England sort of has a racial semi-caste system. Look. William the Conqueror conquered England in 1066 A.D and he put his friends as the thanes lords and nobles. He also installed a Feudal system so the aristocracy owned all the land (his friends) while the common people (the celts) owned nothing. William the Conquerer was Germanic and so were his friends while the common people were Celtic
Britain is a small country so there's really very little land making it expensive. So people can't really get their hands on that since it's hard to enter the market when you own nothing. That way even when Feudalism was abolished the lower classes still couldn't move upwards socially. That is why I think that Britain has a racial semi-caste system.
Will the Conquey was Germanic, sure - but the folks that he conquered were already Germanic. Germanics are mostly R1a and I, while Brits - though mostly Germanized in language, are predominantly R1b.
so , no... very little actual Germanic blood among the English, even less among the welsh and scottish
Chase Ward
royal family doesn't count?
Owen Bell
Canada does too I actually blushed a little at how segregated that pozed country is
Connor Smith
Back in Charlies day you could be an upward mobile young man if you were good at fighting.
around 1000 is when they started going for the >"sorry dudes you need blue blood to be a cool noble."
Nathaniel Price
No such thing as germanic blood
Zachary Garcia
>the common people we celtic Nice meme, do you not know what the Harrying of the North was?
Joseph Moore
>so there's really very little land making it expensive We have so many laws protecting green spaces, that prevent you building X on Y land and Y on Z land. And North of Newcastle is literally all fields, nothing but fields, Glasgow, Edinburgh. Wales.
Jayden Harris
>so , no... very little actual Germanic blood among the English, even less among the welsh and scottish Yeah that's my point, they are mostly Brythonic celts, the ruling class is the only Germanic blood there
Yeah and it was for their own benefit obviously.
Are you kidding me? My dads boss is a billionaire and he invites us over for dinner a lot. We are the LEAST class segregated country on earth. And there's so much land here and opportunity just to start a business, of course you need a high IQ and work hard but it's possible.