What the fuck?

Seriously France? Not only elect Macaroni, but give him absolute fucking power in a de facto one-party state? WTF? He didn't even have a party like 6 months ago, and now he's the new king of France.


And is every french person living outside france a complete cuckold? They're more cucked than even the French in France. Seriously, people in district 2 are choosing between a female from Macron's party and a green cuck

Other urls found in this thread:


Their plan is to crash the country with no survivors

and what a retarded voting system they have

>get 30% of votes
>80% of seats
>absolute power

Worse than the UK's


looks like soviet elections


I still don't get how a socialist finance minister can suddenly be a centrist..... Do the French just ignore this fact?

even worse. At least Stalin pretended to get 78% of the votes. Macron gets 30 and almost 80% of seats

Macron was forced on the socialist government by the banks dude, the other ministers all hated him because he's about as socialist as a stock market banker can be. His plan is basically to revert french labour laws to Bangladesh tier.

i came here to laugh at france



Yeah France has the fucking shittiest election system I've ever seen.

press s to spit

>doesn't understand how a socialist
>Rothschild king
Are you a fucking gullible American, or do you not understand that brands lie?
>flag checks out

The funniest thing is that guy who implemented this cancerous electoral system is almost
deified by the FN leaders who currently complains.

>don't listen to america they said
>vote for a cucked globalist rosthchild banker instead of le pen they said

*breaths in*

EU heavily rigging these elections.
They will never allow another Brexit.

*breaths in*

The only way to get a seat first round is to score 50%+ which is incredibly rare.

En Marche only got 2 for examples, that map is showing who got the most votes for the first round.

En Marche will still win by a large margin though, all the medias are sucking his dick it's disgusting.

Honesty is irrelevant in tyranny. And liberals say "muh popular vote" as the worst thing in the world. France is done for.

I'm surprised nobody understands how the French electoral system works. You need to pass two rounds, most of these seats are projected, not won yet. You only win your seat if you get over 50% in the first round or the second round. EM is expected to win many of their second round contests.

Also, I find it funny people find it ridiculous that someone getting 30% of the vote and as a consequence getting a majority of seats is somehow out of the ordinary. Perfectly possible in the UK with just their first-past-the-post system.

There's nothing particularly broken about the French system, it avoids a lot (though not all) cases of strategic voting so people can vote their conscience.


How bad could Macron be???

Seriously i have no idea, I knew a lot about Le Pen but shes basically nobody now

>How bad could Macron be???
He's gonna keep doing what Hollande, Sarkozy etc... did: pro-eu, scrap social security and workers rights.

Macron victory came at a very high cost though, since now socialists and leftism in general is dead, and the tradiational right is on life support. It's a pretty much a phyrric victory against Le Pen and far right in general.

Many political experts/anaylists say it's delaying the inevitable. Because in 2022 they won't be any moderate to switch Macron with.

Also the demographic of the elections are very interesting because the majority of Macron voters are old people, who still are scared of "muh nazis" and to lose their pension.

Yeah, Brexit is under control, but can this be assued for every dissenting decision?
From now on stop them before they happen.

They're still there, they just put on EM's shirt so people would vote for the same old tired cunts as if they represented something new and were outsiders

Let's see if REM can work as a coherent party tho

so are they going to win because of 2nd round candidates being En Marche vs FN, just like the presidential election?

Oh hey I love REM

Cheese eating surrender monkeys!

The point is that they can't do the switcharoo we had since Mitterand, and that will be very problematic for them in the futur.

>Let's see if REM can work as a coherent party tho
it will no worries about that.

Tasmanians are the only real Australians, and abbos have more culture than you lot

Hello Mr Frenchman, i know Akmed is slamming your wife right now but you don't need to take your anger out on me sir.

Just tell me frog? Does France, a country with charming and unique history and culture, has a recorded data of wom*n luring the country? And if it does, did it ever resulted in successful, rule which brought to prosperity?

Cuz we all know what role that old tanned lard has in France.

wew lad. Democracy is absolute trash tier, RIP the West

well France is over then

You'll get years of a one-party state until a viable alternative shows up and starts winning seats in your absurd system (pro-tip, it's not FN)

This is what happened in the US before their first two-party system with viable competing parties emerged, 28 or so years of one-party rule

m8, you don't even understand how our system work so don't try to lecture me on it. You made that thread thinking that "En Marche" had already won all those seats.

My point was the presidential in 5 years is gonna be very dangerous because, neither the left or right or the center will be seen as a legitimate alternative.

The far right will win at some point, as long as France stay on that course the drift is inevitable.

I didn't "think" they already won it, I know they'll win all of this. There's a difference


>tfw retired cunts vote to keep their privilegies
>they also want migrants to pay their pension
>be a white JUST

People will stop laughing when they'll realize this guy will build our European empire.

lmao more like he builds a german EU empire and we stop laughing because it's now VERBOTEN in Germania

> European empire

Oui oui with Islam as state religion. A strong empire has strong borders baguette, not whatever the fuck you people have been doing lately.

You cannot wield it, noone can! The (((EU))) listens to his master and his master alone. It was forged by (((Germans))) and he does not share power!!

Dublets of truth

The fact that you think that "En Marche" will be in power for more than 5 years just how ignorant you are of the French politics and how voting works here, but keep on with your damage control.

I'm sure they'll change their mind when suicide bombings, truck attacks, and hostage situations become a weekly occurrence. Or maybe they'll double down, who knows.

It's high time we had a violent revolution and beat the pulp out of these idiots who voted Pro-EU for the last 20 years.

Well, maybe this projection shilling will get people to realize 'holy shit sowjet tier'?
I am also amazed at how low the gemeral ability to recognize obvious concerted media propaganda campaigns seems to be.
nothing seems to raise suspicion however crude and obvious.

good job Hollande killing the left
good job Fillion killing the right
good job Marine killing the FN
all hail Macron who is a little bit of the left and a little bit of the right "I'm the least offensive side ever" :-)

Kind of glad honestly. The USA (hopefully) rises while the world falls. Maybe this is the only way

Faut-il être en pleine désillusion pour croire cela.

are you suggesting these killings were with intent?



will wait

I have lived in france and I can say that they are the most awful and stupid people i have seen it's almost like living with all these niggers and ahmeds made them equally awful or something, their women are drug addict whore and their men are sexually obsessed and greedy and degenerate as a kike, and as you see I’m back in my country (spain) and I have zero intentions to come back to the place I would define best as ‘’Africa in Europe’’ or ‘’Little Africa’’, each day is worse and so are the french (I’d literally sign a petition to the parliament in support of banning any immigration or emigration from-to france) so for me at least it’s no surprise they like macaroni it’0s just as awful as the majority of frenchies (through French are quite qts)

Do you understand what winning several elections mean?
Holy shit
>french reading comprehension

Napoleon wasn't even truly french, and his only son was from a habsburg (who died quite young)

En Marche is the socialist party rebranded. They've been in power for more than 5 years

girl in the left looks odd

how is the future looking like for spain? getting better?

another meme referendum coming soon btw, you guys nervous?

Something very shady is going on. To come from literally who to such complete dominance in such a short period of time reeks badly

nah. PS was the socialist one.
En Marche will be the undecisive fuck as no one as ever witnessed. It will be even worse than Hollande.


Fuck the French

sure, look at their police force

It's about as shitty as Canada's.

Trudeau won a majority with 30% of the votes and Montreal+ Toronto + Vancouver + York are literally 77% of the seats he won.

it looks like always, in spain there are only possibilities:
>civil war
>relative peace and calm
we are ending the period of peace and calm and heading into some turbulent times well at least I have enough money to retreat to a safe area, definitely not france they are even worse with all these mudslims and niggers.
The meme referendum about catalonia I don't know what to say, I live here in catalonia things are calm there are no riots or thing like this so I don't think at least for now will be a true referendum or something like a rebellion


They'll double down and strip even more personal freedoms that's how they work. Let them eat Falafel.

Well in the first turn of the presidential, le pen won 216 constutency, macron something like 240. But the jew won't allow such victory for the far right, so you get a meme two turns election one month after the previous

well at least I lived in the south and in a little town, I heard thing are worse in the north (even living in a little town and almost not getting out of home somehow I managed to see a nigger, truly france is full of them)

Frenchies literally got so brainwashed by the anti-FN proaganda they willingly decided to surrender complete power to a Rotschild lackey nobody
They might as well elect an islamist party at this point

meanwhile in 'safer with Macron' France


>safer with Macron'
Pretty sure he didn't even bothered to pretend he will try to make France safer.

>align with Hitler to fix your economy
>Hitler orders his army to turn away from France the moment they get any resistance
>literally no resistance, all the way to Paris
>suddenly turn against him when German forces are struggling to stop the Soviet Red Army from marching into Western Europe
>"we must turn back the German invasion of France!"
>"so that when we're 80-years-old we can have Muslims invade France and replace our nation!"

didn't Trudeau promise to reform it? do you like PR more?

are you voting yes?

you lost, get over it

> ̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ *emperor

Frenchies are fucked, like totally assblasted now. Merkel's golden goy will tear down what's left of their country

My normie berniebaby friend said that muslims taking over France wasn't realistic because "They have to much pride in their culture"

He's a continuation of what we have had since now. The funny thing is that Hollande was the most hated president of this republic and people elected hollande 2.0 electric boogaloo


The fuck you said cracka??

>these "people" will pay our pensions
Toppest of keks

That (((revolution))) sure was a great idea.

Macron will do precisely that, take away their pensions along with other neoliberal policies


He basically thinks that France should be nothing but the geographical name for a province of the EU. He hates the French people.

Reminder this is what your country really is.

It's a good thing, he can pass any law he want and the dude is an economic liberal, a thing most french hate thanks to 70 years of socialism. 2022 is FN's year

51% of people didn't even vote.
If french don't even care about France anymore you shouldn't.

Also the silver lining is that the FN will need to reform itself or disappear but France is already fucked anyway, reforms should have been made in the 90s, now it's irremediably fucked and can only be changed by "Blut und Eisen" in the future.

i'm not even voting, but if i had i'd vote no

Good thing he have no ideas for good new laws.

>Despite constant attacks, accusations of treason, accusations of colluding with America's official number one enemy, Trump is polling at around 40% approval
That doesn't sound bad. Depending on who the Democrat candidate is in 2020, he might actually win re-election.

After six months in office, Bill Clinton's approval rating stood at 37%.

This flag confirms what I have been saying. Europe will slowly transform into the "Progressive Caliphate" with the unholy alliance of Islam and Leftism/Communism. To be honest, I thought Sweden would be the first to reach the final form but it looks like France can overtake them now.

this can really radicalize the people if he fails to govern properly with no real opposition he can blame

Why does it always seem like France is always on a suicide path to destroying themselves until other people come in to save them? This time we should just let them go god damn. RIP France hardly knew ya.

France couldn't vote for Hammon because he was the official successor of Hollande.
France couldn't vote for Fillion because muh Penelope scandal.
France couldn't vote for Lepen because LE EBIL NAZI!!
what's left?
Abstention and whatever is remaining.

40% approval for a President is pretty normal. It basically means the people of that President's party are still totally backing them. Obama has had times where he was 40% too.