Thank you wonder woman

Thank you wonder woman

Lmao this is the biggest larp I've ever read.

Post Mexican dad

Rofl, "so that's what representation looks like"
Sounds like my kind of conversation

>then we cried


This is actually the plot of Wonder Woman 2

Larping cuckstain should kill himself immediately

if that actually happened those people need a mental health professional.

And to watch the literal ton of movies with female protagonists that have already been made.

I'm just glad they took a character that has history behind her instead of trying to force batman to be a chick or something. It wasn't a bad movie in my opinion and never tried to force anything down our throats.

>It wasn't a bad movie in my opinion
Fucking burgers...

GI Jane came out in the 90's... Seriously wtf with this BS

the only thing that makes that believable is that OP is a leaf.

Saving this to my notepad. This will make a great copypastsa.


Watching a hot girl in a skimpy outfit fighting is bad?

>Wonder Woman won't shut up about how strong, independent and capable she is
>still needs superman to reach high places, and open jars

Kikes are bad, user. There's a reason Uncle Adolf took back his media industry.

>i need to see a woman in a shitty comic book movie that isn't even remotely based in reality to feel like i am personally represented

This is sad.


I also needed a moment in my car to rub one out afterwards. Thank you, Wonder Woman.

this. If women want to be boring and unfunny they're more than welcome to it, just so long as they don't try to involve us. If they actually make something half decent, hey, so much the better.

It's a real shame everyone used all their SJW energy and genderbaiting on Ghostbusters, and didn't have anything left for this movie.

>he started telling me about other Mexican actors he thinks should be in movies in America

Give them a finger, and they’ll take the whole hand.

Meh an ass is an ass and tits are tits don't really give a shit.

Fucking burgers...

You're one to talk leaf

>making shit up
>implying men list "super man" as a role model


What about Fargo or Silence of the lambs?

I can't believe people share this shit with total strangers.
Of course this is where it ends up.


Americans are all tools that prop up billionairs with thier pop culture mind-slavery.

Fuck Comics
Fuck Starwars
Fuck MTV
Fuck all of the old media shit

These industries are the ones that have used slave labour across the world to keep and hold central power in America.

They got scared by independent media and had to go on a pretentious "diversity"/"civil rights" cathartic movement (while demonizing white males) to draw attention back to its central system/ money sink.

Her only emancipation there was in being included in a consumer product for purchase.

What an embarassment. Emotional oversharing. I hope that he made that up for (you)s.
Kill yourself if you even come close to using social media in such a faggy way, please.

I, too, have never seen one of these, what are they called again.. wo-men?, represented in film or media. Came as a total shock to me, I too had to stop and ask someone sitting nearby at the theatre exactly what I was looking at.

thank god these people weren't alive for a generation that mattered

>LARPing and virtue signalling this hard on social media

What a gigantic faggot.

>being so weak, unintelligent, and unprincipled you need Hollywood to create a fictional role model for you
Would have dumped here right there and left her in the theater's parking lot.


its pretty depressing how people take every political or historical event and reduce it to their level by comparing it to some jew media

literal mental illnesses the lot of them

Oh look, it's another "fake shit that never happened but was invented for the purpose of virtue-signalling and supporting left-wing narratives" episode.

Either that or a really good parody.

Jesus these stupid cunts are acting like there has never been a feminist-friendly movie before.

If you can name a single movie on the planet that is more fem-friendly than pic related then go right ahead. It's just coincidental that this movie also fucking rocks because it didn't feel the need to make the *entire* narrative of the film about female empowerment.


>still has a very heteronormative perspective of love which makes the bbc a hard sell to (don't worry just a sometimes poly friend everyone) on my right but it's a good first step

in bf she leaves him for a woman

>went to see wonder woman with my gf
>during the car ride home, she doesn't say anything
>"e-everything okay, sweetie?"
>she just stares blankly ahead
>pull up into driveway
>unbuckle pic related and take her inside
I knew going out to the movies was a bad idea.

Its even funnier becuase there is a lot better female role models in other movies where its more realists.

>I'm just glad they took a character that has history behind her

Wonder woman was created as bondage fetish material for a jew.

What an empowering history she has.

I already named them, Fargo and silence of the lambs.

What a disgusting degenerate

>cried because he saw a film with women in it

I don't believe a man like that actually has a girlfriend.

give them a finger, and they'll mail it in a box to your closest relatives

i hope this is real.

> It's still got a very heteronormative perspective of love...


With a single female protagonist. Every single female in Aliens is stronk and independent. From the woman on the board of directors, to Vasquez, to the pilot, to Ripley, even the fucking kid survived when no one else could.

Thats probably because the screenplay was written before they decided if the main role was going to be a man or woman

>then we cried
>over a shitty holywood movie

What a waste of life.

>No one clapping for his bravery of seeing a shitty movie
2/10 larp

give them a finger, and they'll sell it to the CIA.


>What a waste of life.
He said, hitting the "post" button

sounds made up, but that is incredibly fucking gay

She writes her father like a braindead retard

>Suck my dick
I member

what's his gf look like?

This is fucking pathetic. These comic book characters were originally written for fucking children, and now we have adults acting like these shitty Hollywood cash grabs are important works of art.

Watch better films.

I cried reading this. BRAAAP

Give me things that never happened for $590 Alex

>when you realize the children never grew up

I don't know. It's conceivable that he sat in his car and cried.

This is true and this is what so many of what I call "pop-socialists" don't understand.

Capitalism will take your bullshit movement and eat it and regurgitate it and feed it back to you EVERY TIME. And these idiots eat it up.

>Where has this representation been missing all my life?
>Wonder Woman has been a thing since the 1940s
Maybe try looking?

Tu quoque from a trisomy 21 victim, sad!

Reply like the idiot you know you are, didn't read.

We should congratulate this courageous fellow for dating and taking care of a mentally retarded woman, that takes a lot of strength.

It was just him

>be woman
>never interested in comics
>never even knew wonder woman
>all of the sudden interested in comics
>just because ((someone)) told you that you needed to be represented
>if you want to feel represented, you must pay for my movies
>oh and look at all this merch so you can feel more represented

Best characters don't acknowledge themselves as being anything unless the plot specifically calls for them to be in a position that requires it.

Lots of female characters could be good if they'd just stop ranting on I'M A WOMAN I'M A WOMAN LOOK I HAVE GIRL PARTS I'M A WOMAN AND STRONG. It distracts from them actually being a character and just paints them as a painfully hamfisted self insert.

Race and sex in media are best handled when they aren't acknowledged at all in anything that doesn't require it.

I just finished watching this movie about 20 minutes ago.

Overall not bad. Acting left a little to be desired, but she's pretty enough for it to not matter. Story was meh (basically the first Captain America, but WWI and her boyfriend went down with the bomb carrying plane).
A little bit of grill power, but not so much that it was annoying.

That said, women and fags like this guy will pretend it was movie of the century.

Canada, how dare you question their pronouns like that?

Then he went home and observed while his dog cucked him and fucked his gf.

What a disgusting virgin.

What a fucking faggot

oh for fucks sake...

This has the be satire


Zena warrior princess was popular when I was about 14, jacked off to that when baywatch wasn't on.

Love me some Lucy

>using ''heteronormative'' unironically

the made up virtue signalling just has to stop..
it's the worst kind

It's Xena you piece of shit, she's been empowering women since before it was trendy REEEEEEEEE

Fuck yeah that was the shit also wanted to destroy Elvira as well bitch was fine.

>wonder woman is new
wtf are these people on about?

Or, y'know, real people. The president of the united states was almost a woman mere months ago but apparently that doesn't count. Nor do any of the other currently ruling female heads of state... Need dat wunda wumun.

desu I don't care either way, the movie wasn't awful by any means, if you liked it a lot and look up to wonder woman, all the power to you.


>feminist friendly
feminists are anti-women and anti-human in general

ripley actually does work to get out of her situation, she doesn't complain and want other people to slave for her.

wait, really?
>strong woman in an amazon uniform ties up a guy
>"my rope of truth compels you to state your deepest desires"


I wonder if her retarded dad knew that Mexico made films too.

A few of the goddesses they had on that show and Hercules were the hottest women I had ever seen up to that point.

women belong in the kitchen

well I agree, however I dont see much of that forceful insert of race/girl power, maybe I am too selective about what movies I watch.

>everyone around us started clapping

> professonal photography
> spontaneous picture of tears

t. marketing firm