Just LOL at those of you who think they're "enlightened", you're no different from those SJW marxist shits
Do you beta virgins actually think you're special?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you meant to post this on reddit. Go back.
I do all that except I graduated with honors and have a job as a software engineer and a wife.
> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
> phone - NO
> Gaming - NO
> Low Grade - CHECKED
> Procrastination - CHECKED
> weed/alcohol - NO
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - NO
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> High IQ - NO
> MBTI results - NO
> Nice guy - CHECKED
Im above average for a white person. That would set me far ahead of most americans.
My IQ should be in around 110 based on my position in the Irish leaving cert which is multiple exams spanning many hours. I hold a masters qualification in a STEM subject and a good job.
Im basically perfect.
The "smart but lazy" types are always the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. They really piss me off.
> Gaming Laptop - CHECKED
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - Barely
>Low grade - No
>Procrastination - No
>weed/alchohol - No
> Meme clothing - No
> Movies/shows - No I only watch NGE and thats pretty mainstream
>unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED but I can actually argue for them and look up sources (for example most jews died by starvation/typhus not 6 million gassed like normies say)
>High IQ - No
> MBTI results - What is that?
> Nice guy - No
>Implying body dismorphia can be anything other than a mental illness
This is INTP turf, Get The Fuck Out imposter.
>thinking trannys are nuts for wanting to willing remove their genitalia is considered unpopular / wrong
>only 2 out of 12
Introverted anything is just a sign of low self-esteem and autism
kek, I only check for the unpopular opinion
>was one of these "smart but lazy" faggots
>never tried in school
>was tired of just muddling through life
>finally buckle down
>go to school for mechanical engineering
>get 3.3, but took some work
There are people who are genuinely lazy as fuck, but they need to shut the fuck up and buckle down. Intelligence means nothing without at least a slight bit of application of dedication.
Also, that online IQ test is accurate. I tested at 140 when I was younger, I tested at 135 with that one. Considering a +- of 5 IQ it's very accurate.
> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - CHECKED
> Low Grade - CHECKED
> Procrastination - NO
> weed/alcohol - ALCOHOL CHECKED
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - CHECKED
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> High IQ - NO
> MBTI results - NO
> Nice guy - NO
I'm not smart, just very selective about what I choose to put effort into.
>gaming desktop. probably close enough. no note taking, though, since i have a real job
>smartphone. who the heck doesn't have those besides conspiracy theorists?
>gaming in class-- oh, i see where this is going
>low grades. nope.
>procrastination. why?
>meme based clothing. nah
>tv. no.
>unpopular opinion. i used to think so, but maga
>high IQ score obtained in questionable online test. yep. that's definitely me.
>constant reminder of MBTI. well, i'm an INTJ (read: autistic faggot), but who cares?
>"nice guy." nah, i'm kind of a dickhead
heh, that was fun.
>> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
>> phone - CHECKED
>> Gaming - CHECKED
>> Low Grade - CHECKED
>> Procrastination - CHECKED
>> weed/alcohol - NO
>> Meme clothing - NO
>> movies/shows - NO
>> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
>> High IQ - CHECK
>> MBTI results - CHECKED
>> Nice guy - CHECKED
This is too accurate, fuck you op I'll play GTAIV where I want, when I want
>IQ tests
>thinking 115 is a high IQ
My SAT score say I have an IQ of 157. Am I insecure af? Yes. Am I special? Yep
OP, are you from reddit or you are just like this faggot?
> Gaming laptop - NO
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - NO
> Low Grade - NO
> Procrastination - IT'S KILLING ME
> weed/alcohol - CHECKED
> Meme clothing - VERY SUBTLE/NO
> movies/shows - IRONIC
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> High IQ - YES
> MBTI results - SADLY
> Nice guy - NO
>1 pst by this ID
>falling for the bait this hard
>not saging the thread
>> Gaming laptop -NO
>> phone - NO
>> Gaming - NO
>> Low Grade - NO
>> Procrastination - CHECKED
>> weed/alcohol - NO
>> Meme clothing - NO
>> movies/shows - NO
>> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
>> High IQ - NO
>> MBTI results - NO
>> Nice guy - NO
That's a nice projection though
>not good at taking tests
then you're not smart
if you were you'd either be:
wise enough from studying/whatever to know the material
intelligent enough to figure it out
If you cant do one or the other, you're just a loser
>phone - no
What the fuck?
>110 iq
pick one
> Gaming laptop - Yes
> phone - Yes
> Gaming - No
> Low Grade - No
> Procrastination - CHECKED
> weed/alcohol - NO
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - NO
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> High IQ - Yes
> MBTI results - NO
> Nice guy - No
> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - CHECKED
> Low Grade - NO
> Procrastination - CHECKED
> weed/alcohol - NO
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - ONLY SUPERIOR ANIME
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> MBTI results - CHECKED
> Nice guy - you mean using the term in negative context? In that case CHECKED
guess i am very smart and just lazy
>Gaming Laptop: NO
>Smartphone: Yeah but professors can kick you out for using it during class
>Gaming in Class: NO, Way too obvious.
>Low Grades: NO, But They're not good either
>Weed and Alcohol: I smoke weed almost everyday except finals week. Drink on weekends like the average normie.
>Who doesn't like South Park, Breaking Bad, and Rick and Morty?
>Unpopular opinions: I post here so that's an obvious yes.
>Shitty IQ tests: NO, proving intelligence is stupid
>Clocked at INTJ, but I definitely feel like its all bullshit.
>Nice Guy: I try not to be
>Only motivated because college is expensive and I don't wanna jinx it.
>gaming laptop
I use a desktop like a normal person
>low grades
>meme clothing
like southpark, the rest of those suck ass
>controversial views
yes, gas the kikes
>high iq
scored 131 on the mensa test
literally astrology for men
>nice goy
Lol, everything is false. Except perhaps that controversal opinion thing, but really what westerners consider "controversal" is absolutely normal and common in russia.
>doesn't have a phone
The only believable thing in your list.
Your SAT scores don't give you your IQ you fucking moron. You can't get it online either. You have to be assessed, face-to-face, with a professional. It's not about how many questions you get right and how quickly.
I know because I had it done.
>Gaming laptop - Lol, no
>Phone during lectures - Sometimes, try not to.
>Gaming - Not excessively, sometimes play Total War or CS GO
>Low Grades - Used to, got my shit together and am now usually in the top 30%
>Procrastination - Yes, but It's gotten better
>weed/alcohol - no, never will
>Meme clothing - no
> movies/shows - I enjoy some of those shows but the description is a no
>unpopular/controversial op - Yes, obviously
>High IQ - Took an online Mensa test, slightly above average. 115. Never mention it like an idiot though.
>MBTI results - ESTJ, never talk about it either.
>Nice guy - No, not really.
Is it normal to want to throw all muslims and kikes into gas chambers in Russia?
Is that Fred Armisen?
You won't hear that on TV/Radio, but if you say something not very nice about muslims or jews in public, you won't upset or surprise anyone except the muzzies and the jews.
>Gaming Laptop
I have a nice desktop, but never a laptop im not a faggot
On occasion, did it more when I was younger
>Low Grades
Nah senpai
Not as bad as I used to be
On occasion. Maybe once every few months for each
>Meme Clothing
>unpopular opinions
>High IQ
verified 130 bby
>MBTI Results
Literally a fucking meme but ENTP master race
>Nice Guy
Women are all whores
> Gaming laptop - NO
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - CHECKED
> Low Grade - CHECKED (also lowest MPA in my graduating class, no that's not a typo, I went to a military service academy)
> Procrastination - CHECKED
> weed/alcohol - NO
> Meme clothing - CHECKED (gifts)
> movies/shows - CHECKED (not those of course, I do old books)
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> MBTI results - INTP
> Nice guy - NO, learning game fixed that
>Have a LTR, liked and respected by a wide circle of ideologically diverse friends, and an engineer at GA doing work with UAVs for the military.
Stay mad faggots
> Gaming laptop - no i dont leave the house im not a child
> Gaming - yes
> Low Grade - im not a child anymore
> Procrastination - yes i can say i do
> weed/alcohol - god no
> Meme clothing - no
> movies/shows - i paly mmo's all day and watch some tv at night
> unpopular/controversial op - no
> High IQ -i dont know i dont test myself
> MBTI results -?
> Nice guy - i try and be nice to everyone so they are in return nice to me
>1 post by this ID
pee pee poo poo
Main Battle Tank Intelligence
>If I put things in a meme it means they're wrong
Projecting much, Eichenwald?
that picture is just sad
(((their))) brainwashing is really effective
This, im outta here
Let's make that checklist.
>Expensive Gaming Laptop - Nope. I do have a high-end gaming PC though, bought it with a couples years savings.
>Smartphone - No. I hate smartphones and everything they stand for. I despise how these little things have become so common.
>Gaming in Public Places - No, I think this is degenerate behaviour. Gaming is for home, not for outdoors.
>Low Grades - Yes. My performance is shifts between mediocre and above, a result of both being dumb and lazy.
>Procrastination - Yep. I'm horribly lazy and I have no excuse. I hate doing important stuff without a plan in place.
>Marijuana & Beer - I am a fan of wheat and dark brews but at times I also enjoy a pipeful of ganja. I only consume these drugs in moderation, however, as I personally find overindulgence or addiction disgusting and degenerate.
Gaming & "Science" Clothing - No. They are unironically unfunny and overpriced. I enjoy cool designs still, but I ultimately want clothing for function and not some manner of social prestige.
Edgy Shows - I was never one for a series and I can not stand their hyperactive fandoms that want to pressure you into watching their shit only because they want to hear you praise it. Overindulgence is degeneracy, after all.
>Controversial Opinions - I think being an unviable life-form or engaging in social justice and otherwise degenerate behaviour is grounds for being gassed, both out of mercy and punishment. Is this really that much of an unpopular view?
>High IQ - I have no idea about it right now nor did I ever really bother with discovering it, but I once wrote an IQ test during my highschool years. The result was 172.
>Obsession Over MBTI - I take a test every odd year to see how my opinion changes on stuff, but I never share it with anyone. Why would they care about personal crap like this?
>"Nice Guy" - I consider myself a kind person and I do not want anything in return for it. I help people where I can, should they really need it.
It's just not rewarded, I do enjoy learning, but when 80% of the class needs to be told three times at least, it's hard to keep interest, when you finish exercises before anyone else and you can either pretend to be busy, and wait till everyone else finishes or get assigned twice the workload from now on since you are 'smart kid', when the expectations for homework is to take hours, but you can do it before after class or when you get 70% every test without having to prepare for it, you lose interest and stop giving a shit, and after that it doesn't really matter anymore if you fail a test or two, because you stopped participating in the lessons. The problem is that most educational systems punish the smart people, they are designed for the average, I wasn't even informed that I could take exams for each year before the last one, I could have finished high school 2-3 years, but that would have been late too, cuz I already lost interest around 6th grade.
>associating modern biology realities with being stupid
>he thinks being a grade fags makes you smart
It should be worth noting that jews get bad grades in university. Often C students.
Very bad post. Don't bump this.
i dont check a single one of those
unless 3-4 is "low grades"
>tfw smartphone (androidfag) and procrastination are the only ones that apply to me
Am I a normie?
> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
> phone - use for schoolwork and reading
> Gaming - CHECKED
> Low Grade - Fuck NO
> Procrastination - Fuck off. I have stuff to do. I relax in weekends and evening
> weed/alcohol - NO/YES
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - NO
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> High IQ - Maybe. Didn't bother checking. Doesn't change anything
> MBTI results - NO
> Nice guy - NO. I'm an ass because others depend on me. And I wan't to keep it this way.
> Gaming laptop - CHECKED
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - NO
> Low Grade - CHECKED
> Procrastination - CHECKED
> weed/alcohol - NO
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - NO
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> MBTI results - NO
> Nice guy - NO
Change out the true science stuff (eugenics and bell curve which are facts) with real unpopular opinions like Karl Marx and feminist books and the image is a perfect representation of reddit
How do i stop being like this
>> Meme clothing - VERY SUBTLE/NO
I'm willing to be it's not very subtle and you're just a sperg who lives in anticipation of someone picking up on your "epic references xD"
>it's an "I have no argument so I'll call them virgins XDDDDDDD" episode
I fuck bitches.
Go back to rebbit. You're not fooling anyone.
Your social lives must be boring.
>The problem is that most educational systems punish the smart people, they are designed for the average
Absolutely true. At least when it comes to American public education this is completely true. I don't know how it is for you guys, but for the unfortunate in the US it seems you get put into the "loser" track of school unless you completely comply with everything the administration throws at you. Often times I found myself bored because the teachers would have to spend an extraordinary amount of time with spics and niggers.
Not only that, but I became "damaged" in a way where high achievement was basically punished where mediocrity and complacency rewarded.
>> Gaming laptop - NO
>> phone - CHECKED
>> Gaming - NO
>> Low Grade - It's not great, but not bad either....
>> Procrastination - CHECKED
>> weed/alcohol - BOTH
>> Meme clothing - NO
>> movies/shows - NO
>> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
>> High IQ - CHECK
>> MBTI results - NO
>> Nice guy - NO
Am I the meme?
You do realize they would only allow lefties to be in charge of that twitter handle
> Gaming laptop - NO
> phone - CHECKED
> Gaming - CHECKED
> Low Grade - NO
> Procrastination - NO
> weed/alcohol - CHECKED
> Meme clothing - NO
> movies/shows - NO
> unpopular/controversial op - CHECKED
> MBTI results - CHECKED
> Nice guy - NO
OP's pic is mainly redditors
Reply with "Make America Great Again" if you are praying for President Trump because it's working! He just keeps going with God's strength! God Bless.
> Gaming laptop - It CAN game, but i use it for CAD rendering, i have a PC at home that i game with.
> phone - yes
> Gaming - never, why would i sit at uni to play games.. just go home?
> Low Grade - D and HD average
> Procrastination - doesnt everyone?
> weed/alcohol - never weed, and drinks occasionally with friends.
> Meme clothing - nope, im an adult.
> movies/shows - i dont discourage people?
> unpopular/controversial op - yes
> High IQ - yes
> MBTI results - yes.. im intj..
> Nice guy - Im polite and generous, but im also very judgemental. if my kindness is not appreciated i can turn very bitter very quickly.
> Never Try - no i try, and i ways to keep myself motivated
It's the same everywhere with centralized education, I would assume, they have to make wageslaves, with the only difference being what the average is.
>Not only that, but I became "damaged" in a way where high achievement was basically punished where mediocrity and complacency rewarded.
Yeah, who would push themselves, if they only get punished for it?
>finish exercise ahead of time
>minding my own business
>teacher notices
>"Why aren't you doing the exercise?" "I'm already finished." "I don't believe it, bring it to me!"
>teacher confirms I did actually finish
>"Well then, you can do these other exercises"
>exercises are the almost the exact same as before, and it's not the task that would be given next
>next time I'm drawing in the book, so she won't notice
Even the nice teachers couldn't really do anything, there were no options inside the education plan.
>They really piss me off.
They piss you off because they have a lot of potential but don't use it because there's no point anymore.
Close but no banana.
I do all this stuff but I actually get good ass grades because I know how to allocate my time effectively. :^)
>Gaming Laptop - No
>Cell Phone - Yes
>Gaming - No
>Low Grades - Some good terms, some bad
>Procrastination - Yes
>Weed - No
>Alcohol - Yes
>meme Clothing - No
>Edgy Movies/Shows - No
>unpopular/controversial opinions - Some. I think that's true for a lot of people
>High IQ - Not sure, 33 ACT 2175 SAT
>Nice Guy - No. in a frat, large social circle, do well with ladies
>really good at taking tests
Ok what do I win?
the only one I have out of these is procrastination which is literally everybody. the rest is neckbeard shit
Seems legit. Did terrible in High School, had a great SAT score. Got into college based on that. Left college after a semester because my grades were shit.
Went back after years of drinking/smoking weed killed some brain cells... 3.9 GPA. Maybe I just matured or tried harder IDK.
>taking notes straight away this implies you're a student with a limited worldview
>You're SJW marxist if you disagree with SJW marxist.
kek, you low ass iq
>all those normie shows and movies
110 potatoes sure is a lot for one man
Look people, this is a great exemple of autisme. This nigga really thought we were going to read this
salut le câble
Sounds an awful lot like American public education. Sorry you had to suffer through that.
Drinking and smoking won't affect your grades as much as just not giving a shit. I should know minus the smoking.
what if I'm really good at taking tests but I just coast on that?
i have a 160iq. i was tested when i was a child. i could have skipped 2 grades but i didn't want my classmates to feel stupid. i'm also super hot and get mad pussy
That is a very nice infographic
>1 post by this ID