Holy shit!! i been reading the comments to this video and its a RACE WAR! You got blacks playing the victim part and the WE WUZ AZTECS. Then you got the mexicans blaming them for it and fuck your victim mentality. I thought they got along?

Other urls found in this thread: Vega

first comment i read
"An Even lesser know history is the FACT that there were Africans who were members of the Aztec Empire!
Blacks and Browns are true distant cousins..(Olmecs, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs)"


Black people claiming they build all civilizations

>Get along

kek, black people are "oppressed" in all countries in the world

Speaking this as a brazilian

Anyone who's even heard of Los Angeles or Texas knows that black people and Mexicans tend to segregate themselves.

Don't really know what it's about. I have a Mexican buddy and we got jumped by a frat one night. One of them was black, and to this day the first time I've ever hear the word nigger thrown at a black person was from a Mexican.

This guys a good friend though, really good at drawing.

mexicans hate blacks

Mexicans are the only people who have called blacks niggers and never felt bad about it.


>Texas knows that black people and Mexicans tend to hate each other.


Dont forget G wear your colors represent the Family!

Who would you rather get killed by?
A black or a mexican?

Me personally a black as they would get to the point and shoot me...mexicans on the other hand...

lol nah I was watching a show about gangs and there is/was a gang war going down in LA along with a big shift cause the mexicans are outbreeding the blacks and taking over their areas
>documentary presenter talking with latino gang members
>take him to once black neighbourhood
>one shows the presenter their tag which has been sprayed over a black gang tag


>I thought they got along?
where did you get that idea, they fucking hate each other more than whites.



shit choice niggerbrians. This is the only song u need

lol.. Blacks and Mexicans never got along.

That's the thing. Blacks are completely occupied with white hegemony. But as soon as whites lose their control guess who will gain majority hegemony. Hit: not blacks. The latinos, ie mexicans will be the raining interest group in America when Whites are disposed. And from what i have seen in history and contemporary affairs, they won't be anywhere as kind to other races as whites are today.

You thought blacks and Mexicans get along?

Protip: every race but whites are without exception all extremely racist, and every race universally hates blacks

Well duh. Read some about the Black/Mexican gang wars in Cuckfornia.
Blacks are scared shitless because they are in a huge decline while mexicans increases in membership annually.

Intersting. You are right, the latinos will take control of this country one day and they hate blacks as much as Sup Forums. It's not even considered a bad or racist opinion for them to have bc the left taught everyone that only whites can be racist. And as I said in my past post it's pretty much every Latino that hates blacks, unlike whites, who have by far more race traitors than any other race.

Maybe the Mexicans will one day rid us of the black problem in this country


>But as soon as whites lose their control guess who will gain majority hegemony. Hit: not blacks. The latinos, ie mexicans will be the raining interest group in America when Whites are disposed. And from what i have seen in history and contemporary affairs, they won't be anywhere as kind to other races as whites are today.

nope jews will have control. You know jews wont let no one hurt their babies.

Blacks and Mexicans never got along, in my city at least. I remember my middle and high schools having lots of fights between spics and nigs for some reason.

what city?

I remember in Southwest Little Rock it used to be controlled by black gangs in the early 90's. There's a documentary called Banging in Little Rock for reference.

In late 90's/early 2K's, more Mexicans started migrating to Arkansas because of really lax hiring practices. With them came bigger drug runners from out west. It didn't take long before the Mexicans took control of that part of the town. Probably because it's situated right on I-30 which is a major drug route coming from Texas. So no, Mexicans do not like blacks and won't tolerate their buffoonery, especially when it interferes with large amounts of money and drugs.

Las Vegas

>tfw the next Hitler is named Carlos

We hate NIGGERS and here is why . Niggers target Mexicans all the time and we are tired of the urban ground apes , they cry about discrimination when they are given free shit by government . We earn our shit unlike them . We are punking them out taking jobs , government , housing , everything , we don't hire their lazy ass or marry their nasty women it is a step down and nasty !!

>where did you get that idea

nigga u don't even know

Difference between Blacks and Mexicans: Blacks will kill you in the middle of the street for $5. Mexicans will abduct you, transport you to a secluded area, bound-and-gag you, rape you, and dismember you alive.

Wow, I didn't know that spics and nigs hated eachother this much.

Now they're even stealing the Aztec heritage of Mexicans?

>Mexicans will abduct you, transport you to a secluded area, bound-and-gag you, rape you, and dismember you alive.

Yeah, if you fuck with their women or interfere with their businesses. Blacks will just rob and kill for $5 because they're too dumb and lazy to get a job.

someone should told them their actual KANGZ sold them to Jews and Arabs

>I thought they got along?
turns out everyone hates Black people in some degree
Even Blacks hate Blacks

from another site

>I'm surprised at this Mexican guy saying that because one of Mexico's president was black. And they have had two or three Afro-Mexican governors. I think he's lying.

>Fidel Herrera Beltrán was black. Former governor of Veracruz.

>Joaquín Ernesto Hendricks Díaz was black. Former governor of Quintana Roo.

>Even in soccer there are known Afro-Mexicans playing in really well known teams. Did this dude go to school? I'm sure they taught him about Vicente Guerrero, he was the FIRST black president of Mexico. And one of the main generals in the Mexican War of Independence. Come on now.

does this guy look black to you?

>I thought they got along?
Where did you get this idea from?

mexicans and the people's of the whiter or more native countries in southern and central America actually hate blacks and look at them as animals or retards however the blacks and mexicans have a common cause against whites who regularly spew hate against the mexicans and other central americans, desu here guys the beans would probably side with you guys if you just played them right

puerto ricans in nyc side with the blacks since 1970

says the nigger


as a mixed blood native who formerly lived on a reservation I can attest to this hatred of niggers, natives don't like white either though because of the whole colonial thing but whites and Asians make us most of our money through casinos blacks however are seen as chimps and or subhumans who wouldn't have made it this far without whites however we do blame whites for bringing along their pet chimps

puerto ricans are niggers

>I thought they got along?

Just doing the work americans don't want to do, esse

this though tbqhfam


>splcenter org/hatewatch/2013/01/15/latino-gang-leader-convicted-la-ethnic-cleansing-campaign
>democraticunderground com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x3080326

I'm hispanic just like you

Mexicans are so much better than niggers. Hard working, family values, and just visit a poor Mexican neighborhood and a poor black neighborhood. The Mexicans are so much nocer and don't fuck you at all. Fuck niggers!

This. Had a mexican gf for a while, she said nigger more than anyone I have ever met and stridently hated black people.

>implying blood guzzling spics are better than puerto ricans

That was Ross Kemp wasn't it?

>using eyewitness accounts

>Yeah, if you fuck with their women or interfere with their businesses.
Or if you happen to be on the wrong bus.

so you'd take a nigger rican over a Mexican when a good amount of mexicans contain mostly European blood?

Sounds just like my dad. Especially when he starts drinking.

>I thought they got along?

You obviously have no idea what is going on in your country. In places like LA there is a literal race war going on including slow motion ethnic cleansing and the Azecs are winning. Admittedly the kike media cover it up.

Based hombres, if this continues we should concede California to them as a gift.

As someone who's half Hispanic, I find any Mexican who "gang bangs" or just basically all Hispanics to be disgusting and should be sent back to that shit hole country.

i love latinos when they're around niggers.

because they'll straight up tell the nigger that they're "a racist nigger".

the best part is, the nigger is too stupid to know that latinos have european blood.

so the nigger can't play the racist card against the latino.

Jews can't stop the Hispanic birth rate.

I'm proud of my sons. Soon they will be the majority in US

Go to Southern California and ask if Blacks & Mexicans get along. Mexicans are literally racist against blacks

so by their standards,everyone with a wide nose is a nigger now?

One time I was hanging out with a bunch of latino skinheads and they kept calling Hennessy "nigger liquor"

Good. Let them all kill one another.


Do blacks and mexicans really hate each other?

I thought they got along

They stopped the white birth rate

How did you find a picture of me?

It's like Chris Rock says "Nobody hates niggers the way niggers hate niggers." In this case, we have actual niggers vs taco niggers.

Do all halfies hate themselves because they're not completely accepted by either of their nationalities? They really look like something's off no matter what the mix

>nigger wearing a shirt that says "primitive"
lol reminds me of "i did not evolve"

My second baby momma is mexican @6.mins52secs

nah mexicans can fuck up a nice neighborhood real quick. im a hispanic from texas and we lived in a old white neighborhood and a wetback family ended up buying a house in the neighborhood and started remodling it and adding on and next thing you know there was like a dozen wetbacks all living in the house. the front yard looks like a damn used car lot. my parents were planning on remodling the house we had on the property but then 2 more wetback familys brought houses and now it looks like fucking little mexico and used car lots so we decided to just demolish our house for the time being and every time my dad and i go to mow the property and keep it looking decent we have to deal with the wetbacks using our vacent lot as a dump ground and a place to park their cars and trucks. my dads old school hispanic and shits on blacks and whites but he hates wetbacks more. plenty of times ive had to break up arguments he gets with these wetbacks use our property like its theres

Nobody gets along.

Literally the only thing holding everything together is the collective hatred and blaming of white people for all their problems.

Its almost worth going extinct just to knowing everyone will tear each other apart.

Black people act like they're unified and proud but they fucking hate each other and kill each other like like its going out of style.

They are.


>get along
>with niggers

literally what

>This guys a good friend though, really good at drawing.
Why even add this part? Go back to plebbit

we despise US niggers and African fresh off the boat niggers.

afro-mexicans are pretty chill tho.

WHAT, we never got along

Yes, dude. Blacks and Mexicans hate each other a lot.

Everyone hates black people, really. Even other black people divide themselves into castes based upon how dark their skin is.

Well myself being majority European, as my father having Spanish ancestors I cannot really speak on that. The only thing on me that I'd consider being my nose, I have light brown eyes which being Spanish.

That story isn't shit compared to niggers moving into your neighborhood. You wouldn't be able to go mow your yard if it were niggers.

Mestizos/castizos are a race in itself since there are so many of them. Regardless if they're mestizo, full blooded Amerind, or 100% Spaniard they all identify as Hispanic or Mexican. They're very united by Hispanic language and culture.

You wish libcuk

>I thought they got along?
Holy shit you must live under a rock. Blacks and Latinos are sworn enemies. That's why democrats will never have a solid voting block with minorities

>really good at drawing

kind of desu, it's due to a lack of identity especially amongst communities like natives, shits bad dude, you're pretty much an outcast, for example, someone like me im mostly white and only 1/4th native however the traits of my race are very strong, I have black hair, brown eyes and pale copper toned skin, however because I'm not as dark or as native appearing as my cousins and kinsmen im ostracized as a white person and white people don't even give me the time of day because im obviously not white looking at all, if anything im constantly asked if im a half Asian half white dude, and this lack of acceptance by either group of my racial backgrounds kinda makes me feel isolated, it was much worse as a teenager but I've gradually grown out of that feeling and just hate niggers because they're the worst of all

wait, just now that Sup Forums has become aware that blacks and mexicans are hostile to each other in Southern California?

>they make videos about gangs
>in America
please you fucking fat pigs, end this fucking gang culture while you still have acces to guns. It will get worse.

U can't fool us. Keep that shithole for yourselves

Hardworking beaners hate lazy ass blacks. If the black is hardworking they respect that. But that guy is rare.

We're pretty racist against eachother, pic related is a normie meme on kikebook. I've seen leftist-leaning girls sharing it

Yes my grandma was Mexican (I'm mixed with white) and she was a very sweet and very religious but one thing she couldn't stand was black people. I remember when I was like 10 I remember my grandma telling me. "Miho let me tell you something. You're getting to that age where you can be dating. I don't want you dating a nigger. You can date a white or Hispanic girl but absolutely no blacks."
My mother told me the same later on but she said Asians were okay.

can you translate?

Dang, that sucks I'm 20% Native American but I'm pale as fuck and have no Native American features.

Mexicans do not like DARKNESS period.

> mom and dad are both Mexican
>mom's mom hates my dad cuz he's darker skinned >doesn't even have curly hair or anything
>watching everybody hates chris
>older cousin comes to say "so you like mayates now or what?"

Mayates are big annoying beetles that we fuck around with. Vid Related.

My grandma said the same thing pretty much, and she's asian.