition since the 16th century
>In 500 years we haven't evolved a bit
>being this edgy
reddit really has invaded us
>some libshit on change.org implied it so it must be true
Americans truly are retarded.
Go back to your champagne and smooth jazz, upper clasd twit.
and you're still a nigger
"Every year on March 6th, residents of a village in Bulgaria perform a horrific act called "dog spinning” in the mistaken belief that this will prevent rabies and keep away evil spirits."
when will they move into the 19th century?
no wonder Bulgaria's greatest contribution to civilization was... uh... hmm
hmmm i wonder how all those faggy western sissies would react to watching muslims slaughter baby cows for ramadan, shouting allahu akbar while cutting it's throat and letting it slowly bleed to death
said the nigger
I see more white people in the subway in the morning than you have seen in your entire life, lol
Wow you're so hard and edgy my lad please keep spinning dogs you truly are the apex of humanity
why animals are so retarded?
he is obviously dying, but looks chill and don't give a fuck
>white people
yeah ok
From your link:
>The ritual was officially banned by the Bulgarian government in 2006
What else do you want?
Fuck dogs. Fuck gay liberals trying to save every dog around the world.
It's the same here, some stupid cunt, who is of course childless, tried to save some dog in Bulgaria:
I know, right, you probably don't believe they exist, only seeing them on TV
That's considered edgy to you? Reddit really has invaded us.
you're a fucking loser. You would punk out so quickly if you witnessed this in person. You wouldn't do shit because you're a coward. That's why you act tough online.
I hate people like you more than niggers.
>this is our own internal issue
you criticize Americans every time there's a school/workplace/mall shooting, etc
there is no "internal issue" in the internet age.
feel free to criticize my country, as Calgary's biggest cultural event is an animal abuse festive known as the Calgary Stampede.
Doesent look fatal.
Still, Bulgarians were always autistic retards so its not surprising seeing something as moronic as this coming from them.
he's in shock, Ahmed.
>being this edgy
reddit really has invaded us
looks fun, but the thought process behind it is fucking retarded. It should be banned on that basis alone.
also sage
poor pupper liveleak.com
Fuck off bigot, those dogs identify as attack helicopters
At least they're slaughtering the animals for their products instead of torturing them like chinks.
There was anger about animal abuse at a halal slaughterhouse in the UK I believe, was a much bigger story on public radio than this discussion.
Nobody is signing petitions to stop school shooting in America,and nobody OUTSIDE of America was signing petitions to abolish the 2nd amendment and ban guns.
>he's in shock
you're talking from experience of eating dogs, ching ling ?
>I will equate keeping a human being as property to spinning a few dogs on a rope once a year.
This shit needs to fucking stop. It's a mild animal abuse far less harmful to corridas, dog fighting or even sheep shedding.
Even if I personally do not support the practice with the majority of my compatriots I support even less the meddling of others in ours affairs.
dizzy puppers :3
the weak should fear the strong
it's certainly fatal to any respect anyone might have had for Bulgarians:
"Bulgarians perform a horrific act called "dog spinning” in the mistaken belief that this will prevent rabies and keep away evil spirits."
Who the fuck cares about animals? I wish I could film myself abusing a dog and make all of you weak faggots watch it.
no. it's their culture. that's like asking you to stop shitting on wal-mart or asking a brazilian to stop eating macaco soup. stop killing other countries traditions.
We're not dog spinning anything, you dumb cunt, this is some backwards village that I don't even remember the name of and it's repeatedly caused an outrage of the whole country.
>torturing animals
Does it really matter what color you are? This is retarded
Don't call out people on being losers when you're the one that's on Sup Forums.
reddit really has invaded us
Amazing how Bulgarians think they're white. Wikipedia pictures clearly suggest that you're a bunch of brown niggers
This is unacceptable behavior, especially in a "civilized" European country. Dogs are mans best friend and it is our duty and obligation to protect and serve our canine brethren whenever necessary with swift and decisive action.
kek i hope a congressman has to read this stuff to the nation
>It's fatal
>Can't find fatal cases or proof that it is fatal
>Plenty of proof it is not fatal