How much longer until the race war in Europe comes?

How much longer until the race war in Europe comes?

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It ended 72 years ago.
We lost.

Not soon enough

It's not coming. People literally respond to dead preteen girls with "let's not be islamaphobic." How you can watch this and think there is any event that will bring white europeans to take up arms?

I'm unsure how to explain this to you user. The war has been raging since the second world war and beyond.

It has never ended. The tactics are not regular warfare through military and arms, but through subversion.

its not going to be a war, its going to be a european male genocide slash european female mass raping. By the time its over western european will not exist, only the caliphate and middle easterners and africans.

that's because their livelihood isn't being directly threathened. when the strikes start, then it's goin to be on. everyone has an inner nazi just waiting to take over

Furthermore, the majority of white people in South Africa still won't defend themselves as white people, even while the President sings about killing white people and taking their farms.

The inherent individualistic values of the white race are what made it great, and are what will kill it and render itself unwilling to defend itself in this new global world. The Jewish mindvirus has hacked our nature to work against us, and a cure is not coming.

Could possibly set the stage for a future eastern european block invasion and inquisition though... thats the only option i see for saving western europe left...and thats if they care enough to do so....

tuesday night next week i got an e-mail from soros

was nice knowing you guys