Can you grasp the idea of being eternally gone?
Are you scared of the transition from life to death?
What does the reminder of eternal sleep do to your motivations in life?
Hoping for serious answers.
Can you grasp the idea of being eternally gone?
Are you scared of the transition from life to death?
What does the reminder of eternal sleep do to your motivations in life?
Hoping for serious answers.
>the swede fears death
I mean it will come eventually, why would you worry about it
This is the reason I've been sleeping 3 hours a night for 4 years.
What is the afterlife does exist, but you only have 100 years to live - this time crosses both this world and the afterlife.
So, you waste the majority of your lifespan in this shitty world, when the afterlife is pure bliss
How old are you and what is it exactly that keeps you up at night?
Funny idea for a movie.
After we die we go back to the same state in which we were before birth - absolutely nothing.
I don't understand why this is so difficult for people to grasp.
>Can you grasp the idea of being eternally gone?
almost like a deep slumber that you dont remember. seems difficult to imagine given the nature of our thoughts/conscious mind
>Are you scared of the transition from life to death?
what I am worried about is a long and painful death and most afraid of death via long torture more so than actually dying.
>What does the reminder of eternal sleep do to your motivations in life?
The only reason I have no killed myself. for me, logic goes that if there is nothing after death then this is the only thing we will ever experience and to me the only goal in life is to experience it, however it turns out. its kind of like cheating in a video game and getting bored quick, you dont have anything to do after.
I used to be afraid of non-existence but now the idea of an afterlife terrifies me more
Having experienced life gives on a sense of sorrow of returning to an eternal dreamless sleep perhaps.
How do you imagine "not existing" in your mind? to imagine something you would put yourself in that situation or place, how can you do that when there is nothing to insert into or place that does not exist?
Like your answers.
Life should be lived to its fullest. Suicide should never be on the map.
We magically popped into existence at least one time, who's to say that wont happen again?
We wander around in our dreams, with nothing to latch onto. Center your consciousness on the eternal sovereign lord, the unfathomable king of kings, the causer of causes.
Vibrate your consciousnesses on the un-struck melody of the lord through the ages
I can't fucking wait it's gonna be the best thing
Whatever it is too i am not picky
eternal slumber, consciousness dissolution, eternal life somewhere it's all fine by me
Can't be worse that the thrash right here
You can't because it's impossible.
You are forever.
Why should one fear "nothing"?
Pain & suffering are tangible things to fear.
But the abstraction that is "nothing"?
Your instinctual fear of death is there as an evolutionary tool however there is no reasonto fear what lies beyond as you will have no mind to process pain, fear, or loss.
You will be nothing.
No in fact I can't wait for death to come so I can leave this shit fucking world. I just want to die in a meaningful way not commit suicide alone somewhere where I'll be forgotten like a bitch
Not scared of the transition at all. Whatever it is on the other side I bet it's going to be better than this shithole we call life even if it's just nothingness forever
>Can you grasp the idea of being eternally gone?
no, nobody can. I also don't think that's what happens when you die.
>Are you scared of the transition from life to death?
No, unless it's in the form of some long, painful disease
>What does the reminder of eternal sleep do to your motivations in life?
Sometimes it is a little scary. I try not to use it as an excuse for passivity, though. In some sense, life is about doing things in spite of the certainty of death.
Still better than this shit world
I can imagine it easily because I wish I didn't fucking exist
Some people get it. our consciousness exists within the neurons in our brain, once those functions cease there is nothing. there is nothing to be afraid of because you will no longer have a concept of fear, or anything at all.
Ok, so the fear of death is a survival mechanism hardwired into us is what you are saying.
I hope to fuck not. I don't fucking want to have to come back to this shit world after I die
It started when I was about 13. I've always been an extremely realist person (never believed in santa, God, Superman...). A psychiatrist has evaluated me and said I am incapable of lying to myself, even if it would make myself happier.
At night I think about what it is to die, what it's going to feel like, what will I have achieved in life when I do... I also theorise about God and paradise, and if I want to go to heaven or to hell.
Also, I can grasp the idea of being eternally gone: after we die we are the same as before we are born - nothing - and probably because of all the sleep-deprived years I've had, I occasionally have episodes of amnesia where I don't remember entire weeks of my life, my friends and family's names, and in certain cases I forget who I am for about a minute. I must tell you it is not a pleasant experience.
It does not scare me because I don't know what to expect. Fear of the unknown generally prevails in humans because there is a chance something bad is in it, and evolutionary we are programmed to avoid ANY risks or things that MAY be bad. But when it comes to the afterlife, there is no avoiding it, thus there is no way of avoiding it, thus there is no need to be afraid
death is only the beginning
My thoughts exactly. I just care about how I go out I dont want to go off by myself and die or die in my bed gasping for air like a bitch. I'd prefer to die fighting
Maybe we will both die in the next anti-kebab war
I am an expat. I move a lot. I leave places and people behind. It sorta cured my childhood fear of death.
I know I´ll say goodbye to things forever once in a while. So I make sure to enjoy them and always make my bye byes count...
I hope my death is slow and sweet.
Thank you for your answer. Have you tried the self-authoring program by Jordan B Peterson? I highly recommend it.
You need to just let it go.
*It makes no sense to worry about something you can not control*
you need:
- serenity to accept the things you cannot change,
- Courage to change the things you can,
- And -most important- wisdom to know the difference.
Yes, its kept in perspective by the fact that all that have come before me have returned to the void.
Of course! Not to the point of impediment though, its more of a fear of whats next.
I try harder, and realize my mistakes knowing that I will rest in the end anyway. Life is not pointless, we are the sum of those who came before us. I intend to return the favor.
Holy shit user my thoughts exactly.
Death should not change your way of life. Live your life well, and pursue virtuous deeds to both fulfill the dreams of those who came before you and the hopes of the future generations. If you need some form of incentive from the afterlife to implore good deeds from you, then you are not truly a good man. Make good of this world, and continue your fight in the next.
I've heard of it, but that's all I know. I've already tried some "improve yourself" programs, but nothing worked for me. But I'll read about it and try if it seams interesting.
I'm just one iteration of the universe attempting to understand itself. Trillions came before, and trillions more will follow. Oblivion will be my reward for a job well done.
There is only one thing I'm scared of. That is, the near death agony. Otherwise, non-existence is pretty comfy.
I believe that either non existence or completely random reincarnation may be the option. Being reincarnated into deep shit (e.g. Podesta rape dungeon) is also worrisome.
Remember before you were born? not so bad. Enjoy your life!
Well it does not bother me anymore. When you die you go back to where you came, like before you were born. There will be no one to experience not having an experience so the only sensible conclusion is that you will be born again. Could be anything as long as it is an experience of sorts.
You dont exist to begin with. This "i" is only the ego (idea of yourself) and beyond that is the universe, that is the true you, everything is one. A potato plant grows from a small potato into a big plant with a yield of potatos but how did it do that? It is genetically coded to grow its structure in such away that it absorbs all the nutrients from the soil and from the sun and grows by turning it all into its self. So like yourself the potato plant is only its environment.
Bruh, that's a side effect of a deteriorated brain. Not sleeping it's damaging you.
I am more freaked out by the being something after death, which i believe there is. I wish it was just nothing, but that is extremely unlikely, but not gonna bother explain why I think so due to laziness.
Not sure why someone would fear nothingness. Your fear comes from something not from nothing
this has nothing to do with politics, you uneducated, ignorant retard. fuck off and kill yourself if you wanna find out what happens so badly you stupid piece of shit.
the eternal sleep motivats me in life
Our conscience and the entire concept of 'your person', both perceived by ourselves and by others is nothing more than neural connections.
Hell, if technology and AI keeps advancing we might be able to recreate a brain using electronic connections.
This AI will have the same character, believes, fears, passions and even memories as the brain it's copied from at that time.
But it's still a computer, if you pull the power out that power it's electronic circuits it's gone.
Than it's nothing but worthless electric components.
Same goes for humans. If you pull the plug that sends electricity through our neurons we are nothing more than a heap of organic matter.
Just like the state before you were born. You can't fear because the concept of 'you' is not there anymore.
It's actually comforting I think, nothing you do matters. We will all be gone eventually and 75 years after our passing there will be nobody who will remember us for the majority of people.
Just don't be a dick to whoever you share this timeframe with. Do what you like from time to time.
You are owed nothing.
You should be more afraid of what happens if you live a bad life and then you die
You do realize true nothingness is impossible to comprehend or imagine, right? How can you expect people to not be terrified by that? All we know is existence, so the realization that all we know will end is nothing but pure horror, and why I personally believe that existence transcends our time on this planet. I'm not a Christcuck, I just find it impossible to faithfully believe in nothing. If anything, our existence here is like an amnesia from all previous and future times, since time itself is endless in scope.
Not really. I've died a couple times before. It's just being asleep and never waking up, which you won't be able to process because you are dead.
Great answer.
Majority of the people in this thread like the topic. Stop being a shill and stay outside the thread if it doesn't please you. base dweller -aura
Waking up in a near panic attack because of this contemplation is a sign of high IQ
It's just your Ego. Ego's job is to protect the multitude that is considered to be "You".
When autumn comes what happens to summer? Does it die? Does it go to the afterlife and waits to be resurrected a year later? "You" are just an illusion like "summer". Just a fake label.
>Be 5
>Cat gets run over
>Understand the impermanence of existence
Wow that was hard huh
Everything in the universe is cyclical, and orbital. Time, energy, history.. ext. Why would death not be? Now you are aware that you are doomed to be born again, again, and again.
Also to add
There is no such thing as nothing i reckon. Nothing is just what you cant perceive. Reality is said to be fundamentally based on "nothing" but its just that we cant comprehend beyond what is observable. Makes anything possible after death but i think its likely reincarnation.
>Ok, so the fear of death is a survival mechanism hardwired into us is what you are saying.
Eternal sleep has no time passage. Meaning your consciousness will be "off" for eons or forever and you won't notice. If something were to wake you up like heaven or crazy scientists pulling your drifting consciousness through time/space into a body or something only then will you resume acknowledging the passage of time.
So it will be like coming out of general anesthesia, you didn't even realize you were out / or dead and suddenly you're back in an eye blink.
And if nothing happens at all then you don't know any better. It's very peaceful and exciting to think that you could pass away then the next moment be in an afterlife or new life.
I believe in panpsychism and an eternal cyclical universe, i.e. that subjective experience is created by the brain through some physical process which invokes the 'qualia', e.g. the sense of redness. Therefore where ever the preconditions for such a physical process exist, consciousness will exist. For instance if the rapid firing of neurons (i.e. electrical activity) is what causes this subjective experience (say through some quantum microtubule effect like Penrose believes), then all electrical reactions everywhere will do likewise if they fulfill that requirement (however only intelligent systems can memorize and communicate these subjective experiences). This 'realm of subjective experience' or 'consciousness field' is who we are most fundamentally, and we are all part of it -- just that the 'excitation' of it is disjoint in space and time, making conscious beings feel like they are all individuals. This disjointedness (that creates egos, individuals) is perhaps the best possible universe that can exist, since otherwise we would be an all-knowing eternal entity for ever isolated as the only existence. Hence subjectivity, even though it often entails suffering, allows us to deal with an eternal existence by forgetting who we truly are. Perhaps biological creatures have evolved to have subjective experiences (i.e. interact with this field of qualia) to obtain some evolutionary advantage. For instance maybe it allows for neurons to synchronize across the brain or somehow process more information by using the subjective field as a sort of sandbox. Nothing else makes holistic logical sense to me (except for solipsism perhaps). Therefore I believe that what constitutes me most fundamentally (the ubiquitous subjective experience of the universe) has and will always exist and in any case fear is simply the co-occurrence of a (objectively neutral) subjective experience and the avoidance circuitry of the brain with the former being associated with the latter.
for eons...and eons....and eons.....
>Eternal sleep has no time passage. Meaning your consciousness will be "off" for eons or forever and you won't notice. If something were to wake you up like heaven or crazy scientists pulling your drifting consciousness through time/space into a body or something only then will you resume acknowledging the passage of time.
Which is why it seems like nothingness and sleep to those who have already died and revived.
You don't need to repost in greentext the quote you are replying to.
Everything is vibration, user. Nothing is ever "gone".
"We fashion a grip on the blade of motion and call it time".
It takes approximately 1,500 incarnations to reach the next plateau.
Reincarnation progress...
Caveman -> Barbarian -> Fundamentalist -> Conservative -> Centrist -> Democrat -> Liberal -> Godlike
The thought is very comforting. Whatever happens in life, it will be over soon. It helps me sleep soundly at night knowing there's no reason to take life TOO seriously.
we've existed once, we'll exist again somehow