>be slightly cucked leftie
>Consume right wing discussion content
>Slowly become redpilled
I feel weird
Bls helb
I've also became more cynical which is a bad and good thing.
Post your memes about when you stopped being a cuck
>be slightly cucked leftie
>Consume right wing discussion content
>Slowly become redpilled
I feel weird
Bls helb
I've also became more cynical which is a bad and good thing.
Post your memes about when you stopped being a cuck
you just admitted your a cuck
i cant even insult you at this point your just to fucking dumb
>is leaf
>is cuck
>is lefty
>is new
I call myself out on flaws before anyone else does :^)
I have never leaned left. I have always been conservative or right leaning since I was in 6th grade in 2000 and followed politics. All I've done is move from more libertarian to authoritarian if anything
Lefty beliefs are fine but only in an all white country
Didn't give a shit about politics until 14. When I was 14 I became a social justice whalerior because my friends did it and it was the only narrative I saw.
Even then I was like ";0 this gets repetitive and makes no sense" but never questioned it
>to fucking dumb
>Being a conservative
Literally all the facts are against you
My current stance.
A feminist nation is a islam-free nation. If people really cared about women's rights they'd condemn Islam instead of calling it a religion of peace.