I feel like I should be laughing, but I kinda feel bad for these people.
Time for a little bit of statistical analysis to test this. Though, probably should use my time for something more useful.
I feel like I should be laughing, but I kinda feel bad for these people
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm from one of the top 5 "best educated" states
Everyone there is a literal faggot progressive weirdo
IDGAF how much school on the east coast costs, their opinions are no more valid than anyone else's
>Obama vs Romney
>College degrees
>white states are nicer than states plagued with niggers
woah what a surprise! Thats what the red states are trying to tell the blue states.
>I have a degree in feminist dance therapy
>ergo my opinion on politics is worth more than yours
And then there are those like this
What defines best educated? What defines worst educated?
It's funny because the people in the red states dragging the numbers down (nigs and spics) overwhelmingly vote Democrat and hate Trump.
My thoughts exactly, I would love to see the specific statistics that were used in the creation of that 'meme'(!? if u can even call it that)
Notice anything?
The least educated cities also vote Democrat.
Those dumb rednecks in Alabama and Mississippi
"best educated" aka most indoctrinated by deadbeat professors who can't perform in their field of choice so they have to spend their days talking to 18 year olds about it
It seems to be the percent of the population with a college degree.
so basically
fukcing rural retards
> American University
> Educated
Pick one.
"Educated" is now synonymous with "indoctrinated"
Lol retard thinks college makes you smart, like it somehow makes your brain produce more neurons. Some of the stupidest people ive ever met have been in college, I have learned more from an old man wearing Jeans sporting new balances then I ever learned from a college professor.
and how exactly do you use a film studies degree to pick who you're voting for?
>those dumb niggers in Alabama and Mississippi
Wow, it's almost like people who vote for diversity and multiculturalism are shielded from the effects of it.
You mean niggers and beans. Look at the 90% white northern states now look at the nigger and bean infested south and south west.
>tfw Marylander
Even if you have a stem degree it doesn't mean you know jack shit about economics/politics
I notice the South is full of rural retards
>Liberal states are the most 'educated'
>'educated' as in bluepilled by a bunch of marxist losers who couldn't make it in the real world
Best educated in being brainwashed does not qualifies as being intelligent, user.
>had the greatest amount of liberal education
>became liberal
>(((college degrees)))
What a surprise, people put through four years of ((college)) are more likely to be liberals.
Looks like the well educated with shitty income vote for Democrats.
Least smart states (iq under 100):
- 11 republican states
- 2 democrat states
Weird huh?
Though college degrees can show the capacity for education, it isn't enough to decide or determine what I would define as educated. I would like to see IQ percentages and voting for a president. That would be interesting.
sry I forgot 2 states so its 4 democrat states
If they were really educated they would know how correlation affects confirmation bias
Read a book, get educated.
>Goes to liberal indoctrination factory, reads "Why whites must die"
Goood, gooood.
Not really, there are a lot of spics and niggers in those states.
Sort that list by population of blacks, and it lines up the same way.
the more niggers/spics the more retarded the population.
Wow are you saying majority black segments of the country are extremely poorly educated?
You're a fucking racist
What a racist chart! Putting the whitest states in the union first and the blackest states last!
TheUnslientMAJORITY should be ashamed!
All that education seems to be paying off. The guy is a master of argumentation.
if democrats are so smart why did they lose the house, senate, white house, and supreme court?
I tried to point out that your measurement is flawed because the republican side won like 30 and the democrats like 20, so naturally, they "win" by state count.
right.... because majoring in genderstudies or fine arts makes you understand economics and foreign policy
stupid leftards.
Ask them what was in Hillary's emails they will ASSURE you that nothing important was... having never read them or looked into them at all
uninformed, ignorant, myopic hypocritical fucks.
So basically liberal arts
>college is good education
No. Anyone who tries to pull the college degree meme on me all I see is a blumbering bafoon.
t. BS in CS from blue state
>tfw too smart to get into college
We should be encouraging black people to move from the ghettos to extremely white suburban neighborhoods
It's only the progressive thing to do, after all.
it's the same meme that (((sociologists))) trot out about how black women are the most educated group in America
its complete bullshit and everyone knows it
How is this measured? College graduation? Does it take area of study into account? Because someone with a degree in gender studies isn't necessarily more intelligent than your average high school student.
>Tfw Colorado
That explain why the snobbish levels are high.
Little known fact, there's a tiny projector inside every liberals ass that plays Roots 24/7.
Liberal Arts Majors vote with their feelings. News at 11.
Shit counts as "higher education".
"college degree or more"
There are two forms of education, practical and technical. The US values education at: technical - practical. In order to produce slavery.
>falling for the college = education meme
Reminder that skilled trades are better lines of work to strive for than what college has to offer
>all the successful states have more white people than the retarded states
HMMMM really gets the joggin noggin
People who make more money tend to vote republican regardless of what state they live in. Democrats are poor fag minorities and poor fag art students with a useless degree.
university education/degree does not mean you are smart or that you have a high iq. everyone knows that there are retarde out there with a b.sc or a m.sc. that couldnt take the trash outside. the statistics are a non argument. you dont need a college degree to be COMPETENT
The "more educated people vote liberal meme" is a fucking joke and an excellent example of why Trump won in the first place. It's:
>A smug and passive aggressive assertion that anyone who disagrees with the left is inherently less intelligent
>Ignores the socioeconomic implications of the entire situation in favor of just assuming that people on the coasts are somehow born smarter
>Examining the intersectional implications of higher polled IQs and higher college attendance on the coasts correlating with higher leftist voter turnouts would actually be interesting but they stop at first base instead of running all the way home because it suits their narrative better
this shit puts me seriously on tilt.
So, white people (best educated) vs black people (Worst educated) with new york thrown in there with its foreign professionals.
>look how progressive we are by shitting on the 'stupid' drumpf supporters lol
>look how much better we are than them
No wonder they lost
>most educated
I've lived all over Maryland, and they are dumb as fuck. In fact, the MOST educated in Maryland are pretty dumb.
I don't know how they're coming up with that statistic. Perhaps if someone can't read and they pass them through school anyway, they count that as "educated".
lol I'm from MD and 3/4 of nigger students can't even read or do math at the state standard. Liberal education system is such shit, thank god my parents sent me to a decent school.
Educated in what though? Humanities? Fine arts?
Remove all people not educated in economics and law and I bet you the numbers would be vastly different.
If I was receiving political advice from a blue collar worker and an arts student I'd take the advice from the guy who works for a living and for whom political decisions matter outside of how they feel.
Barbara Lee did you just empty your savings to donate?
Yeah and most college degrees in the US are literally indoctrination only a fraction of those "educated" people took a useful degree the rest took liberal arts or some -studies degree. Even useful degrees are starting to include mandatory indoctrination
Most smart states went for Republicans though.
>most rural fucking place you could imagine (I know I live near it)
>one of the highest IQ
This really crushes the rural=retard meme if the map is true
>highest IQ states also the whitest (at least from what I remember)
>those low IQ republican states are also full of nigs
More educated whites voted more Democratic and more educated non-whites voted more Republican than their counterparts.
>shielded from diversity and multiculturalism
You really are retarded lmfao
yeah (((educated)))
off yourself shill
But MA is filled with suburban retards.
States most full of office workers who fell for the college meme
Those are the smartest niggers.
It should read:
>Most indoctrinated
>Least indoctrinated
Nuke sites and lots of secret shit there + less people in general to water it down.
No it should read, people who actually earn money and work and welfare retards:
> thinks more neurons mean more intelligent
> thinks anecdotal evidence is in any way valid
to the trash it goes
Most qualified starbucks associates.
Education/indoctrination is not the same thing as common sense and intelligence.
Why are they so mean to black people?
rhode islander here, our local government ships them in like its going out of style
Threads like these are proof that pol harbors at least in part a bunch of morons trying to rationalize their failure. Stupid diversity classes are like 1% of what you do in college and nobody talks about politics around here. I have no problem with people who work trades and such, my grandpa was a plumber, but dont come in here spewing a bunch of bullshit about college because you were too stupid or lazy in high school to get in.
Not many blacks or other nonwhites to water it down. Also more men than females. Id wager that if you measured only the iq of whites in urban states like california, it'd be higher, seeing as those states attract educated professionals.
>states that have vastly lower populations of niggers & illegal beaners are higher educated
really makes you think
>bullying the people who were willing to sacrifice their education for you
>bullying people providing foood, fuel and building materials for the country
>bullying people who have families so you can be single till' your mid 30s
When did America lose respect for it's foundation?
If only Baltimore would have another cleansing fire
what about people with degrees in economics or diplomacy?
liberal arts imbeciles are not uninformed- just misinformed.
Education doubles as indoctrination in those states.
I actually live and grew up in this city and I'm not liberal at all. It's school system is ultra-liberal and spouts endless multi-cultural propaganda. 60% of my high-school wasn't even white. The rich yuppy corporate ladder climbers and Jewish professors account for the rest of the rampant liberalism.
The more education you pass through, the harder your brains are washed.
Wasn't this debunked years ago?
>College degree
So a medic has the same intelligence and education as someone who studied "women studies"?
I think that table it's bullshit