Well pol?

well pol?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, just like an anti-semite. God, why are these people so fucking stupid?

Hmmm Muslim is religion.

Jews are a race.

What is it about Marxism that they have to change the definitions of words and pray on dumb people?

Because muslims are so compassionate towards jews.

>national socialism is defined as being againt jews


Who really cares for real? I'm going to live my life, and I'm going to wake up tomorrow and things are going to be good. India? People living in India live in Hell. They live in literal shit, and I don't fucking care. Fuck you India. My life is good, yours is shit.

>replace "man" with "jew"
and poof all 3rd wave femmies are antisemitic
words work both ways

It's not scary to sound like a nazi anymore

I say we put both jews and muslims into the gas chambers and sell the episodes on pay per view.

Once all the fightin's done, push the button.



I can't tell if you're following his advice, but it works either way.

beat me to it

1. Muslims are not an ethnicity
2. Jews, at the very least, don't terrorize civilians in an attempt to scare them into converting (they do subvert the society they live in but it's a different matter)

All semites should be gassed. Only then can all races enjoy life in their separate domains.

How about you replace Russian with Jewish


>A Jewish terrorist drove a truck into a Christmas market, killing several Germans.
>A group of Jewish terrorists crashed a plane into the World Trade Center, killing thousands of Americans.
That sign is pro-Nazi.

But I thought the Nazi's liked Islam

Replace the word 'Muslim' with the word 'Nazi' and ask yourself do i sound like a fucking jew?

I am a Nazi, so now what.

Don't need to gas them. Just put them in a room together and put a sword in the middle. Who wins? THE FUCKING JEWS BECAUSE THEY PAY OFF CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE MUSLIMS AND THEY FIGHT THEIR OWN SAND NIGGERS.. duh

"I hate the fact that every time someone decides to blow himself up or plow into a busy street with a truck, it's a jew shouting 'Jahwe Ackbar' "
No, doesn't sound anti-semitic to me.

Mudshits and kikes are both semites so yeah it makes sense

Nice beard bro.

No, one would sound like the countless people who distrusted or disliked Jews for the 4,000 years preceding National Socialism. The Woe-Is-Me tribe has always had enemies; the Germans just made it fun.

>jews want to kill all the jews, and that's bad.
really makes me think

Lol thanks 51.

>Jews live within Europe for centuries
>No terrorist attacks
>Muslims live within Europe for little more than a generation
>Terrorism is now commonplace

Really makes you think

>No terrorist attacks


Replace the word "Nazi" with the word "Jew" and ask yourself
>do I sound like a fucking Jew?

Replace the word MUSLIM with word the word
WHITE and ask yourself.
Do you sound like progressive social justice warrior?

Both groups should be fair game for criticism. Religion is an ideology, and criticizing ideologies and belief systems doesn't make you a bigot

If you replace Muslim with Christian, you sound like a fucking liberal

I still haven't decided whether Indians or T*rks are the worst posters.

Replace the word Nazi with the word Jew and ask yourself, "Do I sound like a fucking Nazi?"

I can do it too

It's a proxy desu their are like 4 real Indian posters

Muslims worship a black cube and practice a satanic teaching called Kaaba Allah

Guaranteed this guy never read the islamic texts

Thats bretty gud

>the left proves Hitler right once again
When will it stop?

What's your point?

>I dislike how _JEWS_ are enabling pedophilia and bloating up the crime statistics
>I dislike _JEWS_ for their overrepresentation in terrorism
>hey, did you hear about those _JEW_ refugees turning that nice Swedish town into a hellhole?
>I fucking hate _JEWS_ and their stupid prophet Muhammad you can't even draw without getting murdered and have people victim blame you

Nope, doesn't work. It's not the jews who are doing those truck attacks, raping children, turning nice european places into ghettos etc.

Only parts of India are shit. The northern parts are pretty much comparable to the US.

>Judaism doesn't exist

if i hire a man to kill you am i guilty?

conspiracy to commit.

this your first time here shill?
we hate both, just depends on where you live on who you hate more

>there is no difference between Muslims and Jews
You sound like you're fucking brainwashed

>I'm getting real tired of the Jews raping our children and then detonating in crowded areas

I dunno, I guess I sound like a Nazi. Now you've got me wondering if that's a bad thing.

>we hate both
Sup Forums is a board of peace, we do not hate, we merely oppose those that hate

Jews aren't slaughtering people across Europe in a blood thirsty murder spree with trucks of peace & whatnot.


Changing and manipulating words is a sign of a declining civilization. Same reason ((they)) promote "childless loves" ,trannies/ degeneracy and feminism [which is proven to destroy the nuclear family and was funded by the CIA]

Where'd you buy it my man? I'm actually looking for a wearable SS uniform but the ones I've seen look cheaply made.

replace infidel with jew

I'm Jewish tho.


Some of those Jewish women are hot, i'd like to bend them over and fuck them hard while spanking their asses and telling them to call me Mohamed.. see that's not racist

Ashkenazi Judaism is an identifiable ethnicity. They are the "white" jews who hate sephardic muslim jews like Israelis.

dont forget the literal arab mizrahis

>well pol?

That's a future European commissioner right there.

>Do I sound like a fucking Nazi?
Shit I wish.

We're all Nazis here.

Gas yourself
Jews aren't white. Fuck off faggots!!!

> all jews should die
hrm, i sound like a fucking jew, since it's the jews that are fatalist
let's try another
> jews are dirty fucks
seem ok to me

Checkmate, pro-Europeans.


Replace the word "white" with the word "black" and ask yourself "do I sound like a fucking racist?"

Replace the word "male" with the word "female" and ask yourself "do I sound like a fucking sexist?"

Replace the word "nazi" with the word "progressive" and ask yourself "do I sound like a fucking bigot?"

Try it with Russian hacker also

Bam Margera really let himself go...

Replace the word "jew" with the word "oven-dodger" and ask yourself, do I sound like fucking Mel GibsonI???

Ask an SJW to explain logically why Nazism is bad

No, I sound like a muslim :^)

Yeah, losing Ryan Dunn hit him pretty hard.

>replace the word muslim with the word jew

i think jews are cool and have no problem with them as long as they stay as far as possible and have nothing to do with me


bam magera is a marxist faggot


>replace the word jew with the word muslim and ask yourself do I sound like a fucking jew

I don't get it.

- Hey look society! [Jews] are commiting acts of terrorism! Again!
- We should not have a system of unchecked ingress of [Jews] while they are being used as pawns for rich terrorist states who do not take in [Jews] but fund institutions that they use to influence the [Jewish] population while the rest of society foots the bill for their well being.

I don't know what this retard is trying to convey.
Sure seems happy with themself.

Do you ever feel like you should just snatch Sillicon Vally away from America Indian user?
They do not deserve it.

Is that really Bam Margera ?

Holy shit, this dude is well and truly cucked. Besides, he was never funny to begin with. His parents were, but he didn't bring much to Jackass, Steve-O, Johnny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn and Wee Man were what made it great

This is not real, right user? It's one of those pictures we make in this board to mock the media's degeneracy, right? it fucking HAS to be

Look how off center that insignia is.
Gas chamber now!

So what?

This this this this this this

replace "white men" with balcks and see if you don't sound like the KKK

Hitler was actually pretty friendly with those in that region.

Some places are actually the closest to heaven I've seen.

Bam was just the rich "skater kid" that hung around them that they didn't mind because they could mooch off him trying to impress them.

no kikes.
no niggers.
no sand niggers.
purge them all.

>Replace the word "WHITE MALE" with the word "NON-BINARY GENDER FLUID TRANSSEXUAL APACHE HELICOPTER" and ask yourself do I sound like a fucking BIGOT?
>Replace the word "KAFFIR" with the word "GENTILE" and ask yourself do I sound like a fucking JEW?

I don't understand why faggots don't sage bait threads bu default.

Don't Jews themselves say filthy goyim?

Or replace Muslims with purple elephants with wings ask as yourself
>Do I sound insane?

*and ask
Like what is the point

Is that an issue?


Stop calling us Nazis, thats a derogatory word. We are National Socialists.


Bam Magera, what will he do next?

Newfags etc. You should include some kike exposure in with your posts. Not only does an image increase the chance of your post being read by multiple times, but it derails a shill thread into kike exposure etc.




Replace "patriarchy" with "women" and you sound misogynist, so what was your point again? That changing words of a statement changes it's meaning?