I don't see why everyone is so impressed with this guy.
His ideas aren't groundbreaking or controversial in the slightest. He's good at articulating his personal philosophy, but that's about it.
Why do people worship him?
I don't see why everyone is so impressed with this guy
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because he's guiding many lost, adolescent males into adulthood and all in all seems like a genuine and decent person. also he's bringing to light the effects of postmodernism to the masses.
pride react
He's not right about everything though. Judging by what I see here and on the YouTube comments, people seem to hang on his every word.
I guess I just don't get it.
You might not believe it but there's tons of SJW, liberal, democrat, retard professors poisoning minds in college. Not only does he have a based view on reality and common sense but he's going against the PC generation who's too stupid to know that they're stupid.
fanboys are disgusting and inevitable
Weird. Beats me bro.
He's a shrink and has spent a considerable amount of time entrenched in academia so the redpills he's giving are far easier to accept another similar character is the evolutionary psychologist from evergreen university
Clean your room faggot
>anything is simple
listen here bucko