Civic nationalism cringe thread
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He's a 'classical liberal'
who is the sturgeon of aardvark?
>tfw kek will never again be a nazi frog meme
btw, who is that sand rat?
by whoes authority moron not understanding the difference between a picture and a meme
Is it true he's a quadroon?
What's civic nationalism?
Is it basically cucks who see (((diverse))) towns and cities and think its good? Like The French.
It's people who care less about race and more about the nationalism part. They believe that as long as people are instilled with the love and values of their nation that they're worth keeping around and the only people who need to be constantly kept or forced out are people who refuse to accept the basic ideological foundations of the nation.
I think what civic nationalists don't realize is that if we kicked out everyone who hated and harmed our country, all the people who don't believe in the founding principles of the nation, we'd essentially still be expelling the majority of nonwhites along with the majority of people in the government.
Honestly I think the civic nationalism would be better because you can also work to push out people of your own race who undermine the nation and it's principles.
>Brits lecturing us.
>With OP pic related.
kill this leftist fucker
This kills the civic nationalist
Any SNP media on nationalism/(((new scots)))
Racism Civic nationalism is best ideology.
almost no one here knows what a meme actually is.
Fucking christ....
millennial woes schooled this nigga
Why would you kick out productive people who love their country based solely on the colour of their skin though?
Caramel babies get it first on DOTR.
Oh no! The partially redpilled have culturally apropriated our memes.
That's facism though. Maybe not in idea, but in practice "civic nationalism" is what is practiced on t_d.
non whites do not share the same goals as us
lol, northwest is beanerville now
Racist civic nationalism? So we live with niggers but we hate them? No thanks, I would rather deport or exterminate them.
> white masterrace
> except for scottish cucks and slavic untermensches and aquafresh and canadian fags and amerifats and scandinavian drunktards and welsh wankers
you are pathetic
They'll be driven out with fire and sword.
I thought you guys were exaggerating about this "based black man" thing. PJW just Tweeted this shit out ten minutes ago.
>nation (n.) Look up nation at Dictionary.com c. 1300, from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.
You care about nationalism but not race? Not possible
it is so much worse than that map implies
Up until two weeks or so ago that image summed up pol perfectly.
This is now a nazi larper cringe thread
I wouldn't, I'd kick them out based on whether or not they believe in the core founding principles of my country. People who constantly demand that the core principles of my country be torn down and replaced with shit are violating the NAP and should be forced out of society. Commies, nogs with gang culture, scumbag politicians, and terrorist sympathizers all actively harm society and should be forced out.
I just care more about the nation, and specifically the beliefs which led to it's successes race obviously plays a part but not the only part.
The shitskins are concentrated in the urban centers, whites control the land mass.
>african majority counties
What the fuck is wrong with you rednecks? Why the fuck did you have to have slaves, you've ruined this place.
Neither do most whites
The slave trade was heavily Jewish senpai.
exactly. We need allies where we can get them. This full nazi shit is retarded.
Holy shit, I had no idea there were so many seafaring mormons
they are outbreeding us lad, the window of time we have to solve this problem has almost closed
the only way would be to get a supreme court ruling retroactively repealing birthright citizenship, something that will never ever happen. (even though the constitution never intended anchor babies to be citizens)
Sorry I meant "RACISTS. (period). "Civic Nationalism is the best ideology""
Basically im saying you guys are all racists.
Yes, all logical and true. The only recourse it to activate the NVA.
>They believe that as long as people are instilled with the love and values of their nation that they're worth keeping around
They're not exactly wrong, but the problem is that shitskins are unable to achieve this
Slave holders:
2% of whites
20% of freed slaves
40% of Jews
>Civic nationalism
pick one fucknut.
>using the term nazi larper
they will soon enough, more and more are waking up
allies against what? once whites become a minority you can say bye bye to right wing politics in america, all your streets will be renamed, statues of your founders will be taken down, no more guns, whites will be at the mercy of people who hate them
Mhm. Tell me more.
Wow a Sonderneger! An exception, not the norm.
You fail at life.
Those are the boats. Jews weren't the plantation owners, there weren't a lot of jews over here back then.
"classical liberals" are those guys with ancient greek display pics on twitter who think they know classics but misquote and fail to understand anything they talk about. sargon created a wave of them. tragic
Jesus Christ
Now i know what people on Sup Forums must have felt like when all their beautiful memes were being ruined by retarded activists and teenagers during Chanology protests. A whole internet culture systematically being destroyed by cringe. And the worst part is that it's not even intentional. You could have prevented this.
>shitskins are unable to achieve this
>moving the other guy's goal posts for him
You posted some African
>using the term civic nationalist
That makes you a nazi larper, go back to /stormfront/ where you retards can wank off about muh white communism without any non commies around.
>allies against what? once whites become a minority you can say bye bye to right wing politics in america, all your streets will be renamed, statues of your founders will be taken down, no more guns, whites will be at the mercy of people who hate them
Keep being the nazi boogie man and you can guarantee it. No one is going to go along with your ideas when you put the face of genocide on it. This is why the jews win, because half the whites are too sympathetic and then you people are so myopic. You can win over people with egalitarianism that would defacto exclude non-whites as long as you don't present yourself as a nazi.
He's a cultural libertarian.
You don't say...
kekistan? more like cuckistan
nu-fags btfo
>it's not even intentional
It is, though. Sargon killed this on purpose, just like he did GamerGate.
Sup Forums has unironically been becoming more shitty lately.
You can obviously tell there's a lot of new users from reddit now. As in, I'm seeing people use really old memes and try to defend Kekistani cringe.
>muh rope day
Sargon is just a dumb Brit who invented Kekistan because he wanted to post Sup Forums memes without being a Sup Forumsack. He never wanted to destroy Sup Forums. Besides, he never could've predicted how popular it would be.
hearty kek
>That makes you a nazi larper
how can i larp on the fucking internet? do you even know what larp means?
>present yourself as a nazi
not once have i referenced nazism or anything of the sort, you're the one who replied with a image of hitler
we need to wake as many white people up as possible while there's still time to turn things around, whites acting as a group in the same way blacks and hispanics do would be unstoppable
this disrepectful fatass can suck my dick.
he's not really classical liberal, more like ordoliberal.
He has claimed to support things like single payer healthcare and $15 min wage, which indicate anti-market sentiment.
too many normies
Is sargon the leader of the kekistani movement?
I have grown to hate sargon
>all of those Mormons around Michigan
This is sickening.
just saw this on faceberg
>how can i larp on the fucking internet? do you even know what larp means?
You're role playing as a nazi, a political party in germany in the 1920s that hasn't been relevant since then and for which no one actually belongs in the real world. The term "civic nationalism" comes from the stormfront forums where the users hatch plans to jew up other websites in order to jew them into following them. No one here has ever identified as a "civic nationalist", it's a strawman invented by you retards.
this one got me
People who value culture and language above ethnicity and race
See Byzantium, we taught all these sandniggers Greek and Christianized them, and they repaid us with 400 years of slavery and death
We should have just colonized the lands with ethnics like Sparta and Alexander did, imagine where we would be today
>You're role playing as a nazi
you still haven't explained how, other than claiming that "civic nationalism" is a term invented by stormfront when it isn't, you're no different than the leftists that go round calling everyone a nazi
>It's a term that has a wiki page
How is that an argument? Have you ever seen someone here say "I'm a civic nationalist"? No, you retards just call everyone who isn't a nazi larper a "civic nationalist" so you can astroturf a consensus. You're the ones using leftist tactics, I'm just throwing it back at you in your jew thread.
just fuck off m8, you've got nothing positive to bring to this thread
You've got nothing positive to contribute to the board. All you retards do is complain about right wingers. You're basically JIDF. Get the fuck off my board if you're going to just chimp out every day about "civic nationalists". /stormfront/ is a safe space for you.
What's the point of civic nationalism? If you don't care about your ethnicity why not advocate for a world government?
go suck on your wife's boyfriend's based black cock faggot
what? you want asians in charge of the world? or god forbid africans? do you want a dystopia? that's how you get one mate
Posting all those slide threads really got you fantasizing about it huh? Do you fashy fags ever stop thinking about black cock?