So how do you lose a war against rice monkeys while utilizing state-of-the-art weapons systems?
Clearly the GIs must have been horrible soldiers.
>inb4 "bu- bu- but we only retreated :,("
So how do you lose a war against rice monkeys while utilizing state-of-the-art weapons systems?
how do you manage turning from a thousand year reich into a nation of cucks in less than 100 years?
Why would you invade Russia right before winter and then leave your troops to freeze to death, only to be repelled by peasantry with rifles and ski's ?
The Americans have never been good at warfare.
The most they've ever done was bombing the shit out of a place and then failing to establish anything when boots actually go into the territory (now basically ruins).
The Jews, plain and simple, from both the East and the West.
Fast forward 40 years and so many White girls have the last name of Nguygen now. Those American GIs fought against the Vietcong so their daughters could fuck Viet & Asian men.
It's the jews man.
Are they also responsible for disgusting fat GIs getting their ass handed to them? I hardly believe so.
You can't destroy an ideology without slaughtering everyone
>so their daughters could fuck Viet & Asian men.
Mr And Mrs Nguyen
faggots, hippies, and traitors prevented governments from unleashing the armed forces full potential.
Because God hates America ever since we started supporting Israel we have never really won a war.