>A game where you kill nazis since the 70's (yes, their first game was in the 1970's)
>playing as a aryan
>jews rathet keep their secret technology to themselves rather then giving it to the allies (yes, (((they))) give the allies some very little tech, i know)
>pol being offended by this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nazis allying with the KKK
>Hitler despised the KKK
>fighting with commies against white supremicists
Golly what did sweden mean by this?
It's thoroughly fucking hilarious how every attempt to create an alternate-universe Nazi America results in said America being an absolute paradise.
Go figure.
>Playing as an Aryan.
Are you retarded, new fag?
Don't you know BJ is a JEW?
The creator said so himself.
There is no "the" creator. One of the developers claimed he was a jew, and he said so years after the original Wolfenstein 3D was released. Probably just to score some points with progressives.
You stupid nigger.
88 88 confirms. Heil Hitler!
"'It's never explicitly stated in the game,' a spokesperson for the game's U.S.-based publisher Bethesda told me, saying the game's creators at the Swedish development studio Machine Games decided to keep things vague. 'They leave it up to the player to interpret.'"
>strong jawline
>blue eyes
>no noticeable Jew features
>from small town Texas
>"Good old boy" attitude
>Prays with the Catholic family
Yeah, this sure sounds like a Jew to me.