Blocks your path

>blocks your path
What you gonna do?

Offer him my wife of course.

Use their tactics against him

i like him to be honest. he is a real mudslime unlike poser mudslimes.

>Immediately stops relaxing
>Politely asks that he steps aside
>delfect his attack
>swiftly stagger him with a perfectly executed roundhouse kick to the head
>teleport behind him
>unsheat katana

psshh, nothing personel kid.


>itt 12 years old in search of attention
fuck off normie

>You side a retarded kiddo who does a 1001th what do thread what do ?


I'll say "innit" and he'll let me pass.

Beg to behead or rape or whatever my wife in exchange for my life, support Islam and open borders afterwards.

talk my way into getting a bit closer, to jokingly push my open palm and fingers into his face, right hook in the confusion or jab him in the neck. Rest depending on the outcome. Fucker gonna pay for all the atrocities his death cult has spread.