How do capitalists defend this?

how do capitalists defend this?

Other urls found in this thread: States&country2=China&city1=Austin, TX&city2=Shenzhen

they can't because capitalism is a flawed system designed to enrich the international jew

Don't fuckin buy one then

Don't buy it?


I don't. Nothing's happening

because the chinese aren't human


>it costs less to make than it does to sell
>they should be running at a lost
>why even be a business at all

Nobody is forcing those chinks to work for Apple or Foxconn or whoever.
And if someone is then it's obviously not capitalism. Sounds a lot more like communism.

Well yeah, most people are buying them.

this but people are too attached to Steve Job's rotting teat to stop buying the next iphone no matter how much jewery is involved

the freedom to sell at whatever price you deem right rather than the intrisic value is the cornerstone of capitalism.

>3 times more
I expected at least 10

This, as long as there is capitalism there will be immigration because refugees are profitable to the corporations (though not to the common man/working class.) As long as there is capitalism there will be feminism because women working is profitable to the corporations (though not to women/families.)

Even Trump just let congress raise the cap on refugees. He didn't bother pursuing more funding for the wall when he easily could. His plan is to increase legal immigration significantly.

Then pseudo commie hipster fucks really should stop pretending they care about the plight of others

then apparently Apple is doing something right.
They're about the most expensive phones to make maybe after those tablet sized Samsungs.

Production costs aren't the only costs a company has. What kind of populist bullshit is this?

> What are the costs of design, marketing and so on...

The "socialists" just prove how stupid they are and how they do not grasp basic economics

im sorry did I force Chinks to work?


What the fuck, those chinks make more than me

>how do capitalists defend this?
Capitalist Jew here.

Don't buy one, faggot.

It's really that simple. If enough people don't buy it, then it isn't profitable and either the process changes, the price changes, or the business wasn't tenable and ceases to exist.

That they are successful means that people are willing to pay the current price, and their practices aren't enough to stop people from buying it.

In other words... Shut the fuck up. You're incoherent.

There you go, saved from owning an Apple product


More like 10x

Yeah. That is what happens when you don't buy something. Nothing.

Not defending the faggot op but selling at over 75% profit is ridiculous. But good on Apple sucking the money out of the welfare trash faggots that want to look important it will never stop making kek.

Actually genuinely surprised it cost $200+ to make, would have guessed $40.

>Material cost: 219.80
>Assembly cost: 5.00
>Design and development cost : ???
>therefore it costs 225.00 to build.
iPhone 7's design wasen't written on some stone tablet bronze age god, someone had to design, develop and test it. That costs money.

This. It's pointless to die on the hill defending capitalism. Third Positionism all the way.

>selling at over 75% profit is ridiculous.
So many things you consume are sold at higher profit rates. Coca Cola costs like $0.10 for a gallon.

>selling at over 75% profit is ridiculous
You're a god damned moron.

This desu, good on apple

>No one forces you to buy it
>No one forces the chinks to work there
>1.85 USD gives you more in China than 7.75 USD in the USA

They sell to idiots so they can get away with it.

Which is why it is better to just buy directly from China, your money is going there anyways so you could as well cut the middle man.

Apple also designs their own CPU, contrary to all the chinkphone companies that just assemble the cheapest and shittiest parts they can find.



>nobody is forcing them to get a roof over their heads and food in their stomach


3x retail cost over manufacturing cost is practically wafter-thin, especially on a product which requires an immense amount of effort to design.

If you want to be pissed off about something, look at the margins on designer clothing.

end yourself gypsy

they choose to work under those conditions of their own free will. They are free to quit and go somewhere else. Nobody is entitled to a specific job.

It's still just an ARM processor just like every snapdragon or whatever.

We don't need to justify our profits... because you're not forced to contribute to our profits.

Justify welfare ?

Ask the chinese droids if they would rather be unemployed

A Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core CPU is made of 2 cents of sand and trace elements while it sells for 700$. That means AMD is making a 35,000% profit.

Nearly every single grocery items sells at 300% profit or higher. Grocery is the highest profit margin item in any retail store.



Guess what, if people stopped buying it for such a high price then they would make it cheaper.

that's actually almost poland tier money, i bet that's worth a lot more in china than in poland?

Stop buying from Apple.

Henry Ford is my spirit guide

I love my iPhone

You have the government you deserve. I hope you enjoy (((capitalism))) goy and live long enough to see it's consequences.

1) I couldn't ever make an iPhone myself. So if they charge me $1k that's fine because I couldn't do it for the price and it would take me centuries.

If the profit margin is your problem: You're free not to buy Apple products. There's many other alternatives on the market so even poorfags like you can afford a smartphone that has more computing power than a top workstation had 10 years ago.

But yeah "capitalism is evil and if we didn't exploit chinks we could be rocking awesome Kombinat Robotron computers"...

2) Who the fuck cares about chink worker drones? Not even chinks care about them.

toppest kek, shill

I wonder how many designer they had to pay to come up with the "Let's remove the headphone jack" idea.

you are an unbelievable idiot, grocery is one of the lowest margin businesses around. Typically in the area of 1%

hahaa, okay?

it is not obvious to all for which their true intentions are

Good, not either shut the fuck up about it or go protest and do some activism. One person doing the right thing doesn't matter when 10000 do the wrong thing.

>non ironically buying apple

Also those apple stores in all those prime libshit areas costs lots of money to operate.

Why just mention apple? if Samsung, HTC, Google aren't making phone around this pricepoint they fucking retarded and bad at business.

>unironically buying apple
>as if ironically buying apple any better


They are. Android prices have gone up the past few years

>Materials are only cost a company as

Lefty communists just need to die

That's literally how capitalism is supposed to work. If there's a willing worker and a willing customer then everything is working as intended no matter the agreed upon prices.

You didn't waste money on it. Something did happen whether you want to admit it or not. Stupid fuck.

If they have better ways to acquire/earn money for that stuff, they're free to take them

If they don't, then is it not helping them to offer them these jobs? Would they not be worse off without them?

The people making 1.85/hr for 12 hour shifts would either be doing that or not working at all and starve to death.

Not that it matters anyways. Who cares about what poor people want, desire, or think in 2017?

Sucks to be them. Everybody's got problems. If you can find a better system of economics go ahead an try to implement it. I'll wait right here.

You're not paying for the phone, you're paying for the hardware.

Look at the iphone 32GB and 64GB prices. The memory is dirt cheap and easy to upgrade, it's an artificially deflated price.

Why do they do this? Status.

They use richer consumers to buy their rose gold 64GB Special variant so the phones can be sold in mass at a cheaper cost to offset development costs.

I'm a huge advocate of capitalism but you have to be a special kind of edgelord to not see what is going on in China and think it's okay.

There is a reason we have all sorts of workers protection, and there's a reason why China does not: their government does not want this to increase the competetiveness of their economy. Chinese people are the victims of their own government which doesn't care about them.
If Dutch or Australian people had to work these hours and shifts under these conditions, even for €10.000/month they would be on strike. But just look up what happens when a Chink goes on strike.

How does communist china defend this?

Note how they don't actually know how to solve the problem so they parrot what others say in hopes to shut you down from complaining.

These are shills.

they're only communist in the sense that if you dare to speak out against this you get killed and have your rights stripped.

... if you don't like what they're offering don't buy it

>cost $225 to buil

bullshit. it doesn't cost a penny more than $100

>Design and development cost : 320$

And you likely use a shit teir android. High end Android prices are not much different



Fucking moron

Apple has 116.000 FTE, and NONE of those are manufacturing workers. These are all designers, marketeers, Apple store employees, etc.

But if 2 dollars translates to a living there why is it capitalists fault?

They'd probably say it's the workers' fault for choosing to work in such a factory, or that it's the government's fault somehow.

somalibro gets it

>American consumers voluntarily spending their money on a good
>Chinese workers voluntarily agreeing to a wage and work hours

What needs defending here?

That's because the majority of people simply do not care how many chinks die if it keeps the crap they want cheap. The problem isn't capitalism. The problems is that most people are unable to understand that by buying the crap made from chinese slave labor you are actively supporting chinese slave labor.

>choosing to work
China has a hyper competetive job market and the government actively supresses any demands for better job conditions.

When in the USA people found fingers in their soup, the workers went on strike. In China they get mashed by a tank.

>that image
I guess anybody who isn't an anarcho-capitalist isn't human then either.

Dont forget transport costs, tax, packaging, advertising, employees to sell the thing

... States&country2=China&city1=Austin, TX&city2=Shenzhen
and shenzhen is in no way a cheap town

This picture sums it all up. Only retarded burgers defend (((capitalism))).

>1 post by this ID
>quoted 5 people just to call them shills
No, retard. I told him what he can do as an individual. The next step is regulations to stop exploiting 3rd worlders and the other nation also implementing regulations. This obviously won't happen because the other nation welcomes any jobs they otherwise wouldn't have and any attempt to raise wages may scare off these companies.

How do you get these regulations? You need people who want change, people to boycott the companies, and people to voice their opinions and stick to their convictions. Unfortunately, that rarely happens unless the companies are kicking dogs. No one gives a fuck about other people if they're not in their circle.

Biggest faggot on the thread. Go make an ad campaign to get other people to stop buying shit iPhones

>wahhh but y'all are shills

>thinking chinks have a choice
Have a (You)

These retards think Apple products are an essential good that should be tied to cost like water.

>Capitalism is the evil Jews
>Communism is the evil Jews
>Fascism is based and totally not communism painted black instead of red