Why Isnt This Nigger Dead?

How can someone go from "war hero" (which is complete bullshit) to deap state thug? This nigger has been in office for 35 years. He needs to die

Fuck McCain. I voted for Bush and refused to vote for McCain

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He's already crazy, it's sad, if there were people that loved him or at least cared about him, they wouldn't let him talk in public.
Though I guess that they keep rolling him because they don't have anyone to replace him. Who is going to play his role when he's dead?

>I voted for Bush
What kind of retard are you?

they have his replacement (Rubio) lined up

i'll never vote for that spic twat either

what has he been doing?

Where is this picture from anyways? I've seen it posted on here for awhile and it always makes me extremely uneasy.

At the Comey hearing he rambled incoherently for a while, and he doesn't look good at all.

>implying Gore or Kerry would have been better

My god, how have none of you talked about the fact he killed an entire aircraft carrier full of men by wet starting his jet or about the fact he willingly gave info during his time as a pow to not be tortured and was the first to be released because his father was a politician?
Y'all are slacking, do more research!


I've never heard of the aircraft carrier story what the fuck? can you sauce that pls?

Blood infusions from children. All the elites do it.

I'll give you a start, look into it and learn how far they went to cover things up

Jesus Christ. What did you mean by wet start? I'm not familiar with the term.


did more research on my own. Wikipedia is worthless



McCain will outlive us all.
John "Last Man on Earth" McCain

more likely he'll die of a burst hemorrhoid this year or next

John McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose style propaganda tape that was broadcast from North Vietnam in order to receive preferential treatment: youtube.com/watch?v=zO0mHEJyC3Y

His heart only needs to pump enough blood for 1/2 an adult male body, so he'll be here for another 40 yrs

Was just about to post how the Vietnamese nicked name him "Songbird McCain", because he told them virtually every secret he knew.

When is that happening btw

idk we still have 7 years left I'm pretty optimistic based on Comey setting fire to the entire Russia narrative in less than an hour

If either of those two had been elected, the nigger would never have been president. So yes, they were better. Obama is the one who unleashed the sjws.


The only people who don't think he's a war hero are mindless trump voters. Try thinking for yourself instead of believing everything you here trump say on tv. There's a reason he's going to be impeached.

You said it:
He does the bidding of the deep state,that's why he's still in office. You don't think the entire intelligence apparatus can rig Arizona? Hahahahahahahaha!
He's a senile old shit creep just like that freaky fairy Lindsay Graham. I 100% know for a fact they have blackmail videos of Graham.
>funds terrorist in syria
>funds arab spring terrorists
>bombs syrian army who are fighting terrorists

These 2 warmongers have never seen a conflict they don't like! How's that "arab spring " working out? Oh riiight, they're all terrorist shitholes now! They want to go to war with RUSSIA ffs!!! These people are insane.

Whats the fucking proof of this?

>Cleaning my room last week because Jordan Peterson told me to
>Find old McCain biography that my Dad bought back when he was running against Obama
>Bring it out and show it to him, ask him if he wants it
>"Pssh, no. Throw it out."

I love my Dad.


can a person actually die from that??

Did you hear that Comey questioning? He's fading away fast, it's so sad.

we all know he is loser faggot

better than romney cause i hate mormons


say it with me



Your question answers itself. He was a war "hero". He served in the military. He is exactly what most agencies look for when they are looking for new employees.
I'm feeling it.

It's common knowledge in the military. It's called the Forrestal incident. He was a hotshot dickhead doing a wet start and got 134 people killed. McWarCunt is also a traitor!!

From what I can tell, the missile fired accidentally and struck McCain's aircraft, rupturing a fuel tank. How was he responsible for that at all? Or are you implying the wiki article is a complete lie and he caused it somehow?