>he works
>he pays taxes that go straight to Israel
>he pays for welfare queens
>but muh job security! muh wife! muh house!
Where were you when you realized unemployment is the final red pill?
>he works
>he pays taxes that go straight to Israel
>he pays for welfare queens
>but muh job security! muh wife! muh house!
Where were you when you realized unemployment is the final red pill?
What do you do once the state cuts your welfare?
>living with mom forever
no thanks
>Just being unemployed
>Not being military
>Not being the biggest drain on society per capita
Is that Elle Fanning?
you're still living off someone
if mommy wasn't feeding you hotpockets you'd be forced to get a job or starve
>the final red pill
That would be death.
kill yourself!
until then, thanks for your taxes >;^D
final redpill is finding a career you enjoy so your not a wage slave not a neet fuck go to school for something thats not liberal arts fuckin idiot
>he thinks im on my welfare
>he thinks anything short of an apocalyptic scenario can end welfare
>he thinks i live with mom
>he fell for the going to school meme
>getting $100k in loans to get a $50k job
Good little goys
But unemployment is boring user.
I'm trying to accumulate enough wealth to never work again by 40. I'm getting there.
god i hate that most of my fucking taxes are going to a glorified frat house that pays failures and niggers to shoot at ragheads for a bunch of hebes
>unemployment is the final red pill?
Wrong, fucking a goat is the final red pill.
maybe if youre a chink-tier german robo-machine made only for work
Why the fuck does an eight year old girl have exposed cleavage?
Goyim, why do you do this?
I wish I started planning for my retirement earlier. I'm 38 now, and will likely take me 4-6 more years before I have enough money to retire.
>unemployment is the final red pill?
Awwww, its retarded
I've been unemployed, it sucks
She's starting to look like the penguin
I have my own house, my own car, and live comfortably. That is the final redpill. Being self-reliant and being able to do what you want when you want.
is this her final form?
wtf is that real??
good goy, have fun giving 40% of your yearly income to Jews for allowing you the privelege of having a house to eventually die in. also, dont forget those monthly mortgage payments with interest!
don't forget that we've volunteered you for "Organ donation" so that while your corpse is still warm we can carve it up and sell the parts to other goyim to rope them into a lifetime of debt too.
whats wrong with israel and jews?
>he pays for welfare queens
this is what gets me more than anything else desu senpai. I wish i could have some method to allocate my taxes myself
Not unemployment, just off the books income, idiot.