How many people do you think are actually behind the Murdoch Murdoch team?

How many people do you think are actually behind the Murdoch Murdoch team?

It's hard to imagine it's just three random shitposters. The stuff they produce actually shows talent and a wide understanding of politics, and especially music (both modern and classical).

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's hard to imagine it's just three random shitposters
You're right, it's actually just one guy with a really good vocal range
t. Murdoch Murdoch

>The stuff they produce actually shows talent

This is for high schoolers

I don't see any reason to believe that there are more than three people in that team. Their political knowledge is seems in line others who have the similar passions.

Come on now. The writing is really on point and the musical choices are great as well.

Much better than your average right-leaning media, whether be it one of those "Greatest Story" or "Man who fought against the banks" Sup Forums videos or more professionally made shit.

No the guy is obviously talented, almost scary. If he was not saying the stuff he was saying, and was supporting leftist causes, he would probably have a show on comedy central.

Best videos. TOP TIER

>>It's hard to imagine it's just three random shitposters.

It is, come on now it's not like they are making high budget cartoons. Anyone with after effects and google image search can do it.

My guess would be just the 3 voice "actors" and that's it.

They make some great inspirational videos though and that's pretty noble how they don't try to take notoriety for their work.

My wife actually enjoys their videos and she's vaguely blue pilled like most woman are.

i have no evidence for it but I believe it's like this
MM and DM write. I feel MM is more up on popular culture and music including anime. DM is more versed in the history of National Socialism and classical music.
MM animates and is quite talented.
DM is easily the best voice actor, and could pursue a career in it.
I agree they are very talented. Honestly I find the episodes they produce better written, edited and executed than 90% of the multi-million dollar shit on Adult Swim.
> Moral Oral etc

no, no it doesn't.

I just wish the animation was a bit better

It's mostly just the one guy (the one who voices Murdoch), he's just extremely talented and dedicated to what he does. He posts here every now and then

You can see how his skills have developed from when he first started making videos:

If he wasn't /ourguy/ he could definitely be making money off his talent

I don't know. There's a certain charm to it.

Plus they're obviously deliberate about it. I mean they even add those stock photo watermarks even if the source isn't a stock photo.

Nah the terrible animation is what gives it character and makes it's easier to disregard MM as satire.

It isn't even 3 really. From listening to their AMA on a now banned plebbit sub and when they were guests on a TRS episode, Murdoch mostly does everything. He redpilled the other two and they mostly just do voices, although Dr. Murdoch is very naturally talented at voice acting and ends up doing most of the voices.

my uhh...govt is paying for this guy to shitpost.

i know u cunts won't believe me but to oldfags who remember, i'm part of the blue mtns shitposters. there's about 100 of us out here, paid to shitpost fulltime.

not that any of you fags would believe me, unless you've lurked and get what i'm referencing here....

There's three of them...

Seriously though MM makes some great shit.

This gave me goosebumps it was that good.

It's probably just three people desu.

How does this guy only have 40k subs?

2-3 people i would say.

I always assumed it was a relationship of a chick/dude around age 25~.

What the fuck.
And here I've been doing it for free.

Nah the two guys have been on The Daily Shoah podcast before

Walk into your local copshop and say you want to report a crime.

Say a man called "Dan Dan" has been harrassing you on facebook, denying the holocaust and shitposting"

Use these phrases, you'll be contacted.

>The stuff they produce actually shows talent and a wide understanding of politics, and especially music (both modern and classical)
It absolutely does not. They produce shit, the same way they always fucking have.

To what end? What would the government hope to accomplish by paying people to shit post on Sup Forums?

Haven't been on here for a while, what's Murdoch Murdoch?

actually that's pretty good. He was at 28 or 29k last month when he was on here and said hello in one of these threads. I'm sure because he said he was going to release Nice Guy National Socialism a couple days before he did.

I think they do an incredible job. Call me a fanboi, but I'm always in awe of their work.

Look them up on YouTube

Three Sup Forums shitposters made a YouTube channel that got semi-big



Three people (the voice actors), max.

Being associated with this show would be a career-killer for anyone. More than 3 people would make it difficult to keep the secret.

its starting to get good...

there's three of them, Murdoch did an AMA on plebbit 1 year ago
he said Murdoch Chan has a crush on Adolf Hitler in real life too
anyway, i like them a lot

Just watched a couple of viideos; there's obviously some talent in the people making them but it's not really my thing.
Perhaps it will grow on me eventually.

Got a good archive of the AMA?

All I could find is a Wayback Machine one, with horrendous formatting as the CSS got stripped.

Any good archive of the AMA?

I've never found one. Honestly they don't say a lot, just that he redpilled the other two, they have office jobs, met murdoch-chan at church(think she's a hapa), blah blah blah.
They're super careful about getting doxxed. They never expected to be popular, and deleted that first cuck video when it got so many views cuz they frekaed out
I think he said the murdochs weren't suppposed to be like a regular show , they just turned out that way when they got popular

They said in a reply to a comment in one of their latest videoes (can't remember exactly which one), but they confirmed it is three of them.

I mean hell, it's not like South Park started out with a big team. It was a poorly animated cartoon that was done by two guys in college.

look how long the time between videos is, maybe it is just 3 people. very few jobs actually require you to work 40 hours a week anymore. they could record this shit or at least animate it on their off hours.

damn that is way better than anything I'd watched before.
I like the ideas of the channel, but the voice acting has always kind of killed it for me.

Keep watching

Watch this
It had million views before it got shut down

Reminder that Murdoch likes to shitpost hard in these threads

He once said he could've worked at Adult Swim cartoon stuff but he was too woke for that

Stop making these threads murdoch.

Actually it was this vid and its comment section that brought me here, I think it had a pretty good redpill effect on its viewers

Oh, I've seen this one.
In hindsight, the Trump imagery was a bit cringy, but this was damn nice to watch.

The Cuck video is still my personal favourite. It's so fucking deranged. Is there really a substantial number of people out there who actually are like the nu-cuck? Show me real proof.

i honestly believe he'll find success without having to shill for sheckles

at the very least buy a t-shirt. I ordered mine the day they came back

Wait really? I remember anons saying that it a nice video, but that it won't bring normies in because of white genocide stuff. And I said that normiewashing it would ruin it
Well that was before he cucked for Jews

Please, please use normalfag.

I agree with OP, some of their stuff really is. I'd say the more recent stuff is better, some of the older 1 minute videos come off as slightly corny but their second most recent video:
Metamorphosis was really well put together.
Nice animations, really great message.
Give them another shot if you haven't already,

>The stuff they produce actually shows talent and a wide understanding of politics, and especially music (both modern and classical).

i cannot tell if they are just shitposting or serious.
their approach to the redpill is too comedic to be effective but still i find it entertaining.
it's nice to see something like this being produced either way.

I love their videos, the youtube front is an incredibly important way to redpill people.
They put so much work into their stuff and really need more subs.

hes an obvious newfag just like op

I mean I was redpilled before so I wasn't exactly a normalfag but in that comment section I just really found out about this place so I checked it out and obviously now I'm here forever but I'd never regret it

One guy makes it. He gets 2 people and himself to voice it

Every self respecting /pol poster, user, lurker, whatever should watch their vids.


Which episode?

Plausible deniability ;)

This video is pretty fucking great.
I love that they use pic related pretty much word for word.

isn't there some band with the same sort of name?

It seems like a group of autists who met at art school or were in a band who have a shared love of the far-right. They seem to have a sense for art which goes beyond most neo-nazis.

>very few jobs actually require you to work 40 hours a week anymore.

t. McDonalds Employee

they're pretty good actually

some of the episodes are just amazing

>t.Someone that's never watched one of the videos

Well that's some really stupid bullshit.

Are you guyz trying to summon MM?

If you're reading this Murdochs, bloody good job on your content.
Hit me right in the feels.

i dont think it would happen even if we try

You never know...

Hi Murdoch


They blocked it in Germanistan al-Goymany. They blocked fucking Murdoch Murdoch.

This fucking country is slipping into a socialist totalitarian state and nobody gives a fuck!

hi murdoch
fan of your ((((satire))))
do you guys watch Jordan Peterson?

Try this user:

who gives a flying fuck
their content is trash and their only "identity" is that they use wojak as their imaginations of themselves.

Stop promoting your content you stupid fucks

Just recently started to listen to his stuff. Got any must see material from him?

this. They're sodomite enablers.

I don't give a shit about proxies, I got them myself. The matter of the fact stands: the block, censor and delete more and more content. First everything was accessible. Then they blocked Hitler and Jews. Then they deleted With Open Gates and Face of a dying nation. Now it extends to Murdoch tier content. Soon they will exterminate all right-wing channels. And nobody will give a fuck! Why? Because the battle is over, before it has even begun! EUROPE IS LOST! WE WILL BE A EUSSR!

You might not like it but plenty of people here do, so why complain about it? You don't need to click on threads that say "Murdoch Murdoch" if it doesn't interest you. You remind me of the people who post the constant threads complaining about Varg Vikernes, I'd literally never hear anything about him if it wasn't for all the people bitching

9gag-tier schlock.

I like letting people know about hooktube anyway, since plenty of people don't know how to use them and it's easier to use than most since you just change one word in the URL

Complex, intricate characters, great storytelling, decent voice acting, fantastic humor. If it wasn't about NatSoc adventures it could probably get picked up by Adult Swim.


his biblical series looks really interesting (i havent watched myself yet i want it over to start)
and the "maps of meaning" and personality have helped me to work some of my shit


Better fucking cry about it then

Best show everz.

I F5 on yubtub evety hour for nu mördoch.

Gib me dats. Muh dats.
I need or die.

Mördoch, hepls.

Not even kikking.

Dues vilt

Honestly I have more faith in my FN my father left me and about 400 rounds of 7.62

No we won't. Wtf are you dreaming about? They even censor a fucking video about SA!!!! What makes you think these traitorous neo-liberals and bloody marxists will give a shit about the fate of whites in SA??? They won't send a single soldier if the genocide starts, because they will be too busy importing nigger cocks. GOD I FUCKING HATE EUROPE SO FUCKING MCUH!!!!!!!!!!

Good attitude. Don't count on the European traitors.