Literally standard 4th Reich haircut

Literally standard 4th Reich haircut.
Literally smoke meth everyday.
Literally believe whites are superior in every way.
Literally built a shrine to Richard spencer in my closet.

Is it possible to be redpilled without turning into such a faggot? Or does Sup Forums do this to everyone?

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>Is it possible to be redpilled without turning into such a faggot?
Only when you're mature.

what no dude that's a khokhol

IMO the hitler youth cut was pretty stylin. And sanitary.

Unfortunate meth heads are appropriating it. But I mean the hitler youth were also meth heads..

I'd totally rock the undercut were it not for being Saxon/German hair genes. Gon be bald af senpai.

Yea senpai. A little ducked up in the back tho

>literally smoke
>literally smoke meth
You should join antifa

And coke.

Is this a raid?

Yeah you gotta fade it in the back I'm pretty sure. They were never completely bald in the back iirc