Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with exterminating nonwhites?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with exterminating nonwhites?
Look around you. Take a deep breath. Breathe. Are you a black woman, OP?
The Aryan nation is the station for the glorious rise of the White man over the simpler souls of the lesser peoples. Me and Donald Trump will build a flying city called Whitetopia and fire moon lasers down at the Earth; white men will work great jobs and have plenty of money for weed and video games. Women will be at home happy to make us sandwiches and give sex on demand. And then we will make a new nation for pure White youths. When Whitetopia rises, we will go on the war path with Donald Trump, Ben Garrison, and me at the helm.
Some nonwhite are OK. But being taken over is not.
Most people on here would prefer mass deportations from what I gather. Hitler wanted mass deportations and you don't know this because they never taught you about the Havaara agreement.
Gotta end global warming somehow. Might as well kill the least productive
We aren't you dumb fuck. We just want Whites to survive most likely through separation.
just muslims and jews desu senpai
Non-whites are perfectly fine as long as they acknowledge white supremacy and they stay in their fucking countries.
Get back in line shitter