Was Bill a good president?

Was Bill a good president?

>strongest economy since the 1950s
>made welfare harder to get
>hired over 100,000 cops to clamp down on crime
>reduced capital gains tax
>Defense of Marriage act

>porked some hot jew fatty right in the oval office like a total alpha.

Removed protections for banks letting (((them))) go bonkers on the economy.
Lied under oath
Ruby Ridge
Bombed Kosovo

The economic boon was due to the dot com bubble.

>raped children

he was shit. congress was excellent at that time though.

The economy rebounded when he became president because it was a bubble plus the Soviet Union collapsed opening new markets for the American economy and he just rode the wave. I twas already recovering by the time Bush Sr. was getting out of office and he was actually responsible raising taxes after GW 1.

Them tripps never lie.

Hahah rapist my ass.


>strongest economy since the 1950s
manly due to Reagan, most economic plans don't take effect until quite a few years after they've been put in place. fact is, Clinton single handily ruined cities like Detroit when he signed Nafta

Yes he was.

He popularized Internet and GPS

it would have been impossible to be a bad president in the 1990s. it was the apex of the american empire.


Sold America to China, strong economy was a result of previous presidents and the natural cycle, nog lover (and they loved him back), toppled strong stable governments in the middle east (RIP Saddam), corrupt AF (basically what (((they))) say goes), wife of the shildawg who would go on to wreak plenty of havoc too, globalist corporatist who weakened the American worker, etc.

Yeah nah.

Bill was a pimp, smart and cool as fuck. Republicans/Conservatives lost their fucking minds after he won in 92!!!FACT!!!

>removed regulations so that American media can be owned by foreigners
>removed regulations so that American media can be controlled by a few
Their contact on America created this shit with the media we are in now

Republicans had a VETO PROOF majority and Bill couldn't stop their deregulations which led to the 2008 crash, just like the last Republican caused crash back in 1929.

He lied about fucking a fat bitch. GWB lied about WMD's and got tens of thousands of people killed not to mention allowing 9/11 to happen on his watch.

Prove that he was a rapist apart from the lies of whores being propped up by Republicans?!

Waco was a cult led by a fanatic who got his own Jonestown because he wasn't going to be taken alive. Republican scum like you in turn blew up a Federal building.

Ruby Ridge was yet more redneck fuckstick bullshit and they got what they deserved.

Kosovo was about stomping on Serbian shitheads who, if you knew fuck all about history, kinda started WW1 and Milosevic was a Serb war criminal.

No, the economic boom was because Bill pushed through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 which EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN voted against. Just like how they voted against the stimulus bill Obama put forth after Republicans trashed the economy.

Republicans/Conservatives like you are the enemy of the USA and do nothing but destroy everything you touch like the inbred retarded children you are!!!FACT!!!

Reagan didn't do shit apart from drool on himself, quadruple the debt, increased military spending and gave amnesty to 3 million illegals. So shove your hero worship of that senile cocksucker up your mongoloid ass!!!FACT!!!

>checks flag
yeah checks out

>>strongest economy since the 1950s
He happened to be the president when the Internet was taking off; this was not his doing.

Hi shareblue

Factors that were largely outside of his control resulted in the economic growth you praise him for. Primarily the birth of the dot com bubble that occurred near simultaneously with the death of the USSR. While Bush 43 certainly didn't do much for the economy either, it was already on the decline by 1999-2000, before he had even entered office.

What is also forgotten about Clinton is his role in the rise of Al-Qeada. During his tenure as president they launched several attacks against the United States. The most infamous of these being

1993- First WTC bombing carried out by Ramzi Yousef, the nephew of the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Shek Mohammed.

>1995- Khobar towers bombing (note: depending on which source and what evidence you believe this was either carried out by AQ or Hezbollah, though the attack has been officially been blamed on the at the time security chief of Hezballah Imad Mughniyah, there was also enough evidence to attribute the attack to AQ)

>1998- East Africa embassy bombings

>2000 USS Cole bombing.

In all of these cases Bill Clinton failed to seriously address the issue of fundamentalist Islam and the rise of terrorism largely unchecked during his tenure. Frankly while I despise Bush 43 for numerous other reasons, I attribute as much if not far more blame for the 9/11 attacks than I do Bush 43.

So no I don't think he was a particularly good president, Hell once you slice through the layers of bullshit that falsely attribute everything that was great with the U.S. At the time I think he was actually a pretty terrible president.

He was a stooge who rode out Reagan's policies while Newt kicked ass.

Clintonion Politics had this theory called Political Triangulation where you nudge your liberal working class party towards the right so that it can make those on the corporatist right vote for your policies. Clinton added pro-corporate side agreements that made NAFTA attractive to republicans. This is what made NAFTA pass. Ever since NAFTA the government has been subsidizing international trade in coastal cities (i.e making things from china cheaper to buy) and allowing manufacturers to move production offshore because of profit margins.
This harmed the white working class and scooped out a significant base in the Democratic party. Ever wondered why some states that traditionally blue voted for Trump instead?

Much of the polarization, poverty, and party shifts of today happened because of NAFTA under Bill Clinton (along with Glass-Stegall). So no. Bill Clinton was corporatist stooge who propped up crony capitalism. He did more harm than good

Caption this image Sup Forums

>Enacted assault weapon ban
>ban had cost over 20 House Democrats their seats


the digit never lie


Exactly this.

>Ruby Ridge was yet more redneck fuckstick bullshit and they got what they deserved.
Weaver Awarded $3.1 Million from US Government

Not even close to what they deserved

>Defense of Marriage act
And the award for best "problem-reaction-solution" goes to...

Fucking ded m8