Gearing up for the Rally Against Sharia Law Protest. June 10 NYC
Gearing up #maga
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>American "politics"
Death to Islam.
Lol, as if the whole world doesn't follow US politics. Fuck off to your inconsequential country, frog
Yes, we follow US politics, that's why I am trying to stop you guys from doing this bullshit. Because your "god-emperor's" constant retardation, as well as yours in general, is ruining any chances of a genuine right-wing movement anywhere else. Marine Le Pen lost because she was constantly nicknamed "The French Trump", while your president was betraying his campaign promises
Yeah that shit wont work.
You got to Use Leftest Tactics aginst them.
They are loud, lude, and rally. That takes nothing away from their polished politions
>hmm... how do I show the American people that I'm not an insensitive weirdo who has only emotional aggression instead of logical arguments?
Have you tried getting buff, fashionable, and charismatic instead? 1 guy like that would be worth 1000 of you.
>Couple months in office
>"Your president was betraying his campaign promises"
So eager.
>to hot
So how come Le Pen didn't win before Trump? Stop blaming your faggot nation's suicide on us.
>Glorifying Milo.
>Attacking others for being pedophiles.
I hope you get your skuilll cracked, fag-enabler.
Um. It's over
That's fucking disgusting. Those people really deserve death and nothing else.
>blames Trump for le Pens loss
Had nothing to do with you guys being completely clicked and overran for the past n decades? Did your """"legal system"""" ever make sure the ballots were legit and/or did you have a bunch of """""refugees"""" voting for macron?
Fake news mother fucker.
Gonna come at me like that, list some sources and specifics.
>frequent mud
I'm really starting to turn on gays desu...
>Only now starting to hate them.
Check State level No. 7.
Marine Le Pen lost because your country is so cucked it prefers someone who openly said that France has no culture.
Don't blame others for your shortcomings Pierre.
Checked and dti.
>I'm a nationalist and a globalist
It's all about Propaganda. Macron could be Goebbels, it would still work, since they eat the medias.