Gun Laws in Canada

How difficult is it it to acquire a gun license in Canada? I am interesting in owning a license and getting a P250 for protection and for shooting at the range.

Some things that might prevent me from getting one:

>depression/social anxiety in the past
>sort of a neet (working on it)

I am 30 and have no criminal record and the only reason i am interested in owning a gun is because I think I should know how to use one and nothing more.

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>getting a P250 for protection
You're not allowed to have guns for protection in Canada.

If you've been diagnosed for anything you can't get a gun, ever. Otherwise it's ~$300 bucks and 12hrs to get non-restricted rifles/shotguns. Triple both for restricted.

>$300 bucks

>for protection and for shooting at the range.

Nope, remember: you just want it for shooting at the range and no other purposes whatsoever.

P250 is a handgun so it's classified as restricted. This means you have to take both the regular safety course and the safety course for restricted weapons before you apply for your license. You also need two people as references to say that your character is ok, and if you're going for a restricted license you can't use family members (for unrestricted you can use family members though)

Getting a gun is easy as fuck, they don't do mental health checks here, they do criminal record checks. If down syndrome pakis can get guns I'm sure you can.

Goto /k/ to find out where, the canadians there have a big list of resources and shit.

You don't need a gun to learn how to shoot, you can just go to the range with a buddy. Your story smells like autism but yea just go and get your license.

First you need your PAL, then you have to wait for it to process. Then you get a card in the mail, use the card to buy a gun. It's just like usa.

I'll sell you a gun if you suck my dick at Swiss chalet

>If you've been diagnosed for anything you can't get a gun
bullshit, I know so many retards with guns man. They check to see if you committed violent crimes.

If you are outside city limits you are allowed to own one rifle (shotgun) per household member with no license.

>You're not allowed to have guns for protection in Canada.
What does this mean? Can you not keep a gun in your home?

You can own guns for various reasons (hunting, sport, etc.) but if you tell the government that it's for protection this is not allowed because it implies that you will use your gun on other people

That's fucking retarded and I pity your country.

Not really. When you apply for a gun license they just ask you why you want a gun and they just expect to hear something not related to shooting people. If the only reason you have for wanting a gun is to shoot people, that's a problem

The government will most likely rape you anally if you dare shoot someone in defense. I am not going to jail for shooting a scumbag.
If they break into my place then can be the most well armed gang in town for all I care. I am insured for theft not prosecution.

My state got Castle Doctrine back, which basically means the existing laws are still in play: you can shoot back if it's in self-defense.

Guess how unsurprised I was when my local Jewish state rep sent me a flier for the first time ever saying how oy vey terrible this is and we need to stop gun crimes. Kikes: how about never.

According to the Trailer Park Boys, not hard at all


Okay, thanks anons... I'll look into this.

I really just want to learn how to shoot a gun more than anything.

>and getting a P250 for protection

Not allowed friend.

Don't bother. You have to give up Charter rights to have a gun license, which allows the police to search your home without a warrant.

They also check your criminal record everyday and will call you if you get involved with the police in any way.

Don't you have shooting ranges for sport or whatever? Gun clubs?

The rest of us would want you to know how to handle your funstick.

Interesting... okay, thanks.

Yeah we do have some around here.

Watch this guy for more information.

Canadian gun laws are laughably bad. Isn't it great that most guns used in crime are obtained illegally, which means that you have to treat law-abiding gun owners like absolute shit?

What about paintball guns? Couldn't I just freeze the paintballs and then I have non-lethal means of protection?

Like the guy said, go to /k/ and ask their, Plenty of Leafs can help ya there.

Also keep in mind that if someone breaks into your house and you have a firearm and use it on them you will be fucked. Even if you don't hit them.

>His surveillance cameras caught the attackers lobbing at least six Molotov cocktails at his house and bombing his doghouse, singeing one of his Siberian Huskies. But when Mr. Thomson handed the video footage to Niagara Regional Police, he found himself charged with careless use of a firearm.

>The local Crown attorney’s office later laid a charge of pointing a firearm, along with two counts of careless storage of a firearm. The Crown has recommended Mr. Thomson go to jail, his lawyer said.

>His collection of seven guns, five pistols and two rifles was seized, along with his firearms licence. Mr. Thomson said he lives in fear that his attackers will return and has taken to arming himself with a fire extinguisher.

get a long gun for "hunting"
like an SKS

There are a lot of things you could do outside fo the law. I think it's better if you know the law and do things that are not illegal.

We don't need more edgelords.

Step one: follow the CFSC course and pass
if you want to own/shoot restricted follw the CRFSC course and pass

Step 2: Apply for a PAL/RPAL by filling up questionnaire and providing 2 references that can vouch you are not crazy.

Step 3: Wait........and wait..........and wait some more.

Step 4: Aquire PAL/RPAL by not being a criminal/having known mental issues etc.

Step 5: buy any non-restricted guns you want.

Step 5a (optional): join a gun club to be able to purchase restricted firearms.

>yfw the guy had more charges than the guys who threw fucking molotovs at his house

And the crown tried everything they could to fuck this guy over.

Why would you ever want a gun license in Canada?

I don't want to be put on lists. So maybe a real fire arm is not something I need. Maybe I just need some way to protect myself. That's why I'm looking into non-lethal options that could protect me (rubber bullet guns?)

Literally took exactly 28 days since I mailed it for my license to get to me. Just call periodically to ask how it's going and they do it quicker

You're just going to be presented as an insane autist if you do anything like that. Learn your way around guns.

Lists are irrelevant.

This being Canada, I'd suggest a good hockey stick.

Get a tool-knife, learn martial arts, or get an unconventional weapon like one of those monkey ball things.

Things like nun-chucks are illegal in Canada too, so keep that in mind.

Did you get a PAL or RPAL?
Granted my application was during the great registry rush, but still took 9-10 months.

That's the case for pretty much every country in the world. Only the US are yet to be cucked on this point.

It was for a PAL, I sent the application in late November a few years ago and got it before Christmas

everyone in this fucking shithole country is a low test subhuman

you'll need to take the course for the restricted license. easy enough to do but also pretty fucking pointless as there's a lot of hoops to jump through owning a restricted gun. you literally can't do shit with it outside a range and every time you plan to move it(take to range, shop for cleaning ect) you have to notify the local police in each jurisdiction you'll be passing through

just get the regular license and buy a 12 gauge. far less hassle and will do the job better

>If you are outside city limits you are allowed to own one rifle (shotgun) per household member with no license

bull shit

You'd pretty much have to be a nigger going nuts on PCP to want to get shot with a 12ga

You could argue for better, but if I thought I was going to look down a 12ga I would find a different house without a second thought.

guns arent for conceal and carry here. if you do have permits to carry it has to be unloaded and stored behind a lock at all times. RC's check up on this every week. just get your P.A.L and firearm saftey and go draw tags to shoot shit in season. keep the freezer full kidddo.

yep you usually get fucked hard. legally you CAN defend yourself but you'll be charged regardless then it's up to a judge/jury to decide if the use of force was "reasonable". the real issue is what's reasonable will be different for everyone so really it's basically 50/50 weather you get fucked or not. either way you'll still have to deal with the whole court process which is a real pain in the ass

defending others is even worse and is basically not allowed. there's been cases of people stopping women from being raped only to end up being charged. you're allowed to pull out your phone and record it for future fapping but god help you if you actually step in. a native broke into your house and is raping your daughter? best get that phone out and enjoy the fucking show and don't forget to help load up his car with all your shit


go ask /k/ so you don't get stupid ass advice like this

drunk natives are absolutely fucking insane. worse then niggers on pretty much every level. probably doesn't help that most of our natives are part nigger

If you live in a city: not possible

If you're a rural and suburban retard: somewhat feasable if you can convince them that you need it for hunting and that you're mentally stable

>for protection
As others have said, this is legally impossible. The government owns your life. They choose to protect it or not and you have no say in the matter.

Secondly, it's been the Liberal plan from the very start to eliminate gun ownership in Canada. They knew they couldn't do this in a single generation, so they designed their plan to work over several generations. They made legal gun ownership so costly and inconvenient that fewer and fewer people would bother to go through the licensing process. They targeted both the gun consumer and the gun seller, as well as gun ranges. Fees, regulations, zoning, inspections, massive mandatory insurance policies, etc, all made it less and less economical to run a gun related business. Many gun stores and gun ranges have closed since the liberals enacted their policies. Fewer gun stores and ranges makes it even more inconvenient for a citizen to take a course or do a licensing test. The whole idea of gun ownership is a massive hassle in Canada, and for most folks it's just not something that makes a lot of sense, given that you can't ever carry a gun for defense, and might use one for hunting once or twice a year.

It's not so bad if you live out in the middle of nowhere, but most Canadians live in a narrow strip along the St. Lawrence. Sure, if you live out in bumfuck nowhere Newfoundland you can just take your .22 and go innawoods. But if you're in Kingston or something, what then? It's hard to justify the cost in money and time when the uses are so heavily restricted. And that was the plan from the very start. Reduce the number of people who are invested in the shooting sports so eventually there will be less and less popular resistance to more restrictive gun laws.

Well, Canadia, sometimes I think the people who say an Assault-Rifle 15 with 80 clips and a felony suppressor are right for home defense.

I would feel more comfortable if the White Man from the North were armed with whatever.

>which allows the police to search your home without a warrant
It's been a decade now and they've never come to look at my guns. Also they need to set an appointment for it. They can't just show up.

>defending others is even worse and is basically not allowed.
Not even remotely true.

sadly it is, fuck i should know i've been charged for it. you can sometimes get away with defending yourself but you have basically no right to defend anyone else. doesn't matter if it's family or just some stranger you can't really do shit to help them especially if it involves a gun

SWIM has a top-secret clearance back in the 90s. SWIM can tell you that your chance of owning a gun is slim. SWIM can tell you that looking at your history, you will not be a strong candidate for approval. SWIM thinks your best bet is to join a gun club and get to know people who can serve as a reference.

SWIM also thinks that depression and guns don't mix. SWIM would say don't get a gun.

>especially if it involves a gun
Who'd you shoot and why?

SWIM asked SWHK about STIK and he said FOAF told him if you want to grow weed in the back yard use a proper grow light, but I don't know him anymore and SWIK told me he went afoul ouf the cops.

I agree. Americans joke about annexing us, Seriously do it.

handguns are illegal

only bb carabines with 10 bullet clips

No, we want Puerto Rico.


You will learn soon enough how fucked this country is when it comes to guns

How is your credit score?

The Canadians have a very long and undefended border to the south. The United States has lot's of guns and we're just to the south of you. If we can get every cash crop Columbia has to offer into our country through our southern border (and we're suppossed to be getting a wall soon). That wall won't stop the party favors from getting into our country though. So you should have no problem getting our hardware into yours. You guys dont even have a wall.

At least the German in the cartoon put up a fight before he surrendered.

It's easy to get a hunting rifle or a shotgun but not handguns.

A hacksaw should solve that problem.

We don't want Puerto Rico. The Democrats want Puerto Rico.

How would we get ammo? How would we train? Smuggling in some piece of shit gun that you'd never ever get a chance to use is stupid. I want to be able to have a nearby 300m range where I can go and spend a relaxing Sunday plinking with an AR. That's a legal impossibility here. The number of rifle ranges that allow restricted rifles is tiny. Some entire provinces don't have a single one, and you cannot legally discharge a restricted firearm outside of an approved range.

no it's still easy, just adds a day to your safety course. once you have the restricted license it's as simple as walking into a shop and buying whatever you want. the hard part is actually owning it, you can't do jack shit with it outside a range and taking it to the range requires a lot of hoops to jump through

What advice did I give him that was stupid exactly? I love all the no-guns retards in Canada lol.

>dey won't sell u a gun if you got da adhd or live on a farm.

You can have a gun given to you without owning a license, you know that right?