Now Swedes are embarassed to shit.
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I hate quiet bathrooms. I can't do my business either.
I would welcome this change, I don't want to hear people shitting and pissing while I use the bathroom.
That's why you put toilet paper in the water when you shit.
I don't want to hear or be heard in the bathroom. Sweden did alright here.
Let them not shit and die then. The weak die out.
Only plays "remove kebab" music
No, the reason you put toilet paper in the toilet is to not get toilet water in your ass.
I can't believe it exists people who don't put toilet paper in the toilet. Sad!
>tfw you cant hear mohammed shitting in arabic on your wife in a public restroom
everybody poops
>not shitting for 8 hours will kill you
What? I shit once a day at night.
>be shitting loudly at walmart
>some guy walks in and says it smells bad in there
>tell him it's fucking human shit not flowers what did you expect
>make eye contact with him before washing my hands and leaving
that's all it takes, you fucking cucks
You wipe your ass after so who cares if you get some water on your ass? There's shit on it and you're bothered about water?
>everybody poops
And if they don't they're an android an should be destroyed.
I hate knowing that there is someone that can hear me shit. Every time I go to the bathroom at home I run the water and turn on the vents, even when I'm alone. You'll never catch me dead shitting in a stal. I can only go if the toilet is in an individual room.
I don't see one can know that somebody can hear your ass flag gas and be okay with it. it's rude and disgusting and I try to be considerate
I've never heard of doing this. We just put ass gaskets over the seat. If you shit correctly it doesn't splash.
Anything to drown out the sounds of Ahmed plunging his manhood into your kids
Its not just swedistan. Happened to me once.
>driving through the highway
>nature calls
>enter bathroom in a highway stop
>guy enters after me
>gets in a stall and starts blasting annoying banda music in his cellphone
>he shits over the sound of the music anyway
>music stops
>comes out and rushes out the door
I guess it's just lack of self esteem.
Pointless waste of paper
Pointless waste of water
You will both hang on the day of the rope
This also prevents splash backs and allows for poo inspection if you're prone to shitting sinkers instead of floaters.
They have toilets like this in Japan. You can set them to play music or repeatedly make flushing sounds so no one hears you ripping ass.
Submissive population, afraid of criticism, explains a lot.
How about when there's only two of you in the bathroom, shitting next to each other for five minutes, and then you both get out at the same time to wash your hands.
Why have music, the sounds of the hourly gangrape will surely hide your poops
I don't want to touch where a hundred guys with varying degrees of personal hygiene have been. Sometimes there's even a brown stain.
>worrying about wasting water in Canada
Never seen this in Sweden before but it's pretty common internationally to be honest.
I thought Sweden would have adopted street shitting by now.
There has to be a middle ground between Sweden and India
I'm 30 and still wont take a shit if someone takes the other stall
And its extremely common because it often happens that I mysellf occupy the second stall pull down my pants and then the person in the other stall leaves before they can take a shit
happens literally all the time no one likes the idea of people hearing your farts unless you're an asshole
At most times (i.e. when you have wiped your ass), your hands and mouth are likelier to be more unhygenic than your butt. In terms of bacteria anyway.
Toilet water is far from sterile. Any splash back is going to have remnants of shit & piss from everyone who used it before you.
You can't just wipe germs of with toilet paper either. You are just rubbing it in more.
>not trying to shit as loudly as possible
I can make my ass trumpet off the rim of the toilet.
I let everyone in my neighborhood know that i am at ground zero for a gastric event like no other.
I want them to look up and say with tears in their eyes "godspeed you fat bastard... godspeed"
>Tfw laugh everytime I hear someone do a huge BRAAAP in a public toilet
because toilet water is fucking disgusting and I don't want it on my fucking asscheeks
don't need more reason than that
No more disgusting than the doodoo sliding out your bumbum
I can't stop shitting
but I can stop toilet water from splashing my ass
Just wait till India hears about this
I will always run the hair dryer and turn on the sink for you, fellow shitting patron.
nobody can hear you shit when you're on the street
If Pajeet shits in the street, and no one is there to hear it...
did defecation happen?
At work I'll loosen my bowels until I'm turtleing, then hit the flusher, and give one large push as the flush covers up the sounds. Can't run a faucet as they're motion activated, same with the dryer. It's interesting shitting next to people in suits and people we're anything but animals as we exit the stall.
*and pretending we're anything but animals
Instead of that, they should install squatties
>that 1 minute poop with almost a clean wipe.
But when you wipe your ass after you went to the toilet without putting toilet paper inside, your ass is wet as fuck and the toilet paper become water-soaken during the first wipes. It is disgusting as fuck.
That's why I have a noise fan in my bathroom.
What a bunch of faggots, it's just sound and it's completely normal for the shit and pee to make sound.
>he doesn't stick his dick in the toilet water and pee directly into the water to avoid making sound
I shit loud as fuck then laugh about it.
>Pissing in the sink with the water running
I do this at my own house and other people's, really for no reason at all. I started doing it blackout drunk and it stuck with me.
Why is that toilet paper roll on the wrong way?
How does this already exist?
I shit every day at 8 o clock. Too bad I wake up at 9 o clock though! Ha-ha!
it's Sup Forums mate, we think of everything
I did it years ago when I lived in the University dorms.
These days I'm a side of the bowl peer, it's dead silent once you get the technique down.
>Two kinds of Americans
Where I come from they call that a launchpad. Also helps from getting toilet water splashed up into your asshole.
>masking shit sounds
Swedes always invent stuff to advance civilization.
>more likely
sounds unscientific to me ahmed
you are a true patriot
people are supposed to go in there to shit, not jack off.
Fragile little things
>using public toilets