Sen. Feinstein calls for investigation into AG Lynch

Did she hit her head?

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Shut it down!



>Democrat elected officials are drunk and/or senile
what else is new

She also called for an "all hands on deck" Trump probe

Why are they doing this?

Why would they do this to their own?


>(((fiendstien))) jumping off a sinking ship
wew lad

They are canibalizing to cover their hypercriminal asses.

So they come out with a conclusion that it didn't happen and pretend nothing happened.

it's to get ahead of the narrative and frame it like she dindu nuffin, and also destroy evidence if possible

There must be signs that Clinton's going down. If Feinstein of all people are throwing Clinton associates under the bus, she's definitely covering her own ass.

From this alone I expect massive news about Clinton's misdeeds to come out this week.

that's fucking disgusting.

Its long but its a great read. It fits.

Because they have to is the only explanation I can think of.

nope, they just need a scapegoat to make people think they're actually "impartial".

don't buy it for a second. at best, they throw that evil witch under the bus. at worst, nothing, as usual.


Last person I'd expect to be bipartisan. I'm sure she has an agenda, but either way, props to that old cunt.

>Bill Clinton's First Fayetteville Home Damaged in Fire

I wonder what was left behind

Either she's covering her ass. Or she's covering Barry O's ass. That or there could be a rift in the Democrats where some of them absolutely do not want Clinton at the helm of the party ever again.

Some more dead babies in Syria incoming

eh shes probably just trying to look democrats look less hypocritical to moderate people who aren't braindead

Great point, there's merit to this belief.

>expect massive news about Clinton's misdeeds to come out this week

Please god make it happen, I'm so tired of getting blue-balled over this.... I don't think I'll be able to give up the ghost until this rotten women finally gets her shit locked up.

>he thinks the jews are above turning on themselves
Shows how much you know. That is one of the oldest tricks in their book.

She realizes it's the only way to save the party. This shit is happening regardless, by taking some initiative she can try to come out as anti-corruption and save her skin.

Can any ants translate this?

Save it and open it with picture viewer or something like that.

Doing anything else is just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. This is huge. Expect to see more democrats distancing themselves.


You do know that no one actually likes the Clintons right. They have been pushing around everyone on the democrat side for years. It's not surprising that people are turning on them.

Feinstein and Clinton conspired to steal a gold mine (successfully!) from a rancher by annexing the land for a military base, then immediately leasing the rights to the Chinese, for which they got a shit ton of cash in their foundation.

Feinstein's dirty as fuck, maybe she wants to try to stake her claim on this and other dirty deals?

The Clinton Crime family murdered Seth Rich and many more, in addition to making a uranium sale to RUSSIA

Trump - the only person not under investigation...

Sooooo, this is how they tell Hilldawg not to run in 2020.

She's only asking that because she knows that Comey destroyed all the evidence and there is nothing left to find


She's been taking Super Male Vitality and is teaming up with Alex Jones to fight kikery and degeneracy. Stand by for news.

Remember Feinstein's face after that closed-door meeting? She knows the entire thing is coming down and she can't do a dam thing about it.
She's probably been offered a deal to get a slap on the wrist in return for bipartisan support for bringing the whole thing down on clinton/obama.

>wtf i love feinstien no-

Nope nice try bitch, probably trying to misdirect from something bigger or her Alzheimers is kicking in like McCain.

heres diane herself

This is bad for us.
Bring back Maxine Waters.

That will 100% accurately, bring with it a trove of isisi fake and real attacks in euroupe. Even in the Us

The Tribe has given its orders to her.


Its their last chance to make the DNC not seem totally corrupt. A lot of Bernie voters haven't forgotten how they screwed him, there's still lawsuits going on about it. The DNC is a mess right now. Look who their leader is right now. They need to throw someone important under the his in order to save face and that still probably won't help.

this. they don't want a clinton 2020 run.

It never works for me. My phone downloads a file only 182kb that I can't read.
Also the file I open is called I figured that deleting the m might help but it 404s.
Any help? I'm on an s5.

U goys oughta retweet that shit to the dem and rep faggots, give it some momentum.

I think she asked the best question in the Comey inquest too.

>“You’re big, you’re strong,” the veteran Democratic senator told Comey. “I know the Oval Office, and I know what happens to people when they walk in. There is a certain amount of intimidation. But why didn’t you stop and say, ‘Mr. President, this is wrong – I cannot discuss that with you’?”

>“Maybe if I were stronger, I would have,” Comey replied.

Remember, the crux of him calling Trump a liar was regarding a loss of confidence within the FBI and admin.

Well, if he's too cucked to stick up for the law/himself I wouldn't have much confidence in him either.


get the fuck out of here phone cancer

Shit. I figured it out. Have to remove the m and make it png like the original file. Why is it so fucking hard to see the original file on mobile?

Fuck man I don't know. Mimi image viewer shows it for me.

>pretend to investigate
>find nothing on purpose
>clears her name
>back to fucking trump's anus

Fuck you I'm in the (((gym))). Not taking up a machine or platform either.

Fuck off. Shit posting while shitting is god tier.

What the fuck, Trump? Can't you keep your daughter away from literal shit?


Titanic reference. Autism creeping through, but were you on the fusion reactor thread?

This is most likely, and something people in power have been doing since propaganda became a tool

She's seen the Intel. She can play ball or die in jail.

maybe you should try zooming lmao

>Remember Feinstein's face after that closed-door meeting?
picture, please. can't believe I missed this.
the closed Comey hearing, jsut after the recent open one where he "stumped drumpf"?

I only post when I'm shitting, I get paid to shitpost.

4 you

It's simple. If one of their top dogs gets the boot (((someone))) will have to take their place. (((Feinstein))) is vying for that position.


Whoa. Feinstein is losing it.



this 83 year old cunt should just retire

everyone is distancing themselves from clinton. They finally realize she is a toxic cloud.

please fucking censor that nigger
its too ugly to look at


Well since she wants this, and The Hill is reporting on it, it'll lead to nothing. They'll find she did no wrong doing.

no she was being interviewed after a closed senate intelligence meeting and looked disheveled and admitted there is no evidence of collusion that shes seen.

Wolf cut her off right after that

Was that the Coco Mountain, or Mt. Chocolate or something?


It's some sort of trick. There is no way that Feinstein would ever do anything to harm the democratic party. Her entire life is invested in it. This is just some ploy to somehow hurt Trump's legitimacy. Same with Schumer trying to get Trump to testify under oath. It's all a fucking trap.

limited hangout

It's weird, the government always seems to decline to prosecute itself.

bullshit, maybe something is gonna drop in the next 2 weeks and they are already running for cover.

someone is mad

The most important thing right now is cover up domestic spying. All or many Dems probably benefited from the (((IC))) they will throw a few fish under the bus to keep it out of the news.

use the default browsers desktop mode


She's trying to appear centrist. Or she just doesn't like Lynch.

Racist much?

Who's this faggot?

Can someone explain to me the mindset of (((feinstein))) here?

I thought she was dumb gun grabbing cunt like all liberals. Why is she turning on Cunton and Lynch?

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. This is literally coming true right now!

I don't believe it. It's got to be a trap. Some scheme by which to exonerate Lynch and paint Trump as the bad guy. It also keeps the Trump/Russia narrative alive.

After Comey's testimony Trump/Russia is pretty fucking dead so they need more and more people giving testimony and asking questions to keep it going. They'll ask questions that they know the people under oath can't answer due to ongoing investigations or classified material, and they'll tailor the questions to paint Trump as having done something wrong. Generating smoke and tricking people into believing that there has been wrongdoing.

Look how long they milked the "Russia hacked the election" lie. They had half the fucking world believing it, even though there isn't a shred of evidence and they all knew it. The media just keeps spinning allegations and outright fabrications and no one questions it. They've got half of America believing they elected a Manchurian candidate. Goebbels would be fascinated by them.

I want to believe

Because itll make retards like you think shes a goodguy now.

Long post isn't a problem but one you can't fucking read is


charge your phone you ni..

Everybody else is reading it just fine

Are the CNN gal's thighs so fat that she has to manspread?

I would love to see all the dirt Sessions found in Comey's office also all the shit on Weiner's laptop