>how did he fired 59 rounds with a fucking shotgun?
I have listed to a lot of his tapes.
From what I can figure here is what he did:
Step 1: pile up pallets and crates ect to form a blockaid by all of the exits. The fish are in the barrel at this point
Step 2: Go to the break room where his bag with his shotguns are. 2 shotguns with girl names mckenzie, and forget the other 1
Step 3: The shootings
Target #1 His male coworker in such a situation, shoot the guy first because physically that is the one with the greatest chance of fighting back.
Targets 2, and 3 were his female coworkers. One was an older lady, and the other was a young woman about 25 years old. I think he killed the 25 year old first, but shot her in the belly or back not the head he wanted her to look him in the eyes, and beg for mercy then the granny
Step 4: The coworkers are now dead. I doubt he needed to use near that much ammo. Here he planned on setting some stuff on fire, shooting out glasses of things like ragu, soda, windows ect...
Step 5: Okay the coworkers all dead, and place is all fucked up. At this point he sang some faggoty song he liked while sucking on the shotgun and pulled the trigger blowing his brains out the back of his head
Step 6: Instantly gain the female body he wanted, and attain knowledge of all things in the universe
Step 7: Wait, and see who deletes his youtube stuff to come back and haunt them
Step 8: Go fuck Ember Mclain his waifu from Danny Phantom