Democrats release promise to start a war against trump

>democrats release promise to start a war against trump
>fact checked, it's real.
How are we gonna fight this? We know it's inevitable.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Beheadings come next.

I'm so fucking scared.

We're waiting


Looks legit

So that's what the muslims were for

I wish a nigga would.

Lol fine with me.

they have no understanding of what happens when the gloves come off do they?


Beat me to it.

Judging by what happened to that tranny who was talking mad shit but then immediately need 3 of its friends to save it when it punched a nigger, no. They've been LARPing so long they went native and actually think they have a chance.


Do you want total war?


This is them shitting themselves.

Impotent rage

>it would be so easy target large crowds within major metro areas filled with nothing but lefty faggots

>mfw OP doesn't post a link

I have been waiting for this

Thank God right wing America is the most well armed population on the face of the Earth.

Bring it on.

The only downside to being a Republican in this war is that the negros may get more libtard kills than we do as soon as the gibs are cut off.

They want this, because they have the exact tools needed to acquire absolute power, as well as purge the population if this does happen (civil war)

Its a trap, dont fall for it. You might have not cared that the internet is 100% not anonymous (its not everything youve done is somewhere out there) you will once they gain absolute power and start purging. They have AI type programs that can rate you based on prior internet comments, even in game chats, forum posts, you name it...

Also if there was a civil war, there are a LOT of countries out there, most in fact, even allies, that wouldnt let a dominant america exist if they could do anything about it, this would be that chance, you would see every country who could intervene in our civil war, and mind you even a moderate is a right wing fanatic to most these countries. Your AR-15 and ammo is all well and good until an airstrike takes out your neighborhood or a armored vehicle parks in front of your house. Conservatives are armed, but they know exactly who we are, where we live, and often what weapons we have via registries...too many guns and they can just blow your house up and forget about dealing with you.

What we are doing now is far more effective than armed conflict. They cant/wont kill everyone but it would only take 20%-30% purge to be fully effective, something that absolute power communists (the DNC want this) have done in the past just about every time. Harder then because they had to rely on ratting out neighbors to find out who was supportive, now they can run a program and get real data on who to kill.

Our military might be our only shot at a piece of land left after the civil war, however maybe we can understand why they like to keep our military in hostile countries there wont be any trips back to the states if war breaks out here.

Guys, it's been great posting with y'all. All the memes, raids, flame wars. But it was all just for fun, right guys? We weren't actually serious about war. I mean what if we get hurt? Plus my mom will get mad at me if I'm gone too long. Can we stop role-playing? Before we get hurt?

source or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
(cause I'll choke that bitch)

The people that hate guns, get ptsd from their shadow, and have created a circle jerk of victim identity culture that is clashing with each other think that they could beat a bunch of gun loving Americans.






Love this pasta.

Time for a bit of the ol' ultra violence on a lot not ready to even see it

>find nearest riot/protest
>go to random window with a good viewpoint
>start gunning down every liberal you see

>a seven nation army couldn't hold me back!
>loses to an alliance of four major nations

Sounds completely legit.

Kill every jew before it kills you. Kill every banker.

Disrupt the flow of interest from the banks. Kill every offshore bank down to the last employee.

That's how you win. Everything else is a distraction.

With what soldiers? Fuck off facebook screenshot cancer

Reporting for dddduty sssir! Am I dressed right?
How's my hair? I don't have to get dirty right? Llllet's go girls! Time to smash those wwwhhite mmmmales right?

>'Batter Up'
The only thing those fuckwits will batter up are their pancakes.

Um, sorry sweetie, but we know how to use them.

Except almost all the police and military are extremely right wing. All the farmers are right wing, and the electricity and water are controlled by right wing areas. The left wouldn't stand even the slightest chance. The rural areas would essentially lock them into the urban cities and they would starve.

Still waiting Libfags

(OP) #
Without laughing.

I think I can fuck up a gorilla with bare hands

I practice MMA for 7 years now, boxing in parallel for 6 years, I could.
Not to count strength training at the gym for 4 years, 6 ft 1 1/2 for 189 lbs.

I have an insane speed, reflexes similar to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge his attacks, and throw good punches to his head. I won't stop, and at the smallest mistake he does, the gorilla is finished.

You'll always have virgins from here thinking that it's impossible.

First, nothing is impossible with will, my friends, and 2) that's not with your weak ass bodies that you'll do anything.

Any man with a minimum of training can beat a gorilla with a knife anyway.

With bare hands, that is not necessarily more complicated, it just requires technical skills.

Now follow me and copy exactly what you see.

Sage sage sage

I'm literally shaking right now.

you can try to catch me fat ass and when you are out of breath in 10ft this fight will be really easy

are you part of SEAL TEAM 6 as well?

Does your dad work for Nintendo?

Make sure to make it known why it was done. And how little they know.

you mean the people who have advocated for gun control, and demonize those who fight for the second amendment?
the people who typically don't believe in gun owner ship?


How does one even acquire that body type? Vegan diet from birth? Too much pre-natal soy?

>Resorting to violence when your side is no guns allowed

Not the best idea imo.

>skinny limbs
>wide hips (better for taking dicks)
>fat face
I don't know but I will never tire of mocking it.

Republicans are the ones who own guns. Bring it.

We're gonna watch democrats get really angry and attack trash cans in their own city? Why does antifa have such animosity towards trash cans? It's kind of odd.

I'm continually amazed at the jewness of this guy's name.

Someone said it was a ftm faggot, but i have no source to back that up

>tea party

What the hell is the Tea Party all about?

So dramatic.

The kings taxes are too damn high!

>Dems threatening us with be-headings

Yawn....a little less conversation...

Oh no sweetie, I won't be sleeping outdoors for any amount of time. Yeah if we are going to "deploy" somewhere I am going to need access to atleast two showers a day, my hair gets really oily.

But otherwise yeah! Let's kick some Nazi ASS man!

>How are we gonna fight this? We know it's inevitable.
The second democrats draw blood I am going to go door to door ending there ideas at the muzzle of a gun

About fucking time and here I thought I was getting /fit/ for nothing. Day of the rope is finally here degenerates!

Your weak little punch wouldn't even phase a fully grown gorilla. They would take one swing and break every fucking bone in your arm if you were lucky enough to get your hands up in time. You would be dead within a minute.

>tfw your name is an onomatopoeia for the sound a rubber boot makes when it steps in a pile of shit

It's a ftm tranny that hip to waist ratio doesn't happen naturally in men. Especially men that can grow a beard like that.

To be fair, if you include the non major powers fighting and the colonies that took part in the war you have a pretty hefty list of opposition to Germany.

They would have done more damage if they just walked over the scales.

Good. It's about time the Cold Civil War got hot. The left has no idea how close the right is to killing them all.

I'm suprised those beast had the lung capacity to even carry those bats

>They would have done more damage if they just walked over the scales.


That is a bearded lady. We're fighting against a literal circus freak show.

Anytime they're feeling froggy, they can jump right in the pond. I have a shit ton of bullets I need to get rid of as it is.

Their parents kept telling them that they were garbage, and that they'd never amount to anything, and that they belong in a garbage can

cant wait to see the arrests that occur over this.

beat me to posting that one.

>Obama starts Syrian civil war, for which Trump will receive all the blame
>Just as how Johnson/JFK started the Vietnam war, for which Nixon received most of the flak

Most "news" today isn't fake, it's just poorly-worded truths.

Underrated post

>warning us autists about a war like it's a bad thing

We've been preparing for the day the federal government would take over and start confiscating arms. It's only a minor adjustment in tactics to face poorly trained armed insurrectionists

>beheadings come next

shortly followed by the race war

Pretty telling that their go-to insult is "beheading".

jfk was going to withdraw, then his head coincidentally got blown open by someone that just so happened to be a cia asset

I live in the heart of the beast. San Francisco

If war happens I am targeting the San Mateo bridge.

The left has 51 genders and safe spaces.
The right has 51 tons of ammunition and itchy trigger fingers.

We know how a real war would play out and so do they. They're just doing what they always do, putting on a retard show for VS points.

Check'd for truth

Oh shit are burgers having a race war? Can I join? I wanna shoot commies

If Civil War II breaks out anons in San Fagcisco should go out the honorable way; call in an artillery strike on your own position.

you don't want to see the source, it has an imgur page I'm sure someone can link it but i purged my browser after seeing that shit. But yes it really is a ftm.

>Muslims are a Dem voting block who will behead right wingers
I think this is what he meant

Democrats want a self-fulfilling truth to play victim.

The left are fucking pussies

Fuck outta here with this fake news bullshit, we all know they aren't going to start any shit

"""ftm""" We know the left is nuts, but why do we use their misleading newspeak? It's a psychotic bulldyke.

Can't wait for the riots :DDDDDDDD

>liberals want a war
>I want to kill liberals
>I also want to die

They literally cannot win this fight

>I'm surrounded
>That simplifies the problem

This is the dumbest shit I've ever read.

189 lb pussy thinks he can beat up a gorilla...BAHAHAHHAAHAHA

Fucking retarded. It's just a joke by some autistic college students who unironically believe socialism is good.

Not to rain on your shit...but you do know they have cases of 80lb monkeys benchpressing 5 times their weight. Ur boned dude


A war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?

It's in the image

Could you imagine lefties digging into trenches?

What would they look like?
Breastworks style? Creature comforts in dugouts?

my exact thoughts famalam