>*blocks fido's path*
*blocks fido's path*
>be american doggo
good i fucking hate dogs, had one do this to me the other day at work luckily he had one of those muzzles on or else he would've gone for me
i was literally just standing there minding my own business, owner had to run over and tug him away on his lead, fucking things i hate them
t. mohammad
T. Burger Faggot
Frankly, I'm impressed with the shooting skills. 10/10
that dog wanted to rip my throat out
It was a pitbull, so fuck it. But normally Id say fuck that cop. He deserves some sort of penalty. Possibly his badge to make an example. I mean, that was a pretty blatant example of unnecessary force
Probably because it could smell your quintessential britishness
It looked like a pit-bull--this brings me joy--kill all pitts.
Only niggers and muslims take joy in killing dogs, regardless of breed.
the dog was clearly waging its tail that officer sounds like a whiny little nu-male fag
Didn't you hear the officer state that the dog attacked him?
Nothing of value lost.
No, pitbull deserve death just like their trash owners cuck.
Threadly reminder that the pitbull is the white man's breed. Anyone saying different is a self hating white cuck that willingly allows niggers and muds to take things away from him.
>Killing dogs is a nigger action
>Pitbull is the nigger of dogs
This is niggers killing niggers, why should we care about something that happens all day every day?
If it were my beagle I would press charges. For the nigger tier pitbull...ehh.
>Implying beagles aren't the niggers of the dog world
They never shit the fuck up.
Are prone to having behavioral issues.
They eat too much and have high rates of obesity.
Fuck beagles.
That's a rather quick escalation
wtf is up with that cop's grip?
his off-hand is doing literally nothing to help stabilize the gun.
>shit the fuck up
sorry I use my beagle for hunting. He probably runs more miles in a week than you have ever done. He's pretty quiet until he is hunting hare
He's a guard dog.
This is one of the things that happens to a guard dog. Don't get too attached. The cop did nothing wrong.
You're Muslim and you have dark skin. Of course the dog will hate you.
poor thing
i can assure you i am neither of those things
What city are you posting from? If you say "London" we know you're a liar.
I completely understand his predicament and how he handled it.
i don't live in a city, i'm from a white country village
Every responsible dog owner knows when it is time to put a bad dog down...
He didn't have to risk getting bitten by a pit bull because that retard sat on his keys.
Go away evil dogger.
fuck off dumb burger
Be very aware. Police have no problem shooting nigger's dogs. Nobody like nigger dogs and most people are happy when they get blown away...
Oops wrong videa.... That was muslims taking care of some no-guns cucks....
>have big dog which barks at strangers
>KNOW police are coming to what they think is an emergency
>don't tie up the dog
Well, nothing could have been done.
>be American dog
>get shot
Rip in peace, puppums. :(
How was the cop supposed to know nothing was goin on? Just a shitty situation.
A pitbull was running at him.
What was he supposed to do? Wait until it bit his leg off before opening fire?
Normally I would be mad, but since it's a nigger dog I'm fine with this and I hope that cop gets a promotion
He hit a small, moving target multiple times what the fuck are you on about
LOL, was not expecting it to end that way!