Why does paleness on women look so fucking attractive ?
I've had a few gf's and all of them were natural blondes.
Is this just me or does everybody feel this way?
Why are white people so superior?
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You get over it, fap to some petite ebony.
pale skin looks good on everybody if you have good features
dark skin just eats up the face visually
>losing all wars
>getting cucked by semitic parasite people
>letting women vote
>inventing communism
yeah, we truly are superior
Whites are prettiest race, i can't get over that
horse pussies
We invented Democracy, Civilization, Electricity, Cars, almost everything you see was invented/discovered by a white.
women vote even in Saudi Arabia, Ahmed
>lose wars
the only whites to lose a war to non-whites were Russia vs Mongolia
fucking this
>ITT: cumskins pretend that they are not hideous
Who is we? Brown boi
>Is this just me
Well niggers bleach their skin and japs go even more extreme with their ghostly pale skin preference so...
yes, i said we, a country that has 99.9% white population
you literally are not allowed to talk mr.52%
social conditioning OP
you've been brainwashed since you could walk and talk
all to ensure the survival of your tribe and your genes
>Well niggers bleach their skin
that is a slanderous myth spread by inbred cumskins
What is france to vietnam
What is usa to Vietnam
What is Italy to stinky greeks
I've noticed this shit too
White people literally look like raw chicken, it's absurd
They have always been superior
>What is usa to Vietnam
>What is france to Vietnam
france has become a shitty country in the 20th century, they don't represent all whites
>What is Italy to stinky greeks
both fucking white
and niggers and arabs look like poo
whats your point?
i agree
nobody lost to Vietnam lel
i meant losing as in actually losing your land and women to your enemy, not withdrawing from a war because your enemy is small and weak and you feel sorry for them
>le Greeks aren't white meme
>mfw I've always thought pale girls were way more attractive
>mfw women always look at me weird when I say that
And I'm talking 100% sheet white with rosy blushed cheeks.
It's because it makes you look more youthful you dumb whores. Stop going to the fucking cancer beds.
>It's because it makes you look more youthful you dumb whores.
huh, i was blonde as a kid, now i have brown hair
i guess blonde hair really does make you look youthful/young
I used to be white like snow but then I went outside. Now I'm fucking red like an indian and it hurts. I wish for winter already.
Yeah white girls are by far the prettiest but they are so disloyal and love to fuck around with niggers so I will not be marrying one any time soon
pick fucking one
its 26 degrees right now and its 10pm
sweating my balls off and i can't go outside, if i do ill get a fucking sunburn
Sun is killing me. Gotta get my coffin.
>not withdrawing from a war because your enemy is small and weak and you feel sorry for them
this is what whites really believe
middle east
Greece afaik
which Sup Forums doesn't consider white apparently
>Greece afaik
Greeks are white, they are just darker than the average European.
>living on the coast
>rarely see actual pale qts
>only sun tanned roasties that go to the beach every day
Stop being a muh _____ fag and do something with ur life. This isn't even politics
not sure if i'm happy i live in a hotspot or sad that i the biggest concentration is in b*snia
Aliens (the good guy aliens) selectively bred us out of the human species of the time.
We are independent, loving, and very capable of abstract thought.
Asians were also selectively bred, but they are designed to be logical, hard workers, and submissive.
must be the sun and t*rks
Import a polish qt or a kraut one and redpill her. Don't be a mixer
white people are superior to brown/black/yellow
its the same with:
men are superior to women
it's an uncomfortable truth for non-whites, but thats just how it is. women cant take the men:woman relation as well. everyone knows there is only one master race and thats white men. its obvious.
so long story short:
white + male = jackpot
white + female = still ok
brown/black + male = shit
brown/black + female = hahaha WORST
Because you're most likely obsessed with race.
move to Zagreb
its fucking sad
most likely
>Natural blondes
What color were their eyelashes, OP?
yellow, why?
thread idea
it might reach 40 degrees here
youll be fine
stance on native americans?
i find them really cute but that's all i know
also that they fucked themselves over brutally by overhunting(the horse came from america but was domesticated in the steppes of eurasia by indoeuropeans)
i am trying not to be
but white women are simply prettier
>inventing communism
>white people
hmmm hahahaha
tanned brunettes are way hotter than milk skin blondies
Yeah I like blonds with pale skin
>t. Tan skinned guy with hazel eyes
I also like tan brown haired girls but a blonde with pale skin is really fucking hot.
nah dude
blonde hair on women is the best shit ever
like everything with evolution: we just are
that's the right answer - everything else is wankfiction
That's just personal taste
I prefer brunettes
superior != infallible
all humans have faggot brains that are fallible if they are cucked by an education system that is A/B tested by bill gates to ensure kids have no capacity for rational thought
>losing wars to other white people
good question
the only non-white empires that legit shat on europeans are the ottomans and mongols from what i remember
>losing all wars
>inventing communism
Thats just Germany you're describing, stop projecting your insecurities onto the rest of us Hans.
Pale skin means you were a noble and didn't have to work outside, so every culture thinks paler skin looks good.
this so much
it's also why being a landwhale was being idolised
i did not know that
complete list off the top of my head
Japanese Empire
Ottoman Empire
Early Arab Sultanates
Mongol Empire
Persian Empire/Sassanid Empire
if you remove europeans the list is really small
White people are the biggest pussies in the history of the world
i really feel bad for persia
it's conversion was a great loss for the civilised world
you still could see it's silent opposition throughout the ages
converting to shia instead of the "standard" sunni (it's kinda like converting to protestant in opposition to the catholic church)
or persian nobles having small and intricate pictures in their books, in a time where all iconography was forbidden in other islamic kingdoms, and artists could only express themselves through caligraphy(not gonna lie, arabic script genuinely looks beautiful)
and look where it is now
what a loss
Just making sure, you do know that it's a theocracy due to the CIA right?
Let's archive it
Remember those old paintings with fat people? Also the reason why commie and other anit-capitalist or what not portrays the people in charge as fat.
interesting, never thought about it
i genuinely did not know that
like father like son
it just had to be islam didn't it?
there used to be a christian church there(christianity spread as far as tibet)
or zoroastrianism
that seems nice
>Invented by whites
Yep no whiter peoples than Dravidians, Semites, and Chinese.
I absolutly love how in all these thread people post Ukrainian women
Your picture is a Ukrainian born actress
My pic is Ukrainian born actress
Basically all these picture of beatiful women are Ukrainian
herzegovinian immigrant piece of shit go back to mostar where you belong
Another popular picture always used
but slavs are still non-white to some of these people
>herzegovinian immigrant
why the fuck do you have to insult me like that?
literally subhuman balkaner genetics
kys fgt
...what's her name?
>native european genetics
>nords have them
>croats have them
fucking shoot yourself Milan
because you and your subhuman non slavic breed come here and steal our women literally nigger rapefugee tier
you are either R1A or you deserve ethnic cleansing
>middle east
Pick one and only one.
You're naturally attracted to your own race because you want your kids to look like you
Blacks are the only ones who aren't
>because you and your subhuman non slavic breed come here and steal our women literally nigger rapefugee tier
I am not stealing anything, nigger
Not my fault you're an ugly shit
I genetics are the most subhuman uncivilized trash that ever existed
shared among bosnians and swedes
you couldnt be a bigger meme if you wanted to
now go back do some crime, drug dealing and similar like you usually do southerner shit
>Accomplishing anything
Yes lets remember the Swedish Empire which barely lasted a century and had no lasting impact on Europe. Or Croatia whose most defining aspect was that they were ruled by Serbians, Germans, Hungarians, or Turks for 90% of their history.
Truly they are the pinnacle of humanity.
this woman is Polish
>t. mongrel shtokavian shit from herzegovina
we should have blocked the border in the 90s and let the serbs have you
Fucking kek, go back to Mongolia, you filthy non European
that's before islam
way before it
we're talking mesopotamia and ancient egypt
>t. fat slavonian manlet
i've already said that i am not a fucking herzegovinian, you autistic nigger
you people sure are fucking retarded, aren't you?
>British people
>american education
Every single time.
you literal non indoeuropean vlach rapefugees from bih have no fucking right to say anything to us superior pannonian natives
>native to europe
you sure are autistic, aren't you?
It's really just some random girl
There's this guy David Dubnitskiy that goes around Ukraine and photographs beatiful women, he has thousands of similar pictures, look him up.
Here is another example