
5 year old Jayla was raped and sodomized by three Muslim immigrants in Twin Falls Idaho. The judge imposed a gag order on the little girls family from speaking to the press about every detail of the crime that happened to her daughter. There are actually lots of Muslims in Twin Falls Idaho, which is a very white and conservative republican state. How can this happen? In Twin Falls Idaho there is a gigantic chobani yogurt factory and the CEO only employees Muslims and is a huge Muslim immigration advocate with lots of political power

Other urls found in this thread:

why do I get the feeling if you dig a little you will find free taxi rides and pizza parties

Who is the judge?

link or fuck off

Chobani is NOT a deep dark hole of weirdness and a laundromat for
do not dig.
do NOT follow the money.

Just let the cultural enrichment happen,Twin Falls.

This is Reality.
Not everyone can be Winners.

Not the first time she's been gagged, nawimsayin?

This wasn't rape. It's just their culture, only white males can rape because rape = power and Muslims are oppressed by white racist Amerikkka.

Isn't it illegal to only employ one race or religion??
I know your can't only employ whites.

We could fix this country immediately if we repealed the Civil Rights Act.
White only businesses that only served whites, White only towns that only housed whites.

That's the beginning of your ethnostate you so desire.

What OP fails to mention is that the Muslims who 'raped' her were 7 and 10 years old (there was also a 14 year old, but he didn't actually touch her, he just filmed it). Needless to say, there was no actual sex.

The gag order is super suspicious though. Judges can block the names of underage offenders from being revealed, but after the trial is over a judge can't just lay down a blanket gag like that. Either the judge is liberal and doesn't want to give ammunition to Trump supporters, or he's a political ally of whoever imported these sandniggers into Idaho in the first place.

>Jeez Honey, now the kid caught the disease
>Which one this time?
>The burger one, should we put it down before it gets as bad as us
>Nah, it wanted 'independence'. Leave it to it's own devices

We don't care about facts here. If we can turn tanned person into muslim predator, and touching into full on penetrative rape, we will.
If the SJWs can create fake rape accusations on college campuses, why don't we do the same with the Muslim invaders?

Mohammad, why did you put quotes around the word "rape"? She's 5 years old, what else would it be considered?

So where were the parents. What was a 5 year old doing alone in the laundry room of the fawnbrook apartments

>Inbred people that worship a mass murdering pedophile warlord do fucked up shit
Gee, what a surprise

Surfuckingprise you royal bellend, turns out underages can rape each other, and believeitorfuckingnot they should be prosecuted.

>Judge 'Oh shit, sorry kids-forgot about the fact that 15yr olds are allowed to fuck 12yr olds without consent...Get outta here you little scamps!'

Fucking speng

Religious Studies

>Da fucking prophet did it, why can't we?

we should meme chobanis stock down and make memes about this happening spreading it around to normies. We are the jews now we can make this happen

They forced the girl in there. It's an apartment complex area

I mean there wasn't actually any penetration. As I remember it they pulled her underwear down and tried to simulate intercourse, then they tried to put their baby dicks in her mouth. Then they peed on her.

granted, a pretty nasty experience for her. However, OP gave the impression that an adult muslim male had penetrative intercourse with her, which I wanted to correct.

>15yr olds
>12yr olds
It was a seven year old.




>they should be prosecuted.
they were prosecuted, and found guilty. They're now subject to probation, which comes with all sorts of conditions probably including mandatory counselling.

>the CEO only employees Muslims and is a huge Muslim immigration advocate with lots of political power
source or gtfo

Obama chose Twin Falls -- and other conservative areas -- for Muslim refugee resettlement because it's all about demographics and they know it.

Take a conservative district, inject a bunch of rapefugees who they know will reproduce quickly (as well as terrorize the local population), and between birthrates and white flight you just turned a red district blue. Do that enough and you start to compile electorally significant changes. That's the point.

The fact that Obama got to shit on a bunch of white christian conservatives is just the icing on the cake.

This case was beyond disgusting.

Oh and this is Wendy Olsen the US attorney appointed by Obama to Twin Falls Idaho who threatened federal prosecution against ANYONE in the community or the media who spoke disparagingly about the refugees who committed the rape.

She's in private practice now with a firm called Stoel Rives LLP (

Everyone in that case was a Democrat appointee, and they were ALL on the side of the rapefugees, including the prosecutor who didn't push for any jailtime. The judge even berated the little girl's mother in the courtroom on several occasions.

They will not change. They should be executed. It will only happen again.

what kind of parent leaves their retarded kid unnatended with 14 year old muslim immigrants? I mean, you should be aware of who is in the neighbourhood.

Where is the father? Are there no men left on this gay earth?

yea but why are the parents letting their 5 year old wander around alone. Must be a trashy apartment

Is there nothing we can do... is all hope lost for this country.. even if some decides to take action and kill some of these monsters he will be vilified and executed and never spoken of again except on some korean dog smuggling website. I say again what can one man do against such reckless faggotry?

The rapists are her next-door neighbors. They still live there, and the judge has placed an order of protection on the MOTHER and the victim.

The rapists got no jail time and the government hasn't even moved them from being next door to the girl they raped. And the mother cannot talk about the case with anyone, nor can she defend herself, otherwise she'll go to jail for contempt.

It's time to kill all of the muslims. They're a literal cancer on this country.

The US still has the second amendment, doesn't it? It seems like it wouldn't be too hard in the state of Idaho to find a couple of old boys and take care of the problem.

It's a myth that children who commit crimes at a very young age are just fundamentally like that, and will go on acting that way no matter what. In fact, statistically children are always the ones who respond best to rehabilitation efforts.

Not that my telling you this matters. People will go on believing it, because otherwise calling for a young kid to be brutally tortured and killed might kinda maybe make them a bad person.

Go on, lynch a seven year old. Be a /real/ American (pic related)

Name of the judge? He/she should receive our attention

They are a symptom of the cancer. Not the cancer itself, that being said relieving ones pain of the symptoms is always a welcome treatment.

>The rapists got no jail time and the government hasn't even moved them from being next door to the girl they raped. And the mother cannot talk about the case with anyone, nor can she defend herself, otherwise she'll go to jail for contempt.
is that factual?

Give it to a Brit to defend immigrants raping a girl.

I bet you think it was her fault too.

In the end does it really matter if they reform? How many cases are like this? How many will die and does it hurt our economy to lose a few numbers this way?? Just in case some dont reform it would always be safer to just get rid of them all. Stop thinking with your feel feels and start thinking with logic you dumb cunt.

We need to make sure not one conservative buys chobani...

How do we do this?

picture of muslim loving french user

>letting your kids play outside with 3 older shit skins

welp, i can only blame the muslims so much before i have to point a finger at the parents for not supervising their kid

Rape apologism.

Do you have brain damage? These are muslims we are talkin about here. They don't don't see what they did as a crime. Their parents won't tell them not to, in fact it was probably their suggestion. They are subhuman scum, the only known cure is a bullet in the head.

Fucking kill this thing for gods sake dont let it breed.

From what I remember the mudslimes we're all under 18. We don't like a lot of attention brought to the gem state so people are told to shut the fuck up. That's why we have a lot of Bosnians and Basque people in Boise too.

why is he not in Auschwitz ?

Generally speaking I put chobani in the same category as ben and jerry's.

>As WND previously reported, Twin Falls is in line to receive about 300 refugees this year, many of them Muslims from Syria. And the state of Idaho, despite its reputation as a mostly white, conservative farm state, has been a popular destination for refugees in recent years.

This "enrichment" mostly white areas has also been seen in California, which penalizes schools for being too white:

That's a paki on welfare in the UK

Holy shit Muslims are disgusting. Poor girl, horrible what they did to her

Why would you call your daughter this?

Interview with the 5 year olds father who was shown the video by boasting Muslims they had filmed themselves of his daughters gangrape:

>WND story on the trial
Guilty and NO jail time or deportation:

>Important Background Info:

Mother is using page as her public communications platform for now:
(Delete the extra dots)
Go fund me is confirmed as the mothers in the WND story above, ignore concern trolls


Yes. I'm on my phone otherwise I'd post more links, but just google it. The mainstream reports are try to play it down but it's a real bad situation.

Why do you have shitskins in Idaho?

Read the thread.


>Victim’s Father:
“Thirty seconds showed them in the laundry room, they pulled my daughter around, pushed her up against the wall, pulled her pants off, he dropped his pants, he was trying to get her from behind, you know, they only… no, for the boy that was trying to do it he was, you know, he was only seven to nine years old, so not a lot of… he didn’t know what he was really doing, as you’d expect.
“My daughter didn’t really, was trying to fight him a little bit, she finally got away, pulled her pants up, ran around to the side of a corner, ran inside a washing machine, hunched down, shaking in fear, while he danced around with his pants down, laughing at her, pointing at her, with all the other boys – you could hear them in the background, doing the same thing – and that’s all I watched. Because after that I was just… man, I don’t want to see any more of this. If I do, I’m gonna do something I shouldn’t do.”
>Victim’s Father:
“I know there was a lot more that happened that was told to me by the prosecutor who had watched the video. More after that, you know, he went back to her, tried doing the front, he, um… oral sex with, you know, oral with her, he shoved it in her mouth…”
>Victim’s Mother:
“Which is considered a rape.”
>Victim’s Father:
“He peed all over her in her mouth, all over her body, her face, head… you know, totally defiled her, I mean…”
>Victim’s Father:
“So I know it had to be more than a minute or two for that to happen. And after he was all done, like I was saying, um, before the lady walked in and stopped him, the next-older boy had gotten– removed his clothes, and was getting ready to…”
>Victim’s Father:
“Join. And that’s when she walked in and stopped it.”

>what's wrong with executing children?
You know, it's moments like this that really brings it home to me that white Americans often have a bit of nigger DNA in them from all those centuries of fucking slave girls. Maybe you'd be happier moving to Africa, where you can do that sort of thing (pic related)

>They are subhuman scum, the only known cure is a bullet in the head.
yep, nice and rational.

jesus, what the fuck is it with Swedes. You know, there is a middle ground between 'They are subhuman scum, the only known cure is a bullet in the head.' and 'you're a bigot if you stop migrants from raping your daughter'

not a leftist, that shit doesn't work on me.

Boycott now

I dont know what that is supposed to mean.

Isn't obvious? The Democrats are importing immigrants into red states to turn them blue.

If you speak up against this you are a racist xenophobe.

Or at best you're creating more terrorists.

The Dems are some of the most insidious creatures on the planet and will stop at nothing less than complete white genocide.

how is a little kid even a "muslim" at that age they dont know shit about religion


>Victim’s Father:
“I finally got covered and I ran across the street, from my work to my home, and there was just a whole bunch of people outside my apartment, from all families, and I just walked into the apartment and, uh… our… they had, a phone sitting there, and they said yeah, they recorded this, you know. You need to look at this real quick, and I pushed play on that. I watched like thirty seconds.”
“You watched thirty seconds of what?”
>Victim’s Father:
“I watched thirty seconds of a recording that was recorded by the refugee boys of what they…”
“So you’ve seen that video?”
>Victim’s Father:
“Wow, that’s… I… I hadn’t heard that.”
>Victim’s Father:
“I did not watch the whole thing, like I said, I watched about thirty seconds of it. There was a lot more on there that I did not see. But what I did see is… is horrific for a father to watch for their… for that thing. And so after I watched all that, I came outside, trying to keep my composure because that whole family was still outside my apartment, you know, they were trying to stop us from calling the police, pleading with us.”
“The refugee family was trying to stop you from calling the police?”
>Victim’s Father:
“Yes. They were pleading with us, saying everything was okay, they did nothing wrong, you know – ‘No police! No police!’ – because they did not speak… they speak Arabic, so they had very few words that they can actually…”
>Victim’s Father:
“Um, when I watched what I watched, the older brother of the boy that filmed it, or, one of the brothers to the boys, he came in behind me and watched what I watched as well.”
“Now how old is he? He’s an adult, or?”
>Victim’s Father:
“He looked like he was in his late teens.”


I dont see children i see monsters who rape little girls and piss all over them. These "children" are at the same level as rabid dogs to me.

>7yr old

You see kid, this is in the industry what's known as 'bait'. You see how I said 15/12 yr old incorrectly. Well your dumbass had to correct me, making the theoretical situation worse whilst simultaneously making it appear like you are even more of an idiot-all while you do not prove any point.

My advice-STFU and fuck off. The offenders actions were indefensible. If I found Mohammed 1, 2 and 3 rubbing their dicks and pissing on my kid-hell any kid, I would righteously smash their faces into the ground, borrow a few teeth before calling the authorities to take their little arses to youth offenders.

The father should have killed them. The rapists and the rape defenders. There are somethings worse than being vilified by your enemies. Like you daughter being raped.

You spelt Swede wrong

>It was on Breitbart, it must be true
Cool story bro

well that would bring a lot of attention to the case, that's for sure.

Sean cassidy was so cute

>muh chilluns

What is race?
What is deep culture?
What is family and social norms?
What is older siblings and relatives encouraging and joing in Muslim gangrapes of kuffar girls?
Every day Muslim children are raised in Muslim norms and values. Including rape and jihad.

>Point 1-No point made
>Point 2-No point made
>Point 3-Self aggrandising statement, no point made

Please, shut your fucking trap newfag

Oh look. A Britcuck defending sand people. Since when do you get an internet connection in that cuckshed?

The traitors hang first. This story makes my blood boil really fucking much.
>"But user, why do you hate Muslims, they're not all like that."
I have no fucking sympathy any more for these people. Look how those so called "moderates" were all in front pleading with the family not to call the police on all their shitskin asses. To hell with their men, women, and children. They only care about their own community and protect their own no matter how heinous their crime is. They don't report, they don't care, they collect welfare like mad, and inside they'd wish America was there's for the taking.

>It was a seven year old.

They were not all SEVEN years old you fucking islamic dick sucking cunt.

The youngest was seven. The other two were FOURTEEN and TEN.

And frankly, knowing how refugees cover up their true ages, you can probably add a couple of years onto that also.

So this wasn't just a seven year old playing doctor or whatever bullshit idea you have in your fucking curry-clogged brain.

>they were prosecuted, and found guilty. They're now subject to probation, which comes with all sorts of conditions probably including mandatory counselling.

But not revocation of their refugee status and removal from the country. Heaven forbid. I'm sure the counseling will do them plenty of good though.

Christ I can't wait until the mohammeds flush your country down the toilet once and for all.

I live in Twin Falls, ID, AMA

Didn't chobani sue alex jones or something?

It's a direct interview with the girls father. It doesn't matter where it is published. Stop defending Muslim gangrape of little White children.

Why aren't they dead?

What are the citizens doing over there? I've seen some videos of them bringing it to the city counsels but it seems they're being shut down. Are there any plans to bring this to the attention of the President?

this literally did not happen you fucking weirdos

honestly have you people even interacted with a brown person before

>Welcome to Britain
The point is that they must actively know what they are doing illegal, else they wouldnt dare send the video out.
I pray that the police over there don't protect the evil fuckers (like they do over here coz muh racism allegations) and punish them for everything they fucking deserve.


The judge, too

twin falls is cucked. city may be conservative, but those who are even aware of what is happening are too afraid to speak up.

as far as i'm aware, not a lot of people are even aware of what's happening.

Damn, guess I gotta stop buying chobani

Where are the good old boy militias I hear so much about in Idaho?

The gangrape was filmed by the Muslims.
Police have the video.
The Muslims have pled guilty and have been convicted.
We have a direct account of the gangrape from the girls father who was shown the video of his daughters gangrape by the Muslims boasting >Victim’s Father:
“Thirty seconds showed them in the laundry room, they pulled my daughter around, pushed her up against the wall, pulled her pants off, he dropped his pants, he was trying to get her from behind, you know, they only… no, for the boy that was trying to do it he was, you know, he was only seven to nine years old, so not a lot of… he didn’t know what he was really doing, as you’d expect.
“My daughter didn’t really, was trying to fight him a little bit, she finally got away, pulled her pants up, ran around to the side of a corner, ran inside a washing machine, hunched down, shaking in fear, while he danced around with his pants down, laughing at her, pointing at her, with all the other boys – you could hear them in the background, doing the same thing – and that’s all I watched. Because after that I was just… man, I don’t want to see any more of this. If I do, I’m gonna do something I shouldn’t do.”
>Victim’s Father:
“I know there was a lot more that happened that was told to me by the prosecutor who had watched the video. More after that, you know, he went back to her, tried doing the front, he, um… oral sex with, you know, oral with her, he shoved it in her mouth…”
>Victim’s Mother:
“Which is considered a rape.”
>Victim’s Father:
“He peed all over her in her mouth, all over her body, her face, head… you know, totally defiled her, I mean…”

Why haven't you killed them yet? Why haven't you bombed the Chobani factory? Why haven't you burned down their mosques? Why aren't you starting a revolution?

torture and dismember the kids who did this while they are alive
play the screams simultaneously through every goddamn fucking mudslime call to prayer speaker across the world

Guessin Twin Falls is soon gonna be renamed to New Rotherham.
Wait 'til the fuckers oust the Jews, then use the old Jewish centre as a mosque. It's about that point that they grow some balls and start attacking people in public and declare unnoficial Sharia Law.

It's what happened over here. Please, stop it before it spreads-it really is one of those cases where the worst you can think of is the best outcome. Honestly.

this is not a source you mong, post one actual shred of evidence of this happening. dogbrained retard

I thought Idaho was a hardcore militia state with good old boys in pick up trucks, rope and 50 cals? What gives?

first execute wendy olson, obama, soros the fucking nigger jews and everyone at the UN who is behind all of this

What a faggot cuck. If muslims can do honor killings, and it's okay because it's their culture, why can't we 'embrace' multiculturalism and do the same back?

no audio or video of this?

they only have one little rundown mosque downtown but they are building a bigger one. to be completely honest, i didn't even know this happened until i opened up this thread. our local news station didn't report on this, i dont think
if anything, the city is going to become mormon and muslim central in the next few years.

gag orders. now gettin the normies
fuck yes.

>mostly white, conservative

We can't have that, oh no. Must ensure Drumpfy doesn't get a second term. Can't have anywhere hostile to the Democrats ever again.

This is correct, but manufacturing facts like that usually isn't necessary

I'm going to tell you this right now.
These fucks are moving fast.
All of Europe, the US, Canada will be islamic shitholes as early as a decade.
They will run you over, blow you up, rape your kids, and the governments will back them up 100%.
There's a reason why doomsday preppers have been telling you to buy guns with lots of ammo and it's because of this.
These terrorist cocksuckers are the fucking antichrist incarnate. And they will stop at absolutely NOTHING until they have their global caliphate.
Also start smacking the shit out of these leftist cocksuckers. And curbstomp them too if you have to.
You are no longer among friends. Get scared, get angry.

that's northern idaho you're thinking of. twin falls is more liberal in comparison. still majority conservative, but definitely more cucked.

Obongo selectively chose to send all the muzzie migrants into a Red district, so when the fuckers grow up it flips blue, instead of spreading them out across the country like a normal fucking person with assimilation in mind.