How long until progressives justify having sex with minors...

How long until progressives justify having sex with minors, in the same vein as a gay person cannot control who they are sexually attracted to. I'm not talking about having sex with toddlers, but who's to say eventually they will advocate for having the right to have sex with anyone 10+?

Didnt you just make this thread?

I didn't read your post but post more feet!

It's true that you can't control who you are sexually attracted to, but you can control who you actually have sex with (outside of being raped obviously).

I actually think the world would be a better place if pedos and hebos could admit to their sexual attraction and receive treatment, without fear of being lynched.


Didn't you start a thread yesterday with this picture?
I didn't read it, only saw the picure

What treatment would help them exactly, other than castration?

I'm pretty sure that was 6 months ago.

I think they should be able to get a prescription for computer generated porn and/or child sexbots but their name would also go on a list where they are not allowed to do certain jobs that would give them access to children and they would be put on a watchlist so if sex crimes were committed in their area they would be questioned by police.


One lifestyle involves consent, the other doesn't.

Fuck off.

gays can consent, children cant

Who's says a 15 year old can't consent to anything? I didn't say anything about fucking babies, you fucking idiots.

So essentially pedophiles would be above the law and would recieve speciel privileges as "treatment". That's an awful lot of work, and for what benefit? What do they do for us?

i don't want to live on this planet anymore

Why is a foot fetish so god tier?
Especially not that it's summer, it's like having super powers. Really makes me want to go out/use public transport more often.

they already are.

look around

How long until you stop posting this thread?

what laws are they above? What work are you talking about?

Gays are consenting adults. Progressives are full of dumb rabid ideas but consent between any two adult is a pretty reasonable thing to allow. This has virtually nothing to do with your slippery slope pedo bullshit. kys.

Tbh this will only happen if our governments get so cucked as to make Islam nationally required for all citizens, as they're already pretty lax with letting Muslim marriages legally stand in their countries. Then the opposition would have to lose that war.

Otherwise I just don't see that happening - I still see plenty of insane libs who despise pedophilia, and the Milo incident is proof that they will still rail against that sort of behavior.

>Use the public transportation
What why?

>Gays are consenting adults.
kek, most gays were introduced into that lifestyle as children.

Stop making this shitty thread.

I get the logic of this, but those boys would have to be completely realistic, otherwise they would grow bored and want to do the real thing eventually. For a lot of pedos it's the power roles that really get them off, and it's hard to feel any sort of domination over a machine that's programmed to be submissive.

Is that legal?

The laws against child porn. You're saying we give them access to that and make special robots for them. Why do they deserve that?

If you live in a big european city you are unfortunately forced a lot of times.
In the summer you can see a lot girls dangling their flats though, so it could be worse.

It's coming sooner than you think, since Sharia law allows child molestation and liberals are under the belief that Muslims do no wrong.


so were most straight people


>Who's says a 15 year old can't consent to anything?

Anybody with any semblance of life experience. Because we all know how poorly thought-out the decisions you make are at that age are, which is what nonces exploit.

>wow this girl in my year 10 english class is fucking hot, i wonder if she's down to fuck


>wow this 50 year old guy is fucking my 16 year old ass

Soon, but not because of western pedos. It is coming in the name of tolerance and multiculturalism.

One of the points where muslims and progressives align: Both want to fuck kids. Now they can claim that keeping people from fucking kids is "islamophobic, racist and bigoted".

The age of consent is lower in some countries, including mine unfortunately.

Why did you shoop out the dildo?


Any man that touches my daughter is a dead man walking.

Is this L*ci Gr*en?

>girls dangling their flats

That is the hottest thing ever. There is a girl at work who was doing that during a meeting. I still don't remember what the meeting was about. Surely they know what they're doing.

Sorry that's so common in here that i like the boots girls wear in the winter rather nothing in the summer.
Even that i like the hippie style some girls took here, the bare foot is a thing.

Umm...yes? So is the one OP posted. You didn't notice?

Im currently together with this beauty and i feel like, it's okay lets say if a guy is below 20 and the girl is 15, but if the age gap is higher than 5 years i feel that it is fucking weird.

I like my women like my whisky, 20 or older and gets me satisfied.

they wouldnt do that. because that will mean giving men more options

He also said that they lose access to certain types of jobs which puts them in proximity to children. So it evens out.

>Im currently together with this beauty
That pic is from 2014. Stop larping.

The laws are retarded, you can watch isis gore/murder videos yet watching c p is illegal
If some 12 year old upload a cam of herself its illegal, she commited a crime (what fucking crime?) and user for watching it.

saw this post yesterday faggot

go fuck yourself

Who's the trap? Name?

Thats obviously a dude

>How long until progressives justify having sex with minors, in the same vein as a gay person cannot control who they are sexually attracted to. I'm not talking about having sex with toddlers, but who's to say eventually they will advocate for having the right to have sex with anyone 10+?

Dear Canacuck,

Should I remind you that in most of the world having sex with sexually developed minors IS NOT a crime?

The only crime is to pay for them, as in the concept of P R O S T I T U T I O N.

In most of Europe, 14 yo. or 16 y.o. means "old enough to give consent unless you are a tutor or parent, in which case the bar is higher".

It is (you) American (and Canacuck) prudes who introduced the idea of
>OMG you cannot have sex at 14 y.o.
>OMG age difference means rape is automatic
>OMG these young people have no free will

If I may add, it sounds to me that all your (((rules))) are the result of (((recent))) or (((very recent))) innovations by (((experts))) who did their best to create a teenage bubble in which basically you are allowed to be a tard because the law waives responsibility for all your actions.

So, the fact girls or boys aged 14+ will be renewely allowed to have sex with older people is just a reinstatement of the former status quo, and not a (((democratic))) advance orchestrated by your media.

Think again. Tradition means younger people should be able to have sex full stop. And there is no pedophilia but in the mind of a prude lawmaker, because a 16 y.o. is fully and legally fuckable where I live.

This said, we have a responsibility as adults not to pray on young people. But that's a completely different story than the legal fairy tale you have been told since early in your life.

Pedos should just marry girls that are AAA flat chested and 5'3.

The real question is when are you going to accept the fact that you're really into penis and use this sexual frustration to fuel your homophobia and self-hatred, my nigga.

"Gayness" is a fetish. Gays are just guys with extreme mother issues.

Wanting penis is pretty much the gayest thing ever.