hey Sup Forums
Lately Germany has a very active and aggressive foreign policy, they meddle into other countries' business a lot.
Since when Germany is allowed to act like that? And don't you think this will lead to bad things?
hey Sup Forums
Lately Germany has a very active and aggressive foreign policy, they meddle into other countries' business a lot.
Since when Germany is allowed to act like that? And don't you think this will lead to bad things?
I don't know but I'm thinking it's time we reigned that bitch in again
How have they? and if so isn't that exactly what Turkey does e.g in Syria?
>Germany's "crimes":
>Put jews in free daycare
>Turkey's crimes
>Wars of aggression
>Kidnapping children and brainwashing them as muslim slave-soldiers
>Lowering the IQ of the balkans by colonizing it
>Being low IQ
I think we need to remember them about 8 gorylion. Fucking germs will not divide us.
i still dont get why other countries in europe let us have all the cake but its fine with me
Zabij się.
>Lately Germany has a very active and aggressive foreign policy
erdoturk detected
not really aggressive but definitely more active than ever since the founding of the BRD
leadership goes with responsibility , ask Americans
>said Turkey
t.dish washer in germany
Zrób to. Zabij się.
>implying germans shouldn't run the continent
silly turk, its not germany doing that.
its the jews that controll germany that do it
inb4 the usa is ruled by jews
>i know
Eurozone was introduced as a measure to control Germany, with the French being in control of everything, but French genius is apparently overestimated
germoney should be dissolved into 1000 city states.
>And don't you think this will lead to bad things?
It will.
>Lately Germany has a very active and aggressive foreign policy, they meddle into other countries' business a lot.
No shit. The EUSSR is falling appart and they will no longer be able to rely on it to prop up their artificially propped up economy.
>Since when Germany is allowed to act like that? And don't you think this will lead to bad things?
American Socialists got BTFO on the last elections.
When has Germany acting on a global stage ever been a good thing?
>Being low IQ
Can't help but laugh at that
My uncle recently died of zikabola fever and as I was digging through his old stuff I stumbled upon what I can only describe as an analog webbysitio.
It was a rectangle of several papers glued together and there was a bunch of text in some language I didn't understand, luckily there were plenty of pictures and emojis so I could follow it somewhat.
Inside the analog webbysitio there were several maps, mostly of North Turkey and the Great Israeli Conglomerate but it was labelled as "Europe".
This is where it gets weird: in the following webbypages there were several pictures of what looked like humans, but their skin was some weird beije color and some of them had yellow hair and even BLUE eyes, it also showed women without the mandatory burqas.
I assumed it was some weird fetishist fairytale webbysitio, but it mostly showed pictures of the "Europe" map with some numbers on top of it, the first number was 1800 and the last one was 2020.
I asked my history guru about it and before I even finished describing the analog webbysitio he looked anxious and told me to never tell about this to anyone and to burn the webby immediately.
So I did, but it smelled really bad and now there's a pile of ash in my sleeping cubicle, I'm afraid that someone will see me trying to throw it away and call the Sharia police.
What do I do?
They've taken a new approach to world domination. All that Hitler and holocaust stuff was mighty ugly. The new thing they got going with Merkel and multiculturalism is much more efficient.
If real force is ever needed, well, the EU army is on the way to crack some skulls.
It's not Germany. It's a jewish state in central Europe, that replaced what was once called Germany
>zikabola fever
fuck you fucking larper nigger. i googled that shit before reading the rest of your larp
Fuck Germany, when are we retaking Constantinople
As much as I hate Otto, he is right, you know?
>beg Germany to place patriot system in Turkey at Syrian border
>insult German patriot crews all the time
>beg Germany to place surveilance jets in Turkey
>insult German aircrews all the time
>insult Germany
>insult Germans
>insult German politicians
>genocide Armenians
>get called out
>cry and insult and threaten everyone
>send politicians to Germany for Turkish propaganda even though it's forbidden by your own law
>German hotel wasn't informed about politicians coming instead they were lied to by the Turkish
>close down meeting because of fear of not being able to keep up propper security measures
>Turkish turn it around as Turkish politicians being chased out of Germany by German politics (which weren't even involved)
>demand Germans to bow down before Turkish politicians within German borders
>deny German politicians to visit troops in Turkey - that are in Turkey because Turkey begged for German troops to come to Turkey
You fucking roaches are the most disgusting people ...
Get out kebab. You are not welcome here.
They've gone fanatical with their SJW Globalist shit. Taken the opposite extreme. They want to "punish" nations that don't fall in line.
The British and Australians should nuke Turkey every April 25th, just for good measure.
>nothing of importance was lost
As a Hungarian Gypsy, I am always startled Sup Forums descriptions and hatred of them. Gypsies themselves are an ethnic group in Europe if you didn't know. There are some modern people you see calling themselves gypsies, but they're not related to the ethnic group.
Well, let me tell you my side of the story. I was born in Hungary, and I faced discrimination every day by the same people who claimed they were "upright" compared to gypsies. What a joke. Even my teachers berated me for being roma. Look at me - I went to university, I have an 80k/year job, and I even considered quitting school when I was still living in Hungary. Even the teachers discriminated, throwing my tests in the garbage bin and telling us we'd have to do them over again because I, and others "cheated". Other children wouldn't play with me because I was a "bad influence". People would bully and beat me up in school almost every day. I once had a doctor at a hospital refuse to see me when I had bronchitis.
I moved to the US when I was 16. I graduated my high school with honors even though I knew little English. I went to college and completed a few years of university before I got a great job.
You know why half the gypsies don't get jobs, don't go to school, don't do anything? Because they're blatantly abused and mistreated by everybody.
You won't see a gypsy politician.
You won't see a gypsy doctor/lawyer
Nobody would hire them. Why would they? Those are the same people who have been taught by their fathers and mothers that these people are the scum of the earth. Those are the people teach their kids the same thing.
I, for one, am glad I left my country. I still practice Hungarian traditions here in the US. You can call me a traitor if you want, but I've met the REAL Hungarians here in Pennsylvania. No abusers or scoundrels. People who don't care about my ethnicity and care more about history and tradition. None of them are phonies who don't know the difference between hatred and culture
>I'm a gypsy
>And I'm also a true Hungarian
Shut up Erdogan
> implying we should be satisfied with just one continent
Well didn't it shot backwards in a nice way? Guess who leads the eu now ?
This, it's the only way to get you fucks to leave well enough as is.
Who the fuck larps as a gypsy? Fingols are weird.
Gypsis have an average IQ of 60-80 depending on their country/clan. 70 is the line for retards.
Actually, that'd be nice:
Under foreign rule, smaller independent states.
>Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Carl Theodor Körner, Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von Lützow and several million others like this
As well as so many white virgin women abducted and sentenced to death by cat
>be American
>drive 1hr 30 mins to nearest Mart
>"still faster and more efficient than walking 1 mile" you think
>the numerous speed bumps on the endless sub-urban roads cause your sphincter to relax
>you're confident that your ability to fight on like the founding fathers allows you to endure the hardships of this trip
>arrive in the 15mile x 15 mile parking lot
>the endless looping around the parking lot causes your sphincter to get anxious
>"Gosh darn it when will I get to the fricking Mart!" you start to think
>finally find a proper space for your car
>however your All-American™ fighting spirit and strength is fast drained by your ever-relaxing sphincter
>can't even properly park the car, the fight against the tea-tax tyranny of your sphincter is coming to a messy end
>"If I can just get to the Mart like my grandad got to Berlin!" you think
>Sphincter releases a massive, high-fructore corn syrup fueled shart
>"This is my personal 9/11" you think
>prostate on the car lot so that your compatriots can see your moment of shame and anguish, for you have failed all free men and all democratic peoples everywhere
>bald eagles shed a single tear in unison
>Barack HUSSIEN Obama (aka B.O.) outlaws shartriotism
Vivid, you must have personal experience with a loose anus. Fags are banished by the gypos right? So they cast you and you had to flee. Being a gay gypo must have made people hate you even more.
>Put jews in free daycare
a fucking roach
what? seriously? how?
Because we move the fucking troops which are unable to actually fight anyways?
or Because we get pushed around and have to deploy troops in stupid nigger countries or afghanistan for no real reason?
Alpennation when?
I saw a Republican at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how crazy it was what is happening to Trump, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for opinions or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard his big belly gurgle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Way boxes in his scooter without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any democRAT taxation theft,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by sharting really loudly.
>When has Germany acting on a global stage ever been a good thing?
we smashed the Roman empire...oh wait
pasta or OC?
They aren't going anywhere.
Finland, best larper
Lacks Marx & Engels.
I couldn't get air from laughing so hard, didn't read that pasta yet
A sniveling, arrogant, marxist, 1/64th Wakawaka tribe member, green party trained professor was teaching a class on Australian history
"Before class begins I want you to list 5 ways in which Australia has gone downhill since invasion day onward as a result of British imperialism"
At this moment a brave, speedo-wearing, shredded cunt ex-SAS patriot who had bantered 500 Seppos to tears and fully supported every military decision made by Australia stood up and held up his fist
"Ay CUNT what's the name of my fist?"
The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “Oh only kids give their body parts nam-”
"WRONG. His name is Larry the Leb-Leatherer!"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Rabbit Proof Fence. He stormed out of the room crying those leftists crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered One Nation that day and pledged to join the next riot at Cronulla. The projector malfunctioned and displayed NOICE on the screen in flashing bright letters. An Emu named "Never Forget" trotted into the room and perched on the Australian flag and shed a tear. The class's exchange students from China blew their cover as Chinese agents and tried to flee but were kicked in the face by some sick cunts. Steve Irwin himself showed up alive and well and enacted high-speed broadband across the country
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He overdosed on sniff-sniff a few months later participating in an Aboriginal cultural festival
Stop stealing our internet you mountain fucks. Our clay isnt enough now youre taking our wifi?
idk why don't you send them more refugees and see how they respond